Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Pelayanan Konsumen…Apakah Memuaskan.??

Anda punya toko di pinggir jalan besar, berjualan apa saja seperti kain, elektronik, makanan, dan lain-lain. Coba buat statistic tiga bulan terakhir, berapa konsumen yang masuk ke toko anda, berapa yang beli dan berapa orang yang melihat-lihat saja.
Pernahkah Anda mengadakan perbaikan atas kebutuhan konsumen dan ditanggapi secara baik?

Perusahaan dan Kunjungan Konsumen
Perubahan Gaya Hidup dan Tekhnologi
Perusahaan yang ingin tetap bertahan harus memahami perubahan gaya hidup dan kemajuan tekhnologi. Perkembangan trend begitu cepat, trend fashion yang ada di Luar Negeri bisa langsung trend di Indonesia.

Beradaptasi Dengan Konsumen
Berkembangnya Pasar-pasar modern bukan karena penyediaan fasilitas yang lengkap melainkan adanya kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan konsumen. Segala cara ditempuh agar konsumen merasa tertarik datang ke Pasar modern.

What Is Consumer Behavior
Perilaku konsumen adalah studi tentang unit pengambilan keputusan dan proses yang terlibat dalam memperoleh, dan membuang barang, jasa, pengalaman, dan ide.
Definisi perilaku konsumen juga mengakui bahwa konsumsi adalah suatu proses. Serangkaian langkah-langkah yang terlibat, mulai dari produk akuisisi, pindah ke konsumsi, dan berakhir dengan disposisi produk. Banyak penelitian perilaku konsumen berfokus pada pengadaan barang dan jasa.
Perilaku konsumen memberikan pengetahuan terbaik untuk studi tentang konsumen.

The Consumer Buying-Decision Process And The Factors That Influence It

1. Butuh pengakuan: konsumen pindah ke tindakan oleh kebutuhan.
2. Pilihan tingkat keterlibatan: konsumen memutuskan berapa banyak waktu dan
usaha untuk berinvestasi dalam tahap yang tersisa.
3. Identifikasi alternatif: Konsumen mengumpulkan informasi tentang produk dan
4. Evaluasi alternatif: konsumen menimbang pro dan kontra dari alternatif
5. Keputusan: konsumen memutuskan untuk membeli atau tidak atau untuk
6. Perilaku Postpurchase: konsumen berusaha untuk menyelesaikan
kegelisahan tentang pilihan dibuat.


Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Perangi Kemalasan Dengan Rajin Belajar

Pendidikan adalah proses pengubahan sikap dan tata laku seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam usaha mendewasakan manusia melalui upaya pengajaran dan latihan, proses perbuatan serta cara mendidik.
Ada beberapa pengertian mengenai pendidikan; Pendidikan adalah “educare” yaitu mengeluarkan dan menuntun, tindakan merealisasikan potensi anak yang dibawa waktu dilahirkan di dunia(Romawi).
Menurut Bangsa Yunani, pendidikan adalah “pedagogic” yaitu ilmu menuntun anak. Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia(KBBI), pendidikan berasal dari kata dasar didik(mendidik), yaitu: memelihara dan memberi latihan mengenal akhlak dan kecerdasan pikiran. ( Griya Ilmu, Kompas 21 Des.2009).

How To Study Written Material Effectivity?
Penyakit malas kadang-kadang datang mendahului begitu seseorang ingin mulai belajar. Belum lagi waktu berebut dengan kebutuhan.Namun tidak perlu mengalah lawan dengan tekad dan kemauan yang keras.Tekad dan kemauan tidak cukup harus ditunjang dengan cara atau metode belajar yang efektif.

You Can Achive Efective StudyThrough Use of the SQ3R.

Apa itu SQ3R? SQ3R adalah terdiri dari 5 kata,yaitu: (1). SurveyPenelitian; (2). QuestionPertanyaan; (3). ReadMembaca; (4). Recitemengucapkan; (5). ReviewTinjauan.

An Active Study Method Must Begin With A Survey Of The Material To Be Read

Fokuskan pikiran pada materi yang diminati, luangkan waktu untuk memulai dan mengadakan survey bab yang dibutuhkan.
Maksud daripada survey adalah untuk lebih mengenal topik dalam bab tersebut.

Ready To Read A Chapter Section

Dalam membaca sebaiknya menggunakan pikiran yang kritis, seolah-olah sedang mengadakan Tanya jawab dengan diri sendiri.

Ask Your Self a Question
Susun pertanyaan sendiri sebelum membaca tiap bab, untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang sudah dipelajari.

Recite The Answer To Your Question
Dengan mengucapkan apa yang dibaca akan membantu ingatan, sekaligus memahami materi yang dibaca.

Review The Question Taken From The headings Of Each Chapter Section
Adakan ulasan bab demi bab untuk dipahami secara benar.

Case Briefing System
Buatlah catatan singkat mengenai apa yang dipelajari, penjelasan singkat akan memberikan gambaran yang baik mengenai hal-hal yang dipelajari.

( Selected Readings: Kompas, Senin, 21 Desember 2009, hal. C; The Legal Environment of Business, Robert N. Corley, O. Lee Reed,1987)

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Money Make Money

Money Plays a Very Important Role In Our Daily Lives
Dalam kehidupan manusia, tiap hari kita akan berhubungan langsung atau tidak langsung dengan uang. Ada yang beranggapan uang menimbulkan kebahagiaan. Kemana-mana harus ada uang di dompet, sekali lupa tidak bawa uang badan terasa panas dingin.

Money Just Doesn’t Grow On Trees
Teman saya Mr Rim (nama samaran), menduduki posisi penting sebagai top manager di suatu perusahaan. Dia sudah 20 tahun mengabdi mulai dari posisi paling bawah sampai ke posisi paling atas. Orang mengenalnya sebagai pejabat yang super sibuk, hasilnya rumah besar, punya istri satu, dan anak tiga.
Mr. Rim menghabiskan hampir seluruh waktunya dengan kesibukan kantor, hanya sedikit sisa waktu untuk kehidupan pribadinya.

Improve Skills Entrepreneurship
1. Motivasi-diri dan disiplin-diri (Self-motivation and discipline)
2. Kepercayaan (Confidence)
3. Keterampilan berkomunikasi (Communication skill)
4. Organisasi (Organization)
5. Gairah dan sebuah sikap positif (Passion and a positive attitude)
6. Ketentuan dan kegigihan (Persistence and perseverance)
7. Keahlian (expertise)
8. Mimpi dan sasaran (Dreams and goals)

Money Make Money
Mr. Rim nampaknya sangat pintar memutarkan uang. Uang disimpan di Bank dalam bentuk deposito dengan bunga 6% setahun. Dengan jaminan Deposito, dia pinjam ke Bank senilai 80% dari nilai deposito, bunga pinjaman Bank 8% pertahun.
Uang hasil dari pinjaman Bank dia investasikan lagi pada barang-barang yang prospeknya naik terus.
Dia membeli Ruko, selanjutnya disewakan kembali seharga Rp. 60 juta pertahun. Begitulah seterusnya sampai sekarang ia memiliki enam buah Ruko dan satu buah Rumah mentereng di Jakarta.
Dilihat dari pengalaman Mr. Rim dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk mencapai kebebasan financial membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun, kerja keras, pengorbanan, dan disiplin diri.
Kunci Utama Menuju Kekayaan Dapat Diringkas Dengan Kata: “Kesederhanaan” (Jhon C. Bogle, Pendiri dan Pimpinan Emeritus, The Vanguard Group)

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Belajar Peduli Pendidikan

Mewujudkan mimpi anak anak miskin agar bisa sekolah.
Mungkin diantara kita sudah mengenal Shakira (32),penyanyi pop Latin penerima penghargaan Grammy, merupakan sosok diatas rata rata.

Beberapa prestasi yang telah dicapai:

1. Penulis di majalah Economist soal pendidikan. Pernyataan penting yang terus dikenang,"Tidak ada anak anak yang bermimpi menjadi militan atau menjadi pengedar obat obat terlarang.
2. Berusaha ikut mengatasi kemiskinan. " Hanya pendidikan yang bisa mengatasi kemiskinan. di Dunia ini,masih ada 72 juta anak tak bersekolah dan 226 juta anak tak melanjutkan kesekolah lanjutan" katanya.
3. Mendirikan Yayasan Pies Descalzos di Kolombia.
4.Pendidikan Dunia lebih penting dibanding dominasi Dunia. Mengirim 30.000 pendidik lebih baik dari pada 30.000 tentara.
5. Kuliah di University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) mempelajari Peradaban Barat.
6. Sebagai pembicara di Oxford University,Inggris. dia menyerukan dibukanya akses Universal bagi semua orang untuk menikmati pendidikan sebagai sarana mewujudkan perdamaian Dunia.

Strategi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
Tujuan dari strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia adalah meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi, Sosial, budaya, dan politik dan membuka kesempatan berpartisipasi dalam menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih sejahtera bagi semua orang yang mendambakannya.
semoga kontribusi peduli pendidikan dari Shakira menjadi contoh bagi orang yang mencintai Pendidikan.Akhirnya kita berharap sama-sama untuk lebih peduli pada pendidikan dalam rangka upaya lebih lanjut bagi peningkatan kwalitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia.

