Secretarial work.
Secretarial work can be divided into three areas:
1. routine duties
2. assigned tasks
3. original work
Routine Duties
All sescretarial jobs involve some routine tasks, although automation has reduced the amount of routine work required.
The multifunctional secretary and the administrative secretary performed such routine duties as opening the mail,filing,repleneshing supplies,answering the telephone, and locking up confidential materials at the end of the day.
The correspondence secretary locates already transcribed materials and reproduces additional copies.
Assigned Tasks
Assigned tasks are those that are given to the secretary by the employer.
The task can be simple,complex,or a mixture of both.
In any event, it is work that must be done,usually in a limited amount of time.
Tasks assigned to either the multifunctional secretary or the administrative secretary may include:
making travel reservations,
making a bank deposit,
or getting technical material from the library.
In completing these assignments the secretary may have to make ajusments in the work schedule to accomodate emergencies.
The correspodence secretary performs such assigned tasks as:
transcribing a letter or report,
inserting changes in a report,
or merging addresses and content so that identical letters can be sent to several correspondents.
Original Work
Original work is defined here as that area of responsibility in which that secretary displays initiative and creativity in assisting the employer.
Work that demonstrates thinking ahead or following through on the part of the secretary is typical of this secretary.
The opportunities for creative work on the part of secretary depend largely on to the executive willingness to delegate responsibility.
Read more: Popham Tilton.Jackson.Hanna, Secretarial Procedures and Administration,Eigth Editon, by South Western Publishing Co, Cincinnati,Ohio,1983.
Jumat, 05 November 2010
Selasa, 08 Juni 2010
Menciptakan Produk yang Laris Manis
Inovasi, Kreativitas, dan Pemasaran Yang Unggul
Pernahkah Anda mencoba motor produk Jepang, bagaimana rasanya dan iritnya pemakaian bensin. Semua orang di Kota, di Kampung, di Pelosok Tanah Air Indonesia dibanjiri motor Jepang. Jumlahnya diperkirakan telah mencapai 40 juta sepeda motor .
Jika harga 1 motor 10 juta, maka jumlah uang yang dihasilkan akan mencapai puluhan bahkan ratusan triliun, baru dari produk motor belum lagi dari produk mobil dan produk komersial lainnya seperti elektronik
Produk Unggulan
Inilah beberapa produk unggul dari Jepang, dan sekarang menyusul Korea Selatan. Jepang telah merajai produk mobil dan sepeda motor, elektronik dan alat rumah tangga. Dibidang produk elektronik, Korea Selatan berusaha muncul, lihat saja produk Samsung sudah mulai diperhitungkan di pasaran.
Kemauan Keras Untuk Maju
Suksesnya Negara tersebut didukung oleh kemauan keras masyarakat Jepang untuk maju dilingkungan pergaulan Internasional dengan berbagai inovasi, kreativitas, keberanian untuk maju dan menguasai pasar.
Indonesia Dengan Sumber Daya Yang Melimpah
Indonesia yang kaya dengan berbagai sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia bisa juga untuk mengejar segala ketertinggalannya dengan berbagai upaya, kemauan, disiplin dan kerja keras. Adalah suatu harapan yang menyadarkan kita untuk lebih maju ke depan.
Produk unggulan Indonesia seperti Kakao, Minyak Astiri, Kelapa Sawit, karet dan banyak produk lainnya masih bisa ditingkatkan untuk menambah devisa Negara.
(Selected Reading: Kompas, Rabu 9 Juni 2010, Inovasi Tiada Henti, Kiat Bisnis; Abun Sanda)
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
Accounting and Its Environment
This Chapter Explains:
The purpose of accounting and its role in business and society.
Who the primary users of accounting information are.
The distinction between financial and managerial accounting.
Some of the basic concepts and assumptions that underlie financial accounting.
The development of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
Career opportunities in accounting.
“What is accounting and why is it important?”
“How is accounting related to other areas of business?”
“Why should I study accounting?”
This chapter answers these questions and provides a perspective for your study of accounting by describing briefly the accounting profession, its past and present. This background should make it easier for you to understand the concepts and techniques that will be examined in later chapters.
The Role of Accounting
Making good decision is vital for success in any enterprise. When an important decision must be made, one involving the livelihood of many people, it becomes essential to use a rational decision-making process. The process is essentially the same no matter how complex the issue. First, the problem or question must be clearly identified. Next, the facts surrounding the situation must be gathered and analyzed. Finally, several alternative courses of action should be considered before a decision or judgment is reached.
