Ninety nine per cent of the time a go letter should be short and to the point.No one should have to waste time digging out the message from a mass of verbiage.The letter's simple wording,its directness,and even its physical appearance should help the reader get the message immediately.A good letter,at the same time,should create a feeling of cooperativeness and good will in the person it is addressed to.
The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch wits its customers,often enough it is the only one and customers form theier impression of the firm form the tone and quality of the letters it send out.
Write simply.
The whole secret of good business letter writing is to write simply,in an easy and natural way - like one friendly human being talking to another.Make your letters,then,sound as much as possible like good conversation.
The rules of good business letter-writing as follows:
1. Think first of the reader and address yourself to his interests.Tell him all he
wants to know and don't leave him to guess between the lines.
2. Adopt a tone suited to the occasion and the purpose of the letter.
3. Write naturally,as you would talk, using plain and familiar words.
4. Write clearly and to the point. The dominant need in all business writing
is exactness expressed in language that is absolutely clear.
5. Write courteously and make your letter sound friendly and sincere.
6. Avoid wordiness,but at the same time remember that that it is important to be
clear and courteous even if it means using more words.
7. Avoid commercial jargon with it roundabout and meaningless forms of expression.
8. Write effectively - by using simple language, by being consistent and precise.
9. Avoid monotony - by introducing variety.
10.Write to a plan if your letter is long or specially important.
11.Pay special attention to the opening and closing paragraphs - first and last
impressions leave a special mark on the reader.
12.Check your letters.
All these are matters of importance and we shall now take a closer look at each one of them.( L. Gartsida, MODEL BUSINESS LETTERS, LOW-PRICED EDITION halaman 2-3 )
Jakarta,Monday,October 19,2009
A real business needs too much confidence as that is the base of a business skill. A business man must be confident enough to make sure of this customer about his business. Then only the customer could be satisfied. Customer satisfaction is a must for the success of the business which should be cultivated through the inner confidence lying in the business mind. As already denoted letter drafting for the business, even though we have most updated communication facilities nowadays. Simultaneously good business man has to get the confidence of his customer. Whit this purpose the customer should be prepared by motivating them. So that definitely there should be something to know and remember in the mind of the businessman. These are some points specifically given to take in consideration, when trying to win the customers confidence. These are some points to take in consideration trying to win the reader’s confidence.
1.Don’t try to fool the customer about anything.
2.Throw out all exaggerated claims.
3.Tell less than the whole truth if the whole truth is unbelievable.
4.Beware of innocent misstatement.
5.Bear in mind that the customer will disbelieve everything you say, if he recognizes a single misstatement.
6.Don’t try overwhelming your customers with great claims.
7.Back up your claims with proof, guarantees, and testimonials.
8.Write in a manner that will make the customer like you, for people are more inclined to trust those they like.
9.Use winning logic.
10.If you are wrong, you should admit it.
( Varshan Stery, HOW TO WRITE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LETTER,2004, Page 25-26 )
Jakarta Monday, October,19, 2009
Your ability to choose and use the right word depends upon the range of your vocabulary, and this will be adequate only if you take opportunities to talk with educated people, to read criticlly, and to use and study your dictionary.
Some words tend to encroach on others that are better. The use of such encroaching word is something you must try to avoid. In the list that follows are a number of these word, and of others that are frequently misused:
The following examples illustrate the right and wrong use of some of these words frequently used in business correspondence.
Advise, inform
We will advise you as soon as the goods are ready (say inform)
We advise you not to accept the price offered (i.e. give you counsel)
Allude, mention
The matter alluded to in your letter will be considered at our next meeting (say mentioned)
He was alluding to one of us (i.e. hinting at someone not actually mentioned)
Anticipate, expect
We do not anticipate any difficulty in meeting your request (say expect)
We anticipated your request for quick delivery and sent the goods this morning (i.e. acted in advance)
Appreciate, realize
You will no doubt Appreciate that we cannot allow a discount (say realize, understand)
Your help is very much appreciated (i.e. valued)
Appropriate, relevant
We shall study the part played by the appropriate financial institutions in providing the capital needed (say relevant )
The speech made by the chairman was not appropriate for the occasion (i.e. not suitable)
Capacity, ability
He has an unusual capacity for organizing ( say ability)
His capacity for foreign languages is quite remarkable )i.e. his power to acquire)
Compensate, remunerate
We shall compensate you for the work done (say remunerate)
We shall compensate you for any loss sustained (i.e. good any loss)
Comprise, compose
The five members who comprise the committee all hope to be present (say compose, or better still, form)
the committee comprises five elected representatives (i.e. includes)
depreciate, deteriorate
perishable goods depreciate quickly unless carefully stored (say deteriorate)
The pound depreciated under pressure on the foreign exchanges (i.e. fell in value)
disinterested, uninterested
as I have attended all meetings you can hardly accuse me of being disinterested (say uninterested ).
We suggest the matter be referred to someone who is disinterested (i.e. not biased)
Expect, believe
We expect you were quite right to decline the offer (say believe)
We expect to hear from you soon (i.e. like to hear from you )
Feel, think
I cannot half feeling that the terms are unreasonable (say thinking)
Despite the absence of evidence I feel he has acted wisely (i.e. feel instinctiviely)
Individual, person
He is a most reliable individual (say person)
A distinction must be drawn between the individual and the group (i.e. the single person)
Integrate, co-ordinate
The formation of a pool will integrate the work of the typists (say co-ordinate )
The advertising department will now be integrated with the sales department under the sales manager (i.e. will form one with the sales department)
Likely, liable
We are likely to fail in our attempts to increase profits (say liable)
It is likely that she will take offence if you criticize her (i.e. probable)
Loan, lend
We are willing to loan you £200 for a month (say lend )
The Council will grant a loan of £200 (i.e. a sum of money)
Meantime, meanwhile
I shall be away until Friday; meantime, perhaps you will complete this report (say meanwhile, or in the meantime)
The manager will return next Monday; meanwhile (or in the meantime). Mr X will act as his deputy.
Mutual, common
We refer you to our mutual friends, Messrs X & Co. (say to X & Co; who are well known to both of us)
We are glad to think that our mutually good relations will not be impaired by the difficulties that have arisn (i.e. our relations with each other )
Practical, practicable
To complete the work by the time stated is not practical (say practicable)
What is practicable is not always practical (i.e. what is possible is not always profitable).
Transpire, occur
The accident transpired as he left the meeting (say occurred)
It has transpired that the directors could not agree (i.e. become known)
Note: Correspondence is not of course concerned with pronunciation, but many business contacts are of the personal kind or by telephone, and if you are to create a good impression with educated business acquaintances correct speaking is essential.
(L. Gartside, MODERN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. 1989, Page,82,84 - 86 )