Selected Reading,"Nama & Peristiwa,Kompas, Kamis 10 Desember 2009,hal 32.

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Don’t Talk Too Much,Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Jangan banyak bicara, tindakan lebih penting dari kata-kata (Belajar Lingkungan pada Putra Daerah)
Adalah seorang Putra Daerah bernama Sarni, alamat: Dusun Claket, Bulugunung, Plaosan, Magetan, Jawa Timur, Pendidikan terahir SD Negri Bulugunung, Plaosan, Magetan, Jawa Timur, Lahir Magetan, 19 juni 1953,Jawa Timur.

Penerima Dua Penghargaan
Sarni pun menerima dua kali penghargaan dibidang Lingkungan: Pertama, Penghargaan Kalpataru bidang Pengabdi Lingkungan yang diserahkan oleh Presiden BJ Habibie (1998). Kedua, Sarni menerima tanda kehormatan Satya Lencana Pembangunan yang diserahkan oleh Wakil Presiden Boediono sebagai penghargaan atas konsistensinya menjaga lingkungan Hidup setelah menerima Kalpataru sebelas tahun silam.

Pelestari Lingkungan
Tugas Sarni sangat berat harus berjalan kaki dua setengah Km menelusuri saluran air dilereng Gunung Lawu ke Sarangan, walaupun berat, Sarni menjalankan tugasnya dengan sepenuh hati.

Sering Berinteraksi dengan Warga
Dalam menjalankan tugasnya dia sering berinteraksi dengan masyarakat mengajak dan menyadarkan warga akan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian Telaga Sarangan.

He is a man of action
Prestasi yang dicapai
1.Membenahi saluaran air dengan cara membangun saluran dengan lapisan semen sepanjang 3 Km.
2.Pemasangan peralon dari sumber air kepemukiman Warga di Desa Sarangan dan Ngancar.
3.Memotifasi Warga pentingnya penggunaan air secara hemat.
4.Mengajak Warga untuk menanam bibit pohon disekitar Talaga Sarangan dan memasok air ketelaga
5.Menjaga lingkungn tetap lestari.
6.Menularkan Ilmu pada Masyarakat tentang penyediaan bibit pohon,pemungutan sampah plastik, pengolahan sampah menjadi pupuk kompos Organik

Don’t talk too much,actions speak louder than words

Ojo Ngomong tok (Jangan ngomong saja)’,seluruh upaya ini bisa berhasil setelah dirinya sendiri ikut menerapkannya.Tanpa Itu,dia yakin tidak bisa mengubah warga.”kalo tidak ada contoh, orang lain tidak akan mau mengikutinya.”

Selected Reading.”SOSOK”kompas, Senin,7 Desember 2009, Hal 16.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Belajar Bisnis Dari Orang Buta

Historical Background
Latar belakang pekerjaan sebelumnya
Rahman (Nama Samaran) dulunya bekerja pada Juragan Teh di Daerah Cisarua Bogor,Puncak Jawa Barat.Karena menderita suatu penyakit,akhirnya kedua matanya tidak bisa melihat.Pekerjaan sebagai penjaga dan pembersih rumah tidak bisa dilaksanakan dengan baik.Tiga bulan kemudian sang majikan menanyakan kepada Rahman,apakah masih sanggup melaksanakan pekerjaan sedangkan kondisi phisik tidak memungkinkan.Rahman merasa dirinya sudah tidak mampu menjalankan tugasnya,kemudian dia mengajukan permohonan berhenti dari pekerjaannya.

Working capital resources

Mulai merintis wirausaha
Dari hasil tabungannya selama dia bekerja ditambah uang pangdeudeuh (semacam uang pesangon dari Juragan Kebun),Rahman memilih Dunia Baru yaitu membuka warung rokok dan sembako.

Freedom of choice
Mengapa memilih Wirausaha
Pilihan menjadi wirausaha karena tidak ada pilihan lain,melamar kerja lagi tidak mungkin ada yang menerima,kalau pun ada yang menerima,karena ada rasa belas kasihan dari orang,Rahman punya prinsip tidak mau menjadi beban orang lain.Rahman mau keluar dari kesulitan dan menjadi orang bebas.

Motif utama adalah kebebasan
Bagi pelaku usaha seperti Rahman daya tarik yang paling besar bukan semata-mata uang melainkan adanya kebebasan waktu yang dimiliki untuk dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya dan berkarya,bahwa hasil jerih payah menghasilkan uang.

Adanya Peluang (ketemu Bankir)
Pada suatu kesempatan,Rahman diantar keponakannya datang kekantor Bank Cab Pembantu untuk menyetor hasil penjualannya,melihat nasabahnya jalannya dibantu seorang pemuda petugas Bank menyapa “

Petugas Bank.....”Pak maaf nampaknya Bapak tidak melihat sampai repot-repot datang ke Bank?

Rohman......”Saya mau Nabung, kebetulan saya punya uang sedikit”

Petugas Bank.....”Saya bangga kepada bapak kondisi phisik Bapak seperti ini masih berusaha, apalagi kalau bapak bisa melihat akan lebih maju lagi.

Rohman.....”Oh tidak Pak justru kalau bisa melihat,mungkin nasib saya masih menjadi tukang kebun seperti dulu, syukur alhamdullilah saya masih diberi Tuhan akal dan pikiran sehat sehingga saya masih bisa berolah pikir untuk merobah nasib, saya ingat sabda Rosululullah saw…”Barang siapa yang senantiasa memohon ampun,Allah akan membuatkan untuknya,untuk setiap duka cita,sebuah kebahagiaan,dan untuk setiap situasi yang sulit,sebuah jalan keluar,dan Dia akan menambahnya dengan makanan dari tempat yang tiada ia sangka-sangka datangnya.”(HR Abu Daud dan Ahmad).

The lives by a golden rule 'live simple live

Minggu, 29 November 2009

Mungkinkah Belajar Bisnis Di Pusat Perbelanjaan…..?

Pada hari Minggu tanggal 29 November 2009 saya memanfaatkan waktu untuk pergi ke Bandung, maklum Bandung dan sekitarnya selalu menarik saya karena berbagai fasilitas sebagai kota wisata, ada Taman Rekreasi, Kebun Binatang, dan banyak Mall sebagai Pusat Perbelanjaan. Rekreasi tidak harus menunggu liburan akhir tahun tetapi membawa keluarga pada akhir pekan juga menyenangkan dan menambah pengalaman baru bagi anak-anak untuk rekreasi.

Setelah menikmati keindahan Alam di Bandung Utara kami turun untuk mengunjungi salah satu Pusat Perbelanjaan di kota Bandung suasana cukup ramai,banyak Ibu-ibu dan Bapak-bapak membawa Keluarganya. Pusat permainan dan Pusat makanan tiap akhir pekan panen, dengan banyaknya pengunjung Pengusaha untung konsumen senang.

Do I Have Enough Information to Clearly Support My Objective?
Tujuan saya membawa keuarga ke Bandung dan berkunjung ke Pusat Perbelanjaan antara lain disamping berekreasi juga tujuannya adalah memberikan nuansa baru dan mengenalkan pada mereka suatu bisnis yang mempunyai prospek cerah yaitu bidang usaha makanan yang disukai para remaja.Apa yang bisa ditarik pelajaran dari kemajuan perusahan tersebut?

Definition of Marketing.
Suatu barang yang di produksi memerlukan pemasaran yang terarah dan tepat sasarannya. Pengertian pemasaran adalah suatu proses kegiatan bisnis meliputi perencanaan, penentuan harga, promosi, dan mendistribusikan produk tersebut kepasar sesuai dengan tujuan organisasi.(Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and distribute want satisfying products to target markets to achieve organizational objectives (William J. Stanton, Fundamental Of Marketing, Ninth Editon,USA,1991)

A Goal-Oriented Approach
Suatu organisasi dikembangkan untuk tujuan tertentu yang dinyatakan dalam tujuan dan sasarannya, (Organization are developed for specific function expressed in their goal and objectives). Termasuk didalamnya adalah penentuan perencanaan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan . Siapa yang mengerjakan, kapan waktunya dan dimana harus ditetapkan (Who is to do what, when, and where must be determined).

The Importannce Of Business To Consumer Behavior
Dipojok sebelah kiri ada ruangan begitu ramai dikunjungi konsumen, saya tertarik datang juga kesana dengan membawa keluarga.Ternyata yang dujual donat ,makanan ringan, berbagai minuman.Yang ingin dikemukakan disini adalah bagaiman mengelola suatu cafe dan mengelola para karyawannya:

1.Pengaturan ruangan, yang serasi tempat duduk yang teratur, konsumen merasa baru duduk saja sudah nikmat.
2.Pengaturan pelayanan, konsumen antri dengan tertib, memilih menu yang disukainya.
3.Pelayanan pembayaran, petugas Kasir dengan cekatan menghitung jumlah uang sesuai dengan menu yang harus di bayar.
4.Pelayanan lainnya,kalau jumlah yang dibeli cukup banyak maka pelayan mengantarkan pesanan ketempat duduk.