When the matter to be determined has a financial aspect-when, for example, it involves how best to employ the limited resources available to a government, a business, or an individual-accounting is involved. This is because accounting is a system of ideas and procedures that guides us in the task of gathering, measuring, and communicating the information we need to make knowledgeable financial decisions.
The information supplied by accounting is in the form of quantitative data, primarily financial in nature, and is concerned with economic entities. An economic entity may be an individual; a business, such as a grocery store or a car dealership or a steel plant, that strives to make a profit; or a nonprofit organization, such as a hospital or a school or a government agency, that has as its goal the providing of service in an effective and efficient manner. Or it could be the total economy of a nation. Every entity, regardless of its size or purpose, must have a means of keeping track of its economic activities and measuring how well it is accomplishing its goals. Accounting provides the rules and the system for keeping score.
Without accounting information, investors, for example, would have no way of telling a profitable company from a failing one, bankers couldn’t distinguish between a sound loan and a foolhardy one, corporate managers would have no way of controlling costs, setting prices, or preparing budgets, and governments would have no basis for taxing income. No list of examples could fully represent the pervasive use of accounting information and ideas throughout the fabric of our economic, social, and political institutions. When accounting information is used effectively as a basis for making decisions, limited resources are utilized efficiently. This results in an improved economy and a higher standard of living.
Thus accounting is a service activity designed to accumulate, measure, and communicate economic data to various decision makers, some of whom (management) work within the economic entity and some of whom (investor and creditors, for example) do not.
The Relationship of Accounting to Business
Business is the general term applied to the production and distribution of goods and services. Some of the specific functions of business are the manufacturing and marketing of goods and the raising of capital by organizations that produce and sell those goods. Accounting is related to these functions because it is used to communicate financial information within a business and between businesses. As a result, accounting is often called the language of business; it provides the means of recognizing and recording the financial successes and failures of organizations.
All organizations have some activities in common. As depicted in exhibit 1-1, one common activity is the accumulation of money resources. These resources come from investors and creditors, and from the business itself in the form of earnings that have been retained. For many nonprofit organizations, the resources come from tax appropriations. Once resources are obtained, they are used to buy land, buildings, and equipment; to purchase material and supplies; to hire employees; and to meet any other expenses involved in the production and marketing of goods or services. When the product or services is sold. The revenues generated by a business are converted to money resources that can be returned to owners or used to pay off loan and to pay taxes. In addition, some resources may be retained in the business activity. The results of these activities are measured and communicated by accountants, who thus provide a basis for judging whether the entity has attained its financial objectives.
In order to measure these results as accurately as possible, accountants follow a standard set of procedures, usually referred to as the accounting process, or the accounting cycle. The cycle includes several steps, which involve analyzing, recording, classifying, summarizing, reporting, and interpreting accounting data. These steps are explained in detail in Chapter 3.
To Summarizing
Accounting is a service activity designed to accumulate, measure, and communicate economic information. It provides quantitative data, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities-business and nonprofit organizations. Its purpose is to provide information that leads to intelligent decisions about how best to use limited resources. Accounting is often called the language of business since it provides the means of recognizing and recording the financial status and operating results of business entities.
Accounting and Environment
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
Pelatihan Penjualan Yang Sukses
Pelatihan Aturan
Ada sembilan aturan dasar untuk pelatihan:
1. Kapasitas suatu pelatihan adalah penting dalam menentukan apa yang ia dapat belajar dan berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan. Semua individu tidak sama dalam intelijen. Oleh karena itu penting bahwa Anda cocok dengan tempo instruksi kepada peserta pelatihan kemampuan untuk menyerap. Bahkan yang paling tertarik lebih ramping tidak akan Anda mahasiswa terbaik jika Anda berjalan terlalu cepat atau terlalu lambat.
2. Tingkat belajar, yang didasarkan pada usia peserta pelatihan, pengalaman, dan latar belakang, adalah penting dalam menentukan seberapa cepat dia dapat belajar. Seseorang dengan latar belakang penjualan akan belajar, mengatakan, prospek prosedur lebih mudah daripada orang yang tidak mempunyai pengalaman penjualan sebelumnya. Sejarah peserta pelatihan harus dipertimbangkan seluruh program pelatihan.
3. Hal-hal yang dipelajari dan dipahami dipertahankan biasanya lebih baik daripada hal-hal yang dipelajari dengan menghafal. Ketika Anda menjelaskan prosedur tertentu, orang-orang Anda akan tetap belajar lebih mudah jika Anda menyertakan dan penjelasan tentang "mengapa."
