For student and teacher
This book has been written especially for those of you who are preparing to become foreign-language teachers .It will also be useful to practicing teachers who wish to familiarize themselves with contemporary thinking on matters of language and the processes of language learning.
Some of you will expect a book of this type to tell you exactly what techniques to use to present any particular aspect of the language you are teaching to students at a certainly level.
Belajar kata kata dan kalimat dalam bahasa ingris dan Indonesia
Dalam 10 kata hanya menjawab 50% nya yaitu 5kata
Dimana alamat baru mu :where is you’re a new address
Harap menulis surat dengan alamat kantor saya:Please write letter with my office address
Udara di gunung segar:the air is fresh in the mountains
Mudah-mudahan dia panjang umur:I hope he has a long life
*K.terbang:Air plane
Kapal terbang di udara:the air plane is In the air
*L.terbang:Air port
Di sini ada lapangan internasional:this is international air port
Kata kata yang salah
Anto selalu mengalami kecelakaan:anto always has anccident
Ke sebrang:across
Anjing menyebrang ke taman:the dog runs across the park
Lia menambah gula ke the nya:lia adds sugar to her tea
Saya menasihati anda untuk pergi sekarang:I advise you to go now
Di mana alamat mu:where is your address
umur:12 tahun,
pelajar:smpn 1 garut,kelas:8f,
alamat sekolah:jln ahmad yani,
alamat rumah:jln cimanuk no 140,
nama ortu:irna triana,anton wka,
hoby:main catur,
mengikuti kursus bahasa ingris di:college garut,
pesan:mari mengisi liburan dengan berbahasa ingris kawan-kawan.
Tips:kalau bahasa ingris jangan lah dipersulit
All jika kalian ingin belajar bahasa ingris belajar lah dengan kakek saya:
Bpk.hj.herias sumarna
No hp:081809081011
Gratis lho gak pake bayar malah pulang nya di kasih uang jajan
Siapa yang mau ikut??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!