Developing a Supportive Climate
Salah satu tangung jawab dari seorang manager adalah mengembangkan dan memelihara partisipasi aktip dan hubungan dari bawahannya. Suasana lingkungan yang mendukung dapat tercipta jika seseorang merasa ada kebebasan berbicara dan mengembangkan kreativitasnya. Suasana diperusahaan akan terasa hidup jika ditandai kepercayaan,keterbukaan partisipasi dan indikator lainnya dimana organisasi berorientasi kepada sumber daya manusia (they are characterized by such things as trust, openness, participative decision making, and other indicators that the organization is people-oriented.Demikianlah sekelumit pengenalan pengantar Bisnis dan pulangnya kami membawa oleh-oleh untuk dibawa kerumah,kesimpulannya tujuan tercapai:Rekreasi senang ; makan kenyang ; dan Ilmu Bisnis dapat.

(Selected Readings:William J.Stanton Michael J.Etzel Bruce J.Walker”Fundamentals of Marketing-“Business Communication,Strategies and Solution.John W.Baird.James B.Stull)

Jumat, 20 November 2009

Discussions Can Be An Effective Tool For Change (Bagian 2 habis)

Menumbuhkan Budaya Berani Diskusi
Diskusi sebenarnya merupakan proses pendewasaan dan pengembangan diri sendiri. Dalam tatanan yang lebih teratur seperti di Lembaga Pendidikan Formal, Perusahaan atau Lembaga Pemerintahan, diskusi itu akan lebih bermakna dan berisi jika yang dibahas ada permasalahan, ada perumusan permasalahan, ada analisa permasalahan, dan ada solusinya. Jadi secara singkat diskusi itu mengarah pada problem solving.

Problem Solving

Kadang kala karena alasan waktu Sang Pemimpin menyerahkan masalah pada tim penasehat atau pada eselon kedua di bawahnya dengan pesan; coba selesaikan tapi tanpa diberikan pedoman yang harus diselesaikan sehingga membingungkan koordinator rapat. Seharusnya Sang Pemimpin berkata: Saya ingin membahas masalah ini secara tuntas - I want to talk over this problem once and for all - Masalah ini harus dibahas lebih dulu – This problem must be covered first.
Saya pikir saat ini terlalu banyak pembahasan dari pokok masalah - I think there has been too much discussions of this subject.
Jadi sebenarnya kalau Sang Pemimpin memberikan akar masalah yang jelas, para peserta diskusi tidak akan menjadi bingung, atau mungkin ada cara lain yang lebih tepat. Hal tersebut disesuaikan Kondisi, Situasi, Lingkungan, dan bentuk Organisasi.

Discussions Can Be An Effective Tool For Change
Diskusi yang positif terarah dan tepat sasaran akan membuka pintu bagi kemajuan perusahaan, beri kesempatan anak buah untuk menyampaikan pendapat-pendapatnya, tampung secara baik, buat kelompok dan tentukan jadwal diskusi secara teratur.
Moga-moga diskusi akan banyak bermanfaat bagi kehidupan berorganisasi, karena itu mulailah budayakan berani berdiskusi.
Dengan demikian, diskusi akan menjadi alat untuk mencapai perubahan dan kemajuan Perusahaan, sudahkan Anda memulainya?, bila belum silahkan mencoba. Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil. (Selected Reading: Sumber Daya Manusia untuk Indonesia Masa Depan, Penerbit PT Citra Putra Bangsa, dan Penerbit Mizan tahun 1996)

Discussions Can Be An Effective Tool For Change(Bagian 1 dari 2 Tulisan)

Budaya Berani Berdiskusi,Salah….atau Benar..?
Ada orang mengatakan bahwa terjadinya Pengangguran saat ini karena terbatasnya kesempatan kerja (Mungkin… Investor Asing dan Investor Lokal belum berani menanamkan modalnya sebab masih menunggu Iklim Investasi yang sehat dan tertibnya Hukum dan keberhasilan memberantas Korupsi...?)
Faktor lain karena lemahnya Kwalitas Sumber Daya Manusia.
Ada dua komponen dasar Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia: (1) Komponen Input yaitu: Kesehatan, Pendidikan, dan Keterampilan (2) Komponen Output yaitu: Angka Kematian, Harapan Hidup, kesegaran jasmani dan lain-lain.

Pengembangan Sumber Daya manusia
Ada tiga sisi peninjauan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia yaitu(1).Dari pengertian Ekonomi; (2).Dari segi Politik;(3).Dari segi Sosial Budaya.
Dalam pengertian Ekonomi, pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dapat digambarkan suatu asset yang perlu dikembangkan .
Dari segi Politik pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dipersiapkan untuk menjadikan manusia yang penuh dengan rasa tanggung jawab,berpartisipasi aktif dalam politik terutama dalam menumbuhkan sistem Demokrasi.
Dari segi Sosial Budaya pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dimaksudkan untuk membantu orang kearah kehidupan yang lebih sejahtera. Dari sudut pandang tersebut seharusnya proses pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia membuka pintu modernisasi ( Kemajuan yang mengikuti perubahan).

Banyak cara untuk pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia antara lain :
1.Melalui pendidikan formal-mulai dari pra Sekolah,Sekolah Dasar,Sekolah Lanjutan,Akademi dan Perguruan Tinggi.
2.Melalui Pendidikan non formal, dapat berupa Kursus-kursus atau Pendidikan jarak jauh (Long Distance Course), magang pada Perusahaan atau pada Organisasi lainnya.
3.Pengembangan Diri Sendiri yaitu seseorang atas inisiatif sendiri berusaha mendapatkan pengetahuan keterampilan dan belajar dari orang lain melalui diskusi kelompok. (Selected Reading: Sumber Daya Manusia untuk Indonesia Masa Depan, Penerbit PT Citra Putra Bangsa, dan Penerbit Mizan tahun 1996)

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Is there a Smile That's Part Of Instruments Promotion??

Adakah Senyum Itu Bagian Dari Instrumen Promosi ??
Tumbuhnya berbagai Pusat Perbelanjaan di berbagai Kota Besar sangat menggembirakan.Dikatakan menggembirakan karena Pusat Perbelanjaan saat ini telah memanjakan konsumen dengan berbagai fasilitasnya.Disisi lain dengan banyaknya konsumen,kegiatan usaha didalamnya banyak memperoleh manfaat,misalnya:
1.Pusat penyediaan makanan banyak dikunjungi pengunjung yang makan.
2.Toko yang menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan Primer dan Sekunder rajin melayani pembeli.

Faktor pelayanan menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan usaha. Pelayanan dapat bervariasi dan ada hubungannya dengan Produk (product), harga (Price), tempat (Place),Promosi (Promotion),melalui kemampuan fisik (Physical Evidence),melalui proses pelayanan (Process Design),dan melalui berbagai pelibatan (Participant).

Pelayanan Produk
Pelayanan produk artinya,konsumen dihadapkan kepada stock yang cukup.Sehingga konsumen mudah mencari barang yang diperlukan;Produk tidak Kadaluarsa baik isi maupun kemasannya.

Faktor Harga
Ada berbagai pelayanan yang menyangkut faktor harga antara lain:pemberian diskon;kupon berhadiah;kebijakan penjualan mingguan;harga spesial bagi konsumen yang memerlukan barang untuk dijual lagi.

Factor Lokasi
Lokasi yang jauh dari keramaian atau tempat pemukiman sangat mempengaruhi pendirian Supermarket,bila hal tersebutpun terjadi harus disertai ekstra pelayanan seperti,layanan pesanan barang .

Inti dari kegiatan Promosi
Promosi adalah fungsi pemasaran yang fokus untuk mengkomunikasikan program-program pemasaran secara persuasive kepada target audience (pelanggan-calon pelanggan) untuk mendorong terciptanya transaksi-pertukaran antara perusahaan dan audience.Kegiatan promosi dilakukan untuk mencapai berbagai tujuan sebagai berikut:
- Menciptakan atau meningkatkan awareness produk atau brand.
- Meningkatkan preferensi brand pada target pasar.
- Meningkatkan penjualan dan market share.
- Mendorong pembelian ulang merk yang sama.
- memperkenalkan produk yang baru.
- Menarik pelanggan baru (Cravans,1991)
Semakin banyak dilakukan promosi semakin banyak pula pengunjung datang.Promosi dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara antara lain pemasangan iklan di berbagai media cetak,media elektronik maupun media lainnya,biasanya promosi memerlukan anggaran yang besar.

Adakah senyum bagian dari Instrumen promosi?
Cara yang lebih mudah,praktis,dan hemat biayanya bila pengelola toko menempatkan pramuniaganya dengan orang-orang yang berpenampilan menarik,cantik,dan yang utama murah senyum,serta santun terhadap pelanggan. Dengan senyum menunjukkan keramah-tamahan,dengan senyum bisa menarik pembeli,.,Ada slogan mengatakan: “Karena keramahtamahanmu aku datang; karena senyummu aku kembali ;karena hargamu aku membeli; karena pelayananmu yang baik aku datang kembali”

Faktor keramahan,santun,dan murah senyum serta pelayanan yang baik dari petugas lapangan akan membawa pengaruh pembeli datang lagi ke Supermarket. Jadi keramah-tamahan merupakan factor keunggulan yang harus diusahakan.

Selected Reading: Ali Hasan,S.E.,M.M., MARKETING,MedPress,2008,p.367.