4. Praktek didistribusikan melalui beberapa periode ini lebih ekonomis dalam belajar daripada jumlah yang sama praktek terkonsentrasi ke dalam satu periode. Misalnya, kemampuan seseorang untuk benar menggunakan formulir yang diperlukan akan lebih besar jika Anda memiliki dia praktek penggunaannya secara berkala setelah penjelasan asli.
5. Ketika mengajar orang untuk menguasai keterampilan tertentu, yang terbaik adalah untuk menunjukkan kinerja dalam cara yang sama seperti pelajar akan melihat kalau ia sedang melakukan pekerjaan sendiri. Sebagai contoh, ketika menjelaskan bagaimana untuk menunjukkan mesin tertentu, pastikan peserta pelatihan secara fisik melihat mesin dari posisi ia akan memiliki ketika benar-benar melakukan demonstrasi.
6. Menunjukkan dan menjelaskan kesalahan dalam cara melakukan sesuatu yang dapat menyebabkan peningkatan belajar. Menyadari kesalahan umum peserta pelatihan akan membantu menghindari membuat kesalahan yang sama.
7. Lebih mudah untuk mengenali sesuatu daripada mengingat itu. Pengetahuan peserta pelatihan bentuk, catatan, dan laporan Anda akan lebih besar jika tetap benar selesai salinan untuk referensi.
8. Belajar adalah dibantu oleh praktek aktif bukan pasif penerimaan. Selain mengungkapkan sejauh mana peserta pelatihan di bawah berdiri, tindakan fisik "melakukan" akan memfasilitasi belajarnya, karena ia akan menggunakan indra penglihatannya dan menyentuh selain rasa pendengaran.
9. Pengetahuan mengarah pada peningkatan hasil dalam belajar. Memperbaiki kesalahan dan kesalahpahaman segera setelah mereka jelas untuk mencegah mempelajari cara yang salah. Pengakuan hal-hal yang dilakukan dengan benar akan memungkinkan peserta pelatihan untuk mengkonfirmasi pemahamannya. Kombinasi arus mengoreksi kesalahan dan mengakui hal-hal yang dilakukan dengan benar akan memberikan arah dan keyakinan positif, yang merupakan alat bantu untuk belajar.
(Selected Reading: Ian E. Mc Laughlin; Successful Sales; 1982 CBI Publishing Company, inc; halaman 5-6)
Senin, 08 Februari 2010
Menyiasati Usaha yang Rugi
Keluhan Saudara Emong Peternak Ayam Broiler
Saya Emonk, seorang pengusaha kecil di bidang peternakan yaitu berternak ayam broiler, tapi setalah 3 kali panen, saya cuma 1 kali mendapat keuntungan itu pun cuma sedikit, sisanya 2 kali rugi. Nah, saya mau menanyakan bagaimana cara menyiasati untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dari usaha tersebut? Mohon petunjuk dan arahannya. Terimakasih.
Balasan Dari Bang Sentul Menyiasati Usaha Yang Rugi
Dari uraian pertanyaan tersebut, untuk menyiasati kerugian perusahaan ada beberapa hal yang perlu Anda ketahui (What Should You Know) :
The Entrepreneur and Selling
Banyak orang ingin menjadi pelaku usaha, termasuk salah satu rekan kita saudara Emong yang berusaha di bidang peternakan ayam broiler yang saat ini sedang merugi. Namun, keinginan tersebut perlu didukung oleh kemampuan dan keterampilan berusaha. Kalau demikian seandainya ada rencana membuka usaha sendiri salah satu kunci sukses adalah tergantung pada keterampilan penjualan (If you plan to own business, be assured that your success rests heavily on your selling skills).
Keberhasilan dalam penjualan barang dan jasa merupakan dasar kelanjutannya berhasil sebagai pengusaha (His success in selling goods services provided the basis for his later success as an entrepreneur).
Competition Is Keen
Kompetisi adalah suatu hal yang biasa dihadapi dalam bisnis, namun bagaimana tim penjualan bisa melakukan penjualan barang kepada konsumen dengan memuaskan. Bidang penjualan adalah suatu jasa yang harus diberikan kepada mayarakat (Selling is a service that society has found must be done).
Faktor-faktor Apakah Yang Harus Diperhatikan Oleh Penjual
1. Kualitas produksi: barang yang dijual harus berkualitas, sehingga konsumen puas.
2. Mengenal dan memahami kebutuhan pelanggan.
3. Pelayanan yang baik. (availability of excellent servicing facilities)
4. Masalah distribusi (Company’s distribution policies).
5. Persaingan (Competition).
6. Penyerahan tepat waktu (Prompt deliveries).
Saran-saran Lain
Bang Sentul berpesan, agar rumus 2×2=7 dipraktekkan sebagai salah satu siasat supaya perusahaan tidak merugi. Mungkin di antara sahabat Kompasiana ada yang bisa membantu memberi saran kepada saudara Emong pelaku usaha kecil di bidang peternakan ayam.
