Secretarial work.
Secretarial work can be divided into three areas:
1. routine duties
2. assigned tasks
3. original work
Routine Duties
All sescretarial jobs involve some routine tasks, although automation has reduced the amount of routine work required.
The multifunctional secretary and the administrative secretary performed such routine duties as opening the mail,filing,repleneshing supplies,answering the telephone, and locking up confidential materials at the end of the day.
The correspondence secretary locates already transcribed materials and reproduces additional copies.
Assigned Tasks
Assigned tasks are those that are given to the secretary by the employer.
The task can be simple,complex,or a mixture of both.
In any event, it is work that must be done,usually in a limited amount of time.
Tasks assigned to either the multifunctional secretary or the administrative secretary may include:
making travel reservations,
making a bank deposit,
or getting technical material from the library.
In completing these assignments the secretary may have to make ajusments in the work schedule to accomodate emergencies.
The correspodence secretary performs such assigned tasks as:
transcribing a letter or report,
inserting changes in a report,
or merging addresses and content so that identical letters can be sent to several correspondents.
Original Work
Original work is defined here as that area of responsibility in which that secretary displays initiative and creativity in assisting the employer.
Work that demonstrates thinking ahead or following through on the part of the secretary is typical of this secretary.
The opportunities for creative work on the part of secretary depend largely on to the executive willingness to delegate responsibility.
Read more: Popham Tilton.Jackson.Hanna, Secretarial Procedures and Administration,Eigth Editon, by South Western Publishing Co, Cincinnati,Ohio,1983.