Kamis, 05 November 2009


Bagian ke satu

Beberapa minggu lalu tepatnya pada hari Sabtu, sewaktu saya dengan keluarga berlibur di Villa Mekar Raya, Desa Batulayang Cisarua Bogor, kedatangan tamu, seorang anak laki muda yang memperkenalkan dirinya putra dari orang tua teman lama saya ,berdomisili di Jakarta. Anak muda tersebut memperkenalkan dirinya dengan sangat ramah dan senyum bernama Son Abdullah bersama inisial AB. Dia menceritakan pengalaman hidupnya, sekolahnya, sampai Perguruan Tinggi dan sekarang lagi meniti karier di bidang Penjualan .Sebelumnya dia berpengalaman kerja dibidang Administrasi Keuangan. Setelah basa basi obrolan awal dia mengajukan pertanyaan sebagai berikut: “ Om mampukah saya untuk menduduki posisi jabatan yang lebih tinggi sebagai Manager Penjualan?. Posisi tersebut saat ini lowong dan kemungkinan harus segera diisi seperti yang pernah diutarakan atasan kepada saya.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan anak tersebut, saya menanyakan, persyaratan apa yang diajukan atasan Anda?,
Dia menjawab:-“reporting to the General Manager”.,- “you will have responsibility for sales revenue and profitability growth”.
Apa lagi syarat lainnya? Dia menjawab:
- “5 years of sales/ marketing experience”., -“ability to work independently under pressure”.,- “excellent interpersonal and relationship development skills”.
Saya berpikir dalam hati nampaknya anak muda tersebut sangat paham menguasai bahasa Inggris. Hal ini sangat penting dalam pergaulan terutama dalam komunikasi bisnis. Percakapan dilanjutkan dengan pemahaman definisi selling.(lanjut ke bagian ke dua)

Bagian ke dua


Selling is persuasion

Selling as the art of persuading another person to do some think when you do not have, or do not care to expert, the direct power to force the person to do it.
Selling as “the personal or impersonal process of assisting and/or persuading a prospective customer to buy a commodity or a service or to act favorably upon an idea that has commercial significance to the seller.
Secara bebas dapat disimpulkan Selling adalah – seni membujuk,mengajak dan meyakinkan calon pembeli untuk membeli barang ataupun jasa sesuai dengan harga yang disepakati.


Keberhasilan Anda dibidang penjualan, sangat tergantung kepada kemampuan Anda untuk menjual berbagai produk barang dan jasa kepada pembeli.
Dari pengertian di atas mengandung arti kemampuan untuk memotivasi orang lain melakukan hal yang sama demi tercapainya tujuan penjualan.

Dasar dari kepemimpinan (leadership) adalah kemampuan untuk mengelola orang. Posisi manager dalam bisnis adalah, bagaimana mengetahui permasalahan dalam perusahaan dan mengatasi dan mengembangkan dengan berbagai sumber daya dalam rangka memenuhi pelanggan. Intinya adalah ability to people and the main task is to persuade the follower.
Demikianlah percakapan mengenai penjualan, mungkin ada di antara anda yang berminat menambahkannya terimakasih.
(selected reference Frederic A. Russell / Frank H. Beach / Richard H. Buskirk, SELLING Principles and Practices, tahun 1973)

Rabu, 04 November 2009


PART – 1

Goods Shipped on Consignment
From the importer’s point of view this method of payment is the most favourable because there is no commercial risks involved. Under the term of consignment, the importer will remit payment only after the goods are sold, and if the goods are not saleable he may even return them to the supplier without any payment. However, from the point of the view of exporter, consignment operations are best for certain categories of goods particularly fast moving consumer products which require the maintenance of ample stock in the importing country (importing agent) to meet demand. The manufacturer or supplier will normally extend this favourable method of payment to the well established and trustworthy agent only

On Open Account
The open account system is also the most favourable method of payment for the importer. The mechanism is simple and rapidly becoming the main method of settlement for international trade. Under the open account system the supplier will dispatch he goods, forward the relative invoice and shipping documents made out to the order of the importer, and then wait for payment say 30 or 60 days from the date of invoice. If the supplier expect prompt payment he may offer discount incentive e.g., 5% discount fore payment within 14 days from date invoice or statement. (Goh Tianwah, EXPORT-IMPORT PROCEDURES & DOCUMENTATION, 1990 )

PART – 2
Method Of Transfer of Funds

Importer may remit proceeds of sales in the following ways:
1. T.T. – Telegraphic Transfer- This is the most speedy method of settlement as the importer instructs his bankers to send a short cable to their correspondent with instruction to pay the supplier a certain sum of money. In this case the importer should inform the supplier of such payment by telex.
2. M.T.- Mail Transfer- This is another method of settlement, the buyer can instruct his bank to remit fund by air mail transfer through is branch or overseas correspondent with instruction to pay the supplier.
3. Importer’s Chaques - Importer may settle his account with the overseas supplier by means of his cheque drawn on his own banker and made payable to the supplier. In normal banking practice, such cheque will be treated by foreign bank on collection basis and subject to final payment by the drawer.

Bill Finance By Bank
The exporter who sells goods to an overseas buyer on credit terms can request his bank to make an advance against the security of the documentary bills. This method of finance is usually known as purchase of documentary collections subject to final payment by the buyer. In other words, the purchasing bank has the right of recourse to the exporting customer in the event that the buyer fails to pay the bill.

Part – 3

The banking procedure is as follows:-
1. The exporting customer draws a bill of exchange on the buyer for the full value of the invoice. The bill of lading must be in negotiable form, that is consigned to order and endorsed in blank by the shipper. The insurance policy/certificate also must be blank endorsed so that the title to the goods can be easily passed on to a final buyer. The documents must be accompanied by a remittance letter.
2. The financing bank requires a letter of hypothecation signed by the exporting customer. The purpose of this document is to entitle the bank to take possession of the goods in the event that the buyer files to pay the bill and also in the consequence of the financing bank’s inability to recover the loan made to the exporter.
3. When the bill is finally paid, the bank’s will charge the customer with interest payable at the bank’s current rate for the period from the that of negotiation up to the approximate that of arrival of the proceeds of the bill. In some cases, interest is payable by the buyer.
4. Normally, the lending bank may advance from 50% up to 100% of in the voice value and hold the balance, if any, as margin on bill’s. When the relative bill is finally paid by the buyer, the bank will release the balance of the bill amount to the customer after charging interest due thereon.

Part – 4

Banking Procedure On Bills For Collection
In normal practice most exporter will usually entrust the collections to their bankers (remitting banks) which may take about one to two days to process and forward the documents to their overseas branch or correspondent bank (collecting bank) for collection. On receipt of the relative document the collecting bank will follow the instructions given in the collection order and deliver the documents to the drawee for payment or acceptance depending on the tenor of the bill.

D/P – Document Against Payment
Documents against payment term is similar to C.O.D. (cash on delivery) or C.A.D. (cash against documents). Under D/P term, the bill usually payable at sight (on demand). In some cases, D/P bill can be drawn payable “At 30 days D/P.” which means documents against payment may be deferred for a period up to 30 days after sighting by the drawee. Anyway, the collecting bank will not release the documents until payment has been received from the drawee.

D/A – Document Against Acceptance
Where an exporter who sells goods on credit terms can draw a time bill (also known as usance bill) payable at a future date e.g. “ At 60 days after sight” or “At 120 days after the date of this draft” or At 80 days after the date of bills of lading.” This type of usance bill is usually under D/A term – which means the collecting bank is authorized to release the documents to the drawee only after his acceptance of the bill.(Goh Tianwah, EXPORT-IMPORT PROCEDURES & DOCUMENTATION, 1990 )

Selasa, 03 November 2009


Appropriate use of financial accounting information requires a knowledge of the characteristics and limitations of financial accounting. Financial accounting information is produced for certain purposes by the use of conventional principle. Use of the information for other purposes of without a general knowledge of its characteristic and limitations may lead to misinterpretation and errors.

An important characteristic of financial statements, for example, is that the information they contain describes the past, while decision making is oriented toward the future. A record of past events and a knowledge of past position and changes in position, however, help users evaluate prior decisions and this information is also a starting point for users in predicting the future. Decision makers should not assume, however, that the conditions that produced past results will necessarily continue in the future.

Financial statements are designed to provide an important part of the information that users need for many of their decision. The information contained in the statements should not be relied on exclusively, however, and should be supplemented by other information about the specific prospects of the company, the industry in which it operates, and the economy in general.

A knowledge of the characteristics and limitations of financial statements also helps users avoid putting undue reliance on single measures or the results of a single year, for example, should not be overemphasized since these amounts are derived from complex computations, are based on estimates and judgments, and often have their meaning modified by information in the notes to the financial statements. In reaching decisions users should consider movements and judgments, the possible effects of information disclosed in notes and similar factors.
Reference: Commerce Clearing House, Inc, Chicago, 1980, “Professional Standards Volume 3 Accounting”.

Minggu, 01 November 2009

Accounting As The Basis For Business Decisions

How do business executives know whether a company is earning profits or incurring losses? How do they know whether the company is solvent or insolvent, and whether it probably will be solvent, say, a month from today? The answer to both these question in one word is accounting. Accounting is the process by which the profitability and solvency of a company can be measured. Accounting also provides information needed as a basis for making business decisions that will enable management to guide the company on a profitable and solvent course.
For specific examples of these decisions, consider the following questions.
1. What prices should the firm set on its products? If product is increased,
2. What effect will this have on the cost of each unit product?
3. Will it be necessary to borrow from the bank?
4. How much the costs increase if a pension plan is established for employees?
5. Is it more profitable to produce and sell product A or product B?
6. Shall a given part be made or be bought from suppliers?
7. Should an investment be made in new equipment?

