Sesudah ada kesulitan, akan datang kemudahan.
Kadang kala kita bingung dari mana kita harus memulai suatu usaha. Kebanyakan orang berpikir dan selalu mengeluh tidak punya modal. Terjadi keputusasaan yang menyangkut hari depan .Pikirannya tidak terkendali dan menyalahkan diri sendiri dengan rasa penyesalan. Udah sekolah tinggi-tinggi , cari kerja susah .Namun penyesalan hanyalah membuang-buang waktu . Rubahlah mulai saat ini dengan pikiran-pikiran yang positif.
Jangan Bersedih. Ketika Berachir Kesulitan Akan Datang Kemudahan.
Amru bin Ahihah Al-Ausi Radihiyallahu Anhu mengatakan; “Ketika kesulitan mencapai puncaknya,maka kelapangan pasti ada. Ketika cobaan semakin menghimpit, maka tibalah saat kedamaian. Saya tidak pedulikan antara dua urusan yang menimpaKu, kesulitan atau kemudahan, karena salah satu dari keduanya akan membuat sirna yang lainnya, 1). Bermimpilah menjadi pengusaha dengan ide-ide besar dan cemerlang tidak ada orang yang melarang anda untuk bermimpi karna mimpi tidak pernah merugikan orang.
Mengembangkan mimpi (Dream) Menjadi Kenyataan (Action)
Untuk mengembangkan mimpi menjadi kenyataan perlu adanya ide-ide besar. Jika susah dengan ide- ide yang cemerlang mulailah dengan ide-ide sederhana, yang dapat dijangkau dengan kemampuan Anda. Kemampuan itu terdiri dari berbagai hal yang kami singkatkan dalam kata MOCCA.
Apa itu Mocca ? Kata Mocca adalah kepanjangan dari (M)-Money; (O)-Opportunity; (C)-Character; (C)-Capability; (A)-Accounting.
Money :
Kenapa uang penting?
Membicarakan modal tidak lepas dari pengertian uang. Kita sering membicarakan modal dengan menunjuk pada posisi uang untuk berbagai keperluan.
Akan lebih tepat jika uang digunakan untuk membeli kelengkapan barang modal.
Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009
Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009
The Demand for Money

Individuals and business have three basic reasons for holding money:
1. To facilitate their day-to- day transactions;
2. To be better prepared to cope with unexpected emergencies;
3. And third, as an investment in a financial asset.
These motives are termed the transactions demand for money, the precautionary demand for money, and the speculative demand for money.
The demand for money is a demand for a stock, a desire to hold a particular amount of money. People express their demand for income by selling their labor and other resources. The most obvious reason why people demand money is because it is such a convenient medium of exchange. People demand money to carry out transactions, as we will now see.
Transactions Demand for Money
The transaction demand for money reflects the fact that business forms and individuals need to hold money in some form to pay for their day-to-day purchases and make other necessary payments.
Business and individuals need to keep some money on hand because their cash inflows usually are not timed to occur exactly when cash is needed to make payments. For example, many people are paid on the last day of each month, and they maintain money balances in order to pay bills falling due throughout the next month.
Of course, some of this money could be placed in other types of accounts where the interest rate is higher than for checking accounts and transferred to the latter type of account as needed.
Book References: Lila J. Truett, Dale B. Truett, Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing Toronto, 1987, “Economics”; William A. M’eachern, South-Western Publishing co Cincinnati, 1988, “Economics A Contemporary Introduction”.

Advertising is defined as non personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through various media.
As a marketing tool, advertising several functions:
1. To identify products and differentiate them.
2. To communicate information about the product.
3. To induce the trail of new products by new users and to suggest repurchasing by existing users.
4. To stimulate a product’s distribution.
5. To increase product use.
6. To build brand preference and loyalty.
Aside from marketing, advertising may also serve a communication function, an education, an economic function, and a social function.
There are many different types of advertising. It may be classified by target audience (e.g., consumer, industrial), by geography (local, international), by