Terimakasih, Salam Sentul Instruktur Successful Sales Training- Gratiiiissss…..ha…ha…ha…
(Selected Reading: Selling Principles and Practices; Frederic A.Russell, Frank H.Beach,Richard H.Bukirk)
Menyiasati Usaha yang Rugi
Jumat, 01 Januari 2010
Teaching foreign-language skills
For student and teacher
This book has been written especially for those of you who are preparing to become foreign-language teachers .It will also be useful to practicing teachers who wish to familiarize themselves with contemporary thinking on matters of language and the processes of language learning.
Some of you will expect a book of this type to tell you exactly what techniques to use to present any particular aspect of the language you are teaching to students at a certainly level.
Belajar kata kata dan kalimat dalam bahasa ingris dan Indonesia
Dalam 10 kata hanya menjawab 50% nya yaitu 5kata
Dimana alamat baru mu :where is you’re a new address
Harap menulis surat dengan alamat kantor saya:Please write letter with my office address
Udara di gunung segar:the air is fresh in the mountains
Mudah-mudahan dia panjang umur:I hope he has a long life
*K.terbang:Air plane
Kapal terbang di udara:the air plane is In the air
*L.terbang:Air port
Di sini ada lapangan internasional:this is international air port
Kata kata yang salah
Anto selalu mengalami kecelakaan:anto always has anccident
Ke sebrang:across
Anjing menyebrang ke taman:the dog runs across the park
Lia menambah gula ke the nya:lia adds sugar to her tea
Saya menasihati anda untuk pergi sekarang:I advise you to go now
Di mana alamat mu:where is your address
umur:12 tahun,
pelajar:smpn 1 garut,kelas:8f,
alamat sekolah:jln ahmad yani,
alamat rumah:jln cimanuk no 140,
nama ortu:irna triana,anton wka,
hoby:main catur,
mengikuti kursus bahasa ingris di:college garut,
pesan:mari mengisi liburan dengan berbahasa ingris kawan-kawan.
Tips:kalau bahasa ingris jangan lah dipersulit
All jika kalian ingin belajar bahasa ingris belajar lah dengan kakek saya:
Bpk.hj.herias sumarna
No hp:081809081011
Gratis lho gak pake bayar malah pulang nya di kasih uang jajan
Siapa yang mau ikut??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This book has been written especially for those of you who are preparing to become foreign-language teachers .It will also be useful to practicing teachers who wish to familiarize themselves with contemporary thinking on matters of language and the processes of language learning.
Some of you will expect a book of this type to tell you exactly what techniques to use to present any particular aspect of the language you are teaching to students at a certainly level.
Belajar kata kata dan kalimat dalam bahasa ingris dan Indonesia
Dalam 10 kata hanya menjawab 50% nya yaitu 5kata
Dimana alamat baru mu :where is you’re a new address
Harap menulis surat dengan alamat kantor saya:Please write letter with my office address
Udara di gunung segar:the air is fresh in the mountains
Mudah-mudahan dia panjang umur:I hope he has a long life
*K.terbang:Air plane
Kapal terbang di udara:the air plane is In the air
*L.terbang:Air port
Di sini ada lapangan internasional:this is international air port
Kata kata yang salah
Anto selalu mengalami kecelakaan:anto always has anccident
Ke sebrang:across
Anjing menyebrang ke taman:the dog runs across the park
Lia menambah gula ke the nya:lia adds sugar to her tea
Saya menasihati anda untuk pergi sekarang:I advise you to go now
Di mana alamat mu:where is your address
umur:12 tahun,
pelajar:smpn 1 garut,kelas:8f,
alamat sekolah:jln ahmad yani,
alamat rumah:jln cimanuk no 140,
nama ortu:irna triana,anton wka,
hoby:main catur,
mengikuti kursus bahasa ingris di:college garut,
pesan:mari mengisi liburan dengan berbahasa ingris kawan-kawan.
Tips:kalau bahasa ingris jangan lah dipersulit
All jika kalian ingin belajar bahasa ingris belajar lah dengan kakek saya:
Bpk.hj.herias sumarna
No hp:081809081011
Gratis lho gak pake bayar malah pulang nya di kasih uang jajan
Siapa yang mau ikut??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
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