All these issues call for decisions that should depend, in part at least, upon accounting information. It might be reasonable to turn the question around and ask: What business decisions could be made intelligently without the use of accounting information? Examples would be hard to find.
In large-scale business undertakings such as the manufacture of automobiles or the operation of nationwide chains of retail stores, the top executives cannot possibly have close physical contact with and knowledge of the details of operations. Consequently, these executives must depend to an even greater extent than the small business owner upon information provided by the accounting system.
We have already stressed that accounting is a means of measuring the results of business transactions and of communicating financial information. In addition, the accounting system must provide the decision maker with predictive information for making important business decisions in a changing world.
Reference : Walter B. Meigs, Robert F. Meigs, McGraw-Hill Book Company New York, 1987, “Financial Accounting”.


Two Primary Business Objectives
The management of every business must keep foremost in its thinking two primary objectives. The first is to earn a profit. The second is to stay solvent, that is, to have on hand sufficient cash to pay debts as they fall due. Profits and solvency, of course, are not the only objectives of business managers. There are many others, such as providing jobs for people, protecting the environment, creating new and improved products, and providing more goods and services at a lower cost. It is clear, however, that a business cannot hope to accomplish these objectives unless it meets the two basic tests of survival operating profitably staying solvent.
A business is a collection of resources committed by an individual or group of individuals, who hope that the investment will increase in value. Investment in any given business, however, is only one of a number of alternative investments available. If a business does not earn as great a profit as might be obtained from alternative investments, its owners will be well-advised to sell or terminate the business and invest elsewhere. A business that continually operates at a loss will eventually exhaust its resources and be forced out of existence. Therefore, in order to operate successfully and to survive, the owners or managers of an enterprise must direct the business in such a way that it will earn a reasonable profit.

Business concerns that have sufficient cash to pay their debts promptly are said to be solvent. In contrast, a company that finds itself unable to meet its obligations as they fall due is celled insolvent. Solvency must also be ranked as a primary objective of any enterprise, because a business that becomes insolvent may be forced by its creditors to stop operations and its existence.
Reference : Walter B. Meigs, Robert F. Meigs, McGraw-Hill Book Company New York, 1987, “Financial Accounting”.

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

DREAM, ACTION AND TALK. (Tulisan Pertama)

Sesudah ada kesulitan, akan datang kemudahan.
Kadang kala kita bingung dari mana kita harus memulai suatu usaha. Kebanyakan orang berpikir dan selalu mengeluh tidak punya modal. Terjadi keputusasaan yang menyangkut hari depan .Pikirannya tidak terkendali dan menyalahkan diri sendiri dengan rasa penyesalan. Udah sekolah tinggi-tinggi , cari kerja susah .Namun penyesalan hanyalah membuang-buang waktu . Rubahlah mulai saat ini dengan pikiran-pikiran yang positif.
Jangan Bersedih. Ketika Berachir Kesulitan Akan Datang Kemudahan.
Amru bin Ahihah Al-Ausi Radihiyallahu Anhu mengatakan; “Ketika kesulitan mencapai puncaknya,maka kelapangan pasti ada. Ketika cobaan semakin menghimpit, maka tibalah saat kedamaian. Saya tidak pedulikan antara dua urusan yang menimpaKu, kesulitan atau kemudahan, karena salah satu dari keduanya akan membuat sirna yang lainnya, 1). Bermimpilah menjadi pengusaha dengan ide-ide besar dan cemerlang tidak ada orang yang melarang anda untuk bermimpi karna mimpi tidak pernah merugikan orang.

Mengembangkan mimpi (Dream) Menjadi Kenyataan (Action)
Untuk mengembangkan mimpi menjadi kenyataan perlu adanya ide-ide besar. Jika susah dengan ide- ide yang cemerlang mulailah dengan ide-ide sederhana, yang dapat dijangkau dengan kemampuan Anda. Kemampuan itu terdiri dari berbagai hal yang kami singkatkan dalam kata MOCCA.
Apa itu Mocca ? Kata Mocca adalah kepanjangan dari (M)-Money; (O)-Opportunity; (C)-Character; (C)-Capability; (A)-Accounting.

Money :
Kenapa uang penting?
Membicarakan modal tidak lepas dari pengertian uang. Kita sering membicarakan modal dengan menunjuk pada posisi uang untuk berbagai keperluan.
Akan lebih tepat jika uang digunakan untuk membeli kelengkapan barang modal.

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

The Demand for Money

Individuals and business have three basic reasons for holding money:
1. To facilitate their day-to- day transactions;
2. To be better prepared to cope with unexpected emergencies;
3. And third, as an investment in a financial asset.
These motives are termed the transactions demand for money, the precautionary demand for money, and the speculative demand for money.
The demand for money is a demand for a stock, a desire to hold a particular amount of money. People express their demand for income by selling their labor and other resources. The most obvious reason why people demand money is because it is such a convenient medium of exchange. People demand money to carry out transactions, as we will now see.

Transactions Demand for Money
The transaction demand for money reflects the fact that business forms and individuals need to hold money in some form to pay for their day-to-day purchases and make other necessary payments.
Business and individuals need to keep some money on hand because their cash inflows usually are not timed to occur exactly when cash is needed to make payments. For example, many people are paid on the last day of each month, and they maintain money balances in order to pay bills falling due throughout the next month.
Of course, some of this money could be placed in other types of accounts where the interest rate is higher than for checking accounts and transferred to the latter type of account as needed.
Book References: Lila J. Truett, Dale B. Truett, Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing Toronto, 1987, “Economics”; William A. M’eachern, South-Western Publishing co Cincinnati, 1988, “Economics A Contemporary Introduction”.


Advertising is defined as non personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through various media.
As a marketing tool, advertising several functions:
1. To identify products and differentiate them.
2. To communicate information about the product.
3. To induce the trail of new products by new users and to suggest repurchasing by existing users.
4. To stimulate a product’s distribution.
5. To increase product use.
6. To build brand preference and loyalty.
Aside from marketing, advertising may also serve a communication function, an education, an economic function, and a social function.

There are many different types of advertising. It may be classified by target audience (e.g., consumer, industrial), by geography (local, international), by the medium used (radio, television), and by its function or purpose (e.g., product advertising, non commercial advertising, direct action advertising).

Advertising began in early time when most people could not read or write. The post-World War II era has been marked by the growth of television advertising, intense marketing competition, and increased attempts to differentiate products through positioning strategies or other techniques.

The economic impact of advertising can be likened to the opening shot in billiards-a chain reaction that affects the company that advertises as well as its competitors, customers, and the business community.

On a broader scale advertising is often considered the trigger on the mass distribution system that enables manufacturers to produce the products consumers want in high volume, at low prices, with standardized quality. There is disagreement, however, about whether advertising encourages or discourages competition, adds value to products, makes products makes products more or less expensive, affects total consumer demand, and narrows or widens consumer choice, and whether it has any real effect on national business cycles.

While controversy surrounds most of these economic issues, the importance of advertising can best be understood by accepting the abundance principle. This states that, in an economy that produces more goods and services than can be consumed, advertising keeps consumers informed of their selection alternatives and helps companies to compete more effectively.
(Book Reference: Bovee/Srens, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1982, “Contemporary Advertising”).

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


Macroeconomic Impact of Advertising
1. Impact on the product and medium
2. Impact on the company
3. Impact on competitors
4. Impact on customers
5. Impact on the business community

Macroeconomic View of Advertising
1. Importance of mass distribution
2. Effect of advertising on competition
3. Effect of advertising on the value of products
4. Effect of advertising on prices
5. Effect of advertising on consumer demand
6. Effect of advertising on consumer choice
7. Effect of advertising of the business cycle

Economic Impact of Advertising in Perspective
For the consumer, advertising costs less than most people believe. The various media that carry the advertisements we see are amazingly efficient. A bottle of Coke contains about a penny’s worth of advertising. An automobile that costs $7,000 includes an advertising cost of less than $100.
To the economy as a whole the importance of advertising may best be demonstrated by the abundance principle. This states that in an economy that produces more goods and services than can be consumed, advertising servers two important purposes: (1) it keeps consumers informed of their selection alternatives, and (2) it allows companies to compete more effectively for consumer dollars.
As advertising has stimulated a healthy economy, it has also stimulated a financially healthy consumer who is more informed, better educated, and more demanding. And one of these demands has been for accountability by manufacturers and advertising, thus leading to an unprecedented level of social and legal regulation.
(Book Reference: Contemporary Advertising Hal. 25-36)

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


What is advertising?

Advertising is the non personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.

Let’s take this definition apart and analyze its components. advertising is directed to groups of people and is therefore non personal in nature. The group might be teenagers who enjoy rock music or men and women who watch soap operas or sporting events. But is is not personal or face-to-face communication.

Advertising is not restricted to the promotion of tangible products such as soap and soft drinks. advertising is also used extensively to help services such as hair styling and motorcycle repairs. And increasingly advertising is used to sell economic, political, religious, and social ideas.

Most advertising reaches us through the mass media – that is, billboards, newspapers, magazines, radio and television. But much advertising also reaches us through direct mail. Some advertising even reaches us through players hung on our doorknobs or placed under our windshield wipers at the shopping center.

The most basic function of advertising:

1. To identify products and differentiate them from others.
2. To communicate information about the product, its features, and its location of sale.
3. To induce consumers to try new products and suggest reuse.
4. Stimulating the distribution of a product.
5. To increase product usage.
6. To build brand preference and loyalty.

Generally these functions could be grouped and categorized as marketing, communication, and education functions, as well as economic and social function.
Book Preference : Bovee / Arens, Richard D. Inc, 1982,"Contemporary Advertising"

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009



Jl. Cimanuk 140

20 October 2009

Mr. Hendar,
Personnel Manager
Dar Insurance Ltd.
Jl. Cibubur

Dear Mr. Hendar,

Subject : Reference for Marliani
Miss. Marliani has applied for the post of secretary to Marketing Manager of our company and has given your name as her reference.
We would be very grateful if you could give us your opinion of her suitability for the post we have. Any information you give us would be treated as strictly confidential.
Thank you very much for your help and look forward to your information.

Yours sincerely,

Personal manager

Minta Referensi Pribadi

Jl. Cimanuk 140

20 October 2009

Kepada Yth.
Tn. Hendar,
Personnel Manager
Dar Insurance Ltd.
Jl. Cibubur

Dengan hormat,

Perihal : Referensi Sdri. Marliani
Saudari Marliani telah melamar untuk jabatan sekretaris Menejer Pemasaran di perusahaan kami dan telah memberikan nama Anda sebagai referensinya.
Kami akan sangat berterima kasih jika Anda dapat memberikan pendapat Anda atas pantas – tidaknya saudari tersebut untuk jabatan yang ada pada kami. Setiap informasi yang Anda berikan akan sangat dirahasiakan.

Terima kasih atas bantuannya dan kani tunggu informasi dari Anda.

Hormat kami,

Menejer Personalia

Important Word List

Another = yang lain; apply for = melamar; brochure = brosur; date = tanggal; discuss = mendiskusikan; engagement = janji; form = formulir; kind = baik hati, jenis
Newest = terbaru; Plan = rencana; product = produk; rate = tarif; reserve = memesan; soon = segera; still = masih; suitability = pantas-tidaknya; suitable = pantas; topic = topic, masalah.

Giving a Personal Reference

22 October 2009

Jl. Cimanuk 140

Mr. Rizal
Personal Manager
Zal Insurance Company
Jl. Dharmawangsa

Dear Mr. Hendar,

Subject: Reference for Marliani.
Thank you for your letter of 20 October asking for a reference for Miss. Marliani.
She used to work for our company as my secretary from 2004 to 2006 and has gained considerable experience of work where she was responsible for all business correspondence. She worked efficiently and reliable. Her fluency in English has been a great help as most of our clients are foreigners.
I am quite sure that she would be a suitable person for the post of secretary to the Marketing Manager of your company.


Personal Manager

Memberikan Referensi Pribadi

Jl. Cimanuk 140

22 October 2009

Kepada Yth,
Bapak. Rizal
Menejer Personalia
Zal Insurance Company
Jl. Dharmawangsa

Dengan hormat,

Perihal : Referensi untuk Marliani

Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 20 Oktober yang meminta referensi untuk saudari Marliani.
Dia pernah bekerja di perusahaan kami sebagai sekertaris saya dari tahun 2002 – 2006 dan dia telah mendapat banyak pengalaman bekerja di mana dia bertanggung jawab atas semua korespondensi niaga. Dia bekerja secara efisien dan dapat dipercaya. Kelancaran bahasa Inggrisnya sangat membantu karena sebagian besar nasabah kami orang asing.
Saya yakin dia akan cocok untuk jabatan sekertaris Menejer Pemasaran di perusahaan Anda.

Hormat kami,

Menejer Personalia

Important Word List
Agree = setuju, menyetujui; ask for = meminta; available = tersedia; collect = mengambil; competitor = saingan; engaged = sibuk; explain = menerangkan; experience = pengalaman; flight = penerbangan; join = ikut; occupy = menempati; priority = perioritas; possible = mungkin; prefer = lebih suka; product = produk; quality = mutu; subject = prihal; suitable = cocok; travel = bepergian


Jl. Cimanuk 140

17 October 2009

Finance Manager
Mangs Bank

Dear sir,
Subject: Blue Paper Inc.
The above-mentioned company has asked us to supply them on credit and your bank was given as a reference.
We would be very grateful for any information regarding the company’s ability to meet its financial obligation. Naturally, your reply will be kept strictly confidential.
We look forward to your reply and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Credit Manager

Minta Referensi Perusahaan

Jl. Cimanuk 140

17 October 2009

Menejer Keuangan
Mangs Bank
Jl. Latuharhari

Dengan hormat,
Perihal: Blue Paperwork Inc.

Perusahaan kami tersebut di atas telah meminta kami untuk mensuply mereka secara kredit dan bank Anda diberikan sebagai referensi.
Kami akan sangat berterima kasih atas setiap informasi mengenai kemampuan perusahaan tersebut memenuhi kewajiban finansialnya. Jawaban Anda tentu saja akan dirahasiakan.

Kami tunggu balasan Anda dan terima kasih atas kerja sama Anda dalam hal ini.

Hormat kami,

Menejer Kredit


Certain = tentu; conference = konfrensi; customer = pelanggan; delivery = pengiriman; dispatch = mengirim; discount = potongan; facility = fasilitas; give = memberi; handle = menangani; medium = sedang; mind = keberatan; obligation = kewajiban; permanent = tetap; quiet = tenang; regard = nebgenai; regular = tetap; remit = mengirim; responsible = bertanggung jawab; serve = melayani; take over = mengambil alih.

( Addapted from Dhanny R. Cyssco ENGLISH CONVERSATION & CORRESPONDENCE FOR SECRETARIES, 1997. page 54 - 72 )

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009



Jl. Cimanuk 140
19 October 2009
The Manager
Heri Perkasa
Jl.Cimanuk 140 Garut

Dear sir,
Mr. Solihin, our Marketing Manager is attending an International Seminar on Science and Technology in Bandung next November and during he is Bandung, he is interested to stay in your hotel.
I should be pleased if you could send me your complete brochures, pricelist, and other information on facilities you can offer to your reply by return.

Yours sincerely,



Jl. Cimanuk 140

19 October 2009
The Manager
Heri Perkasa
Jl.Cimanuk 140 Garut

Dear sir,

Tn. Solihin, Menejer Pemasaran kami akan menghadiri suatu Seminar Internasional mengenai Ilmu dan Teknology di Garut bulan Nopember mendatang dan selama berada di Garut, dia tertarik untuk tinggal di hotel Anda.
saya sangat senang jika Anda dapat mengirimkan pada saya brosur - brosur lengkap Anda, daftar harga, dan keterangan lainnya tentang fasilitas yang dapat Anda berikan pada pada tamu - tamu Anda.
Saya tunggu balasan Anda secepatnya.

Hormat saya,


accept = menerima; agreement = persetujuan
apology = permintaan maaf; appointment = janji
background = latar belakang; branch = cabang
caller = penelpom; certainly = tentu saja
convenient = menyenangkan; delivery = pengiriman
engaged = sibuk; experienced = berpengalaman
hear = mendengar; inquiry = permintaan keterangan
install = mencicil; list = daftar
pleased = senang; pricelist = daftar harga
reply = balasan ; resign = mengundurkan diri
skill = keterampilan ; terms = syarat - syarat


Jl. Cimanuk 140

20 October 2009
Ms. Hanny
International Metro
Jl.Patra Kuningan

Dear Ms. Hanny,
Thank you for your letter of 19 October, inquirying about our brochures and price list.
We are pleased to enclose our newest brochures and pricelist together with some other information on the details of our hotel facilities.
We look forward your Marketing Manager's visit.

Yours faithfully,

Reservation Manager


Jl. Cimanuk 140

20 October 2009
Ms. Hanny
International Metro
Jl.Patra Kuningan

Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 19 Oktober, yang minta brosur - brosur dan daftar harga kami.
Dengan senang hati kami lampirkan brosur - brosur terbaru kami dan daftar harga bersama dengan keterangan lainnya tentang perincian fasilitas - fasilitas hotel kami.
Kami menunggu kunjungan Menejer Pemasaran Anda.

Hormat saya,

Menejer Reservasi


account = rekening; advice = nasihat ; ask = bertanya
connect = menghubungkan ; details = perincian; enclose = melampirkan
fill = mengisi; finance = keuangan; form = formulir
instruction = instuksi; leave = meninggalkan; newest = terbaru
payment = pembayaran; reply = membalas; settle = menyelesaikan
sign = menandatangani; submit = menyerahkan; transfer = mentransfer
visit = kunjungan


Jl. Cimanuk 140

18 October 2009

Sales Manager
Heri Office Supplies Inc
Jl. Cibubur

Dear sir,
We are expanding our business in Jakarta and we will need some new tables, chairs, filing cabinets, computers, type riters and some other office equipment.

Please send us your catalogues with your price lists, and terms of payment for the items mentioned above.

We look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,



Jl. Cimanuk 140

18 October 2009

Sales Manager
Heri Office Supplies Inc
Jl. Cibubur

Dengan hormat,

Kami akan mengembangkan usaha kami di Jakarta dan kami akan membutuhkan beberapa meja, kursi, filing cabinet, komputer, mesin ketik baru dan barang - barang perlengkapan kantor lainnya.

Mohon kirimkan pada kami katalog - katalog dengan daftar harga, dan syarat - syarat pembayaran untuk barang - barang tersebut di atas.

Kami menunggu balasan Anda secepatnya.

Hormat kami,



able = sanggup, dapat; branch = cabang ; equipment = perlengkapan
error = kesalahan; expand = memperluas; get = mendapatkan
hard = giat; interview = wawancara; miscalculation = salah hitung
mistake = kesalahan; next = yang akan datang;possible = mungkin
postpone = menunda; prefer = lebih suka; prompt = cepat
put off = menunda; solve = memecahkan; sure = yakin, pasti

Reply to Inquiry letter

Jl. Cimanuk 140

Ms. Maria
B. Contructional Ltd.

Dear Ms. Maria,

Thanks you for letter of 18 October, inquirying about our catalogues, pricelist, and terms of payment.
We have pleasure in sending you our catalogue, pricelist, and terms of payment of all office equipment we have.
We hope you will find our prices, terms, and the quality of the items you need satisfactory.
We look forward to your first order.

Yours sincerely,

Solihin Arif
Sales manager

Jawaban Surat Permintaan Keterangan

Jl. Cimanuk 140

Kepada Yth.
Ibu Maria
B. Contructional Ltd.

Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 18 oktober yang meminta catalog – catalog, daftar harga, dan syarat – syarat pembayaran semua perlengkapan kantor yang ada pada kami.
Dengan senang hati kami kirimkan pada Anda katalog – katalog, daftar harga, dan syarat – syarat yang ada pada kami.
Kami harap daftar harga, syarat pembayaran dan mutu barang – barang yang Anda butuhkan akan memuaskan Anda.
Kami tunggu pesanan pertama Anda.

Hormat kami,

Solihin Arif
Menejer penjualan

Important Word List

A lot = banyak; Application = lamaran; Confirm = mengkonfirmasikan; Customer = pelanggan; Find = menemukan; Guest = tamu; Hope = berharap; items = barang – barang; official = resmi; overseas = luar negeri; partner = partner; pleasure = kesenangan; representative = perwakilan; satisfactory = memuaskan; seat = tempat duduk; send = mengirim; style = bentuk, gaya; terms = syarat – syarat; thirsty = haus; type = mengetik; weather = ucaca.

( Addapted from Dhanny R. Cyssco ENGLISH CONVERSATION & CORRESPONDENCE FOR SECRETARIES, 1997. page 22 - 44 )

Bisnis Online Gratis

Manfaatkan Situs Pejualan Online Gratis
Bagi Anda yang ingin ke usaha toko online secara Cuma-Cuma ada banyak situs yang menawarkan fasilitas gratis,Selain dan , dan jejaring sosial seperti friendster.facebook,dan twitter,ada juga yang memberikan space toko online gratis.Yang menarik di website ini pemilik toko online diberikan fasilitas free SMS alert sehingga pemilik toko dapat mengetahui setiap kali mendapatkan respons dari pembeli.Selain itu juga ada fitur online chat sehingga penjual dan pembeli dapat bisa langsung melakukan negosiasi.Untuk bergabung dengan portan jual beli ini Anda bisa langsung mengakses dan mengklik register dibagian sebelah kanan atas halaman website. Dani
Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:Dino Market.Com Jln Kramat Lontar Blok No 54 T Evie-08158010198 felis 08158298284

Menjaring Pasar Dalam Dan Luar Negri
Usaha Online Sangat Berpotensi Menjaring Pasar Dalam & Dan Luar Negeri
Keuntungan berjualan Online,toko online berpotensi besar dilihat baik pasar dari dalam dan luar negri.Dengan demikian jangkauannya bisa lebih luas dari pada toko offline.Meskipun begitu biasanya pelaku usaha toko online ini telah menentukan segmen pasar yang akan ditunjuknya,apakah akan menyasar pasar dalam negeri atau luar negeri.
Untuk menyasar segmen pasar dalam negeri Anda dapat memanfaatkan website sebagai media promosi gratis seperti ,dan .Untuk mendapatkan pembeli dari luar negeri website yang bisa digunakan seperti atau .Beragam produk Indonesia yang sangat diminati pasar luar negeri seperti Kerajinan,Furnitur,Produk kopi dan rempah-rempah.

Cara Memperluas Pasar Luar Negeri
Untuk memperluas jaringan pasar luar negeri sebaiknya mendaftarkan hosting website Anda di luar negeri.Agar website mendapat peringkat di geogle perlu membuat backlink yang banyak,caranya dengan mendaftarkan diri kebanyak direktori website orang lain seperti:,,
Menjaga Kepercayaan Pelanggan
Kepercayaan pelanggan merupakan hal yang penting.Sebaiknya pelaku usaha menepati janji dan waktu yang tepat dan cepat.Mengganti produk barang bila barang yang dipesan tidak sesuai dengan kehendak konsumen.Harus di jaga jangan sampai konsumen kecewa.

Alamat Website
Agar website banyak dikunjungi pelanggan ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan:
1)Buat alamat website sesuai dengan produk yang dijual,misalnya penjualan pakaian anak gaul,nama domainnya toko pakaian anak gaul.
2)Gunakan penggalan kata-kata dihalaman website untuk meningkatkan indek dimesin pencarian geogle;misalnya kontak toko pakaian dan toko sepatu,dll.
3)Membuat backlink di beberapa website,blog maupun forum dan millis sehingga semakin banyak peluang orang untuk mengakses website tersebut.
4)Melakukan iklan maupun banner baik secara gratis di internet maupun iklan berbayar di website yang banyak di akses orang yang dapat meningkatkan popularitas website.
5)Sering melakukan up-date website dengan memasukan tulisan,gambar,slide maupun video.Dan rutin meng-update produk terbaru secara berkala.
6)Memanfaatkan situs jejaring pertemanan seperti facebook dan twiter sebagai media promosi yang tengah banyak di akses saat ini.

(Sumber Bacaan Peluang Usaha,Utama Hal 20 Edisi 14-27 Oktober 2009 Pesan ini disampaikan oleh


Invoices, statements, receipts, credit noted, cheques and other ready-made forms are used extensively when dealing with routine things. Particulars concerning goods, payments, etc, merely need to be filled in. however, mistakes can be made in the filling of forms, goods can be damaged in transit, cheques can bounce and other unexpected things can happen. These are normal day-to-day occurrences. Many of these problems can be quickly settled in person or via the telephone. Nevertheless letters are still needed for the sake of formality, to correct mistakes or to make things clearer. Thus effective letters are of paramount importance. A badly written letter can make a bad situation worse and bring about the deterioration of business, among other things.
The sample letters that follow in this chapter cover a wide range of letters relating to the running of a business, but they cannot possibly cover all matters it is up to you to improvise when totally new and unexpected situation arises.

Request for a Catalogue

Jalan Cikini
Jakarta Pusat
15 August 2008
The Manager
KPS Publications Co.
jl. Ahmad yani

Dear Sir / Madam,

Request for Cataolgue

Please send me a copy of your latest catalogue and price list of your publication. I have seen of your titles on sale in Mumbai an I am sure there is a ready market for theme here
I am planning to expand my business and as a part of it I would like to order more quantities in future. So please let me know of your terms and discounts for retail sale.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully.


Sanding Catalogue and terms

Jl. Ahmad Yani
Date : 15 May 2002

Dear Ms. Mona

Catalogue and Discount Terms

Thank you for your letter requesting for a catalogue and discount terms. We enclose our latest catalogue with this letter.
As we are doing business for the first time, it is our policy to offer the following terms for all our titles ( for purchases of 10 or more copies per title ):
35% discount for cash purchase.
25% discount on 60 days credit. Payment made before 30 days is entitled to a rebate of 5%.
Further discounts for purchases in bulk is negotiable. Any query can be directed to the Sales Manager, Mr. James Rupan.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.

Yours truly.
Sales Manager

Request for Opening an Account

Jl. menteng

Date : 10 March 2008
Mr. Eri
General Manager

Dear Mr. Andi

Opening an account
I am going to open my own pharmachy in Race Course soon and I would like to open an account with you.
As you might remember I used to work as a pharmachist for JB pharmachy in Bandung. Those days I ordered medicine and other pharamaceutical products from you, mostly via your representative Ms Jessica. Now I am starting out on my own and I need all the support from your side that I can get My shop is situated in a rapidly growing section of town and I expect a fairly high turnover of business. Ms. Jessica has already seen the premises and she is pleased with its location.
Could you let me know the best terms you can offer me? Perhaps, you might like to send someone to pay me a visit to make sure of things. My bankers are State Bank of India. M.G. Road Branch.
Thank you.
Yours truly,


Agreeing to Open Account

Jes chemichals trading co.

Ref: na 341/1P
Dated: 12 April 2008

Rina Pharmacy

Dear Mr. Eri

New Account

Congratulations on the opening your new pharmacy. We will be happy to be one of yor suppliers. Our terms are as usual: 10% discount at one month or 12,5% cash. Ms Patricia Chin will call on you soon with our latest catalogue. You can place your orders with her or fax them to us later. She will also be recommending some disply ideas to you. We have a new range of health foods that we like to be displayed prominently if space allows. Anyhow, let Ms Chin know of your plans and we shall see how may help.
Thank you.
Yours truly,

General manager

Request for Sending an Unsolicited Article to a Magazine
jl. Lenteng agung

05 July 2008

The Editor
Young Work Magazine
Jl. Cimanuk

Dear Sir / Madam.

Article for Young Children
I have written an article suitable for children-for school-going children. I have enclosed a copy of the article with this letter. Perhaps, you might kindly have a look and see if you like to use it for your magazine.
I shall be happy to make changes or even rewrite the article if you find anything lacking with the present one. I hope to hear from you soon. I have included a stamped self-addressed envelope for your convenience.

Thank you.
Yours truly,
(Ahmad )

Returning Unsolicited Article

Jl. Cimanuk
28 July 2008
Mr. Ahmad
jl. Lenteng agung

Dear Ahmad,

We thank you much for your contribution, but we find that it is not suitable for our needs at the moment. So we are returning the copy of your article to you.
If I may add, you need to refine your writing technique before they can be seriously be considered for publication. It is our they can suggestion that definitely you can flourish a lot in this field if you practice regularly. What you need is lots of practice at writing.

Yours faithfully,


( Addapted from Varshan Stery, HOW TO WRITE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LETTER, 2004. PAGE, 38-44)

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009


We shall give the term a specific meaning by assigning four related functions to the entrepreneur:

1. The entrepreneur takes the initiative in combining the resources of land, capital, and labor in the production of a good or services. Both a sparkplug and a catalyst, the entrepreneur is at once the driving force behind production and the agent who combines the other resources in what is hoped will be a profitable venture.

2. The entrepreneur undertakes the chore of making basic business-policy decisions, that is, those non-routine decisions which set the course of a business enterprise.

3. The entrepreneur is an innovator – the person who attempts to introduce on a commercial basis new products, new productive techniques, or even new forms of business organization.

4. The entrepreneur is obviously a risk bearer. This is apparent from a close examination of the other three entrepreneurial functions. The entrepreneur in a capitalistic system has no guarantee or profits. The reward for his or her time, efforts, and abilities may be attractive profits or losses and eventual bankruptcy. In short, the entrepreneur risks not only time, effort, and business reputation, but his or her invested funds and those of associates or stockholders.

The art of competition is known as entrepreneurship.

Adapted from: Campbell R. McConnell, ECONOMICS 10th edition, p.20


Ninety nine per cent of the time a go letter should be short and to the point.No one should have to waste time digging out the message from a mass of verbiage.The letter's simple wording,its directness,and even its physical appearance should help the reader get the message immediately.A good letter,at the same time,should create a feeling of cooperativeness and good will in the person it is addressed to.
The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch wits its customers,often enough it is the only one and customers form theier impression of the firm form the tone and quality of the letters it send out.
Write simply.
The whole secret of good business letter writing is to write simply,in an easy and natural way - like one friendly human being talking to another.Make your letters,then,sound as much as possible like good conversation.
The rules of good business letter-writing as follows:
1. Think first of the reader and address yourself to his interests.Tell him all he
wants to know and don't leave him to guess between the lines.
2. Adopt a tone suited to the occasion and the purpose of the letter.
3. Write naturally,as you would talk, using plain and familiar words.
4. Write clearly and to the point. The dominant need in all business writing
is exactness expressed in language that is absolutely clear.
5. Write courteously and make your letter sound friendly and sincere.
6. Avoid wordiness,but at the same time remember that that it is important to be
clear and courteous even if it means using more words.
7. Avoid commercial jargon with it roundabout and meaningless forms of expression.
8. Write effectively - by using simple language, by being consistent and precise.
9. Avoid monotony - by introducing variety.
10.Write to a plan if your letter is long or specially important.
11.Pay special attention to the opening and closing paragraphs - first and last
impressions leave a special mark on the reader.
12.Check your letters.
All these are matters of importance and we shall now take a closer look at each one of them.( L. Gartsida, MODEL BUSINESS LETTERS, LOW-PRICED EDITION halaman 2-3 )

Jakarta,Monday,October 19,2009

A real business needs too much confidence as that is the base of a business skill. A business man must be confident enough to make sure of this customer about his business. Then only the customer could be satisfied. Customer satisfaction is a must for the success of the business which should be cultivated through the inner confidence lying in the business mind. As already denoted letter drafting for the business, even though we have most updated communication facilities nowadays. Simultaneously good business man has to get the confidence of his customer. Whit this purpose the customer should be prepared by motivating them. So that definitely there should be something to know and remember in the mind of the businessman. These are some points specifically given to take in consideration, when trying to win the customers confidence. These are some points to take in consideration trying to win the reader’s confidence.
1.Don’t try to fool the customer about anything.
2.Throw out all exaggerated claims.
3.Tell less than the whole truth if the whole truth is unbelievable.
4.Beware of innocent misstatement.
5.Bear in mind that the customer will disbelieve everything you say, if he recognizes a single misstatement.
6.Don’t try overwhelming your customers with great claims.
7.Back up your claims with proof, guarantees, and testimonials.
8.Write in a manner that will make the customer like you, for people are more inclined to trust those they like.
9.Use winning logic.
10.If you are wrong, you should admit it.

( Varshan Stery, HOW TO WRITE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LETTER,2004, Page 25-26 )

Jakarta Monday, October,19, 2009

Your ability to choose and use the right word depends upon the range of your vocabulary, and this will be adequate only if you take opportunities to talk with educated people, to read criticlly, and to use and study your dictionary.
Some words tend to encroach on others that are better. The use of such encroaching word is something you must try to avoid. In the list that follows are a number of these word, and of others that are frequently misused:
The following examples illustrate the right and wrong use of some of these words frequently used in business correspondence.

Advise, inform
We will advise you as soon as the goods are ready (say inform)

We advise you not to accept the price offered (i.e. give you counsel)

Allude, mention
The matter alluded to in your letter will be considered at our next meeting (say mentioned)
He was alluding to one of us (i.e. hinting at someone not actually mentioned)

Anticipate, expect
We do not anticipate any difficulty in meeting your request (say expect)
We anticipated your request for quick delivery and sent the goods this morning (i.e. acted in advance)

Appreciate, realize
You will no doubt Appreciate that we cannot allow a discount (say realize, understand)
Your help is very much appreciated (i.e. valued)

Appropriate, relevant
We shall study the part played by the appropriate financial institutions in providing the capital needed (say relevant )
The speech made by the chairman was not appropriate for the occasion (i.e. not suitable)

Capacity, ability
He has an unusual capacity for organizing ( say ability)
His capacity for foreign languages is quite remarkable )i.e. his power to acquire)

Compensate, remunerate
We shall compensate you for the work done (say remunerate)
We shall compensate you for any loss sustained (i.e. good any loss)

Comprise, compose
The five members who comprise the committee all hope to be present (say compose, or better still, form)
the committee comprises five elected representatives (i.e. includes)

depreciate, deteriorate
perishable goods depreciate quickly unless carefully stored (say deteriorate)
The pound depreciated under pressure on the foreign exchanges (i.e. fell in value)

disinterested, uninterested
as I have attended all meetings you can hardly accuse me of being disinterested (say uninterested ).
We suggest the matter be referred to someone who is disinterested (i.e. not biased)

Expect, believe
We expect you were quite right to decline the offer (say believe)
We expect to hear from you soon (i.e. like to hear from you )

Feel, think
I cannot half feeling that the terms are unreasonable (say thinking)
Despite the absence of evidence I feel he has acted wisely (i.e. feel instinctiviely)

Individual, person
He is a most reliable individual (say person)
A distinction must be drawn between the individual and the group (i.e. the single person)

Integrate, co-ordinate
The formation of a pool will integrate the work of the typists (say co-ordinate )
The advertising department will now be integrated with the sales department under the sales manager (i.e. will form one with the sales department)

Likely, liable
We are likely to fail in our attempts to increase profits (say liable)
It is likely that she will take offence if you criticize her (i.e. probable)

Loan, lend
We are willing to loan you £200 for a month (say lend )
The Council will grant a loan of £200 (i.e. a sum of money)

Meantime, meanwhile
I shall be away until Friday; meantime, perhaps you will complete this report (say meanwhile, or in the meantime)
The manager will return next Monday; meanwhile (or in the meantime). Mr X will act as his deputy.

Mutual, common
We refer you to our mutual friends, Messrs X & Co. (say to X & Co; who are well known to both of us)
We are glad to think that our mutually good relations will not be impaired by the difficulties that have arisn (i.e. our relations with each other )

Practical, practicable
To complete the work by the time stated is not practical (say practicable)
What is practicable is not always practical (i.e. what is possible is not always profitable).

Transpire, occur
The accident transpired as he left the meeting (say occurred)
It has transpired that the directors could not agree (i.e. become known)

Note: Correspondence is not of course concerned with pronunciation, but many business contacts are of the personal kind or by telephone, and if you are to create a good impression with educated business acquaintances correct speaking is essential.

(L. Gartside, MODERN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. 1989, Page,82,84 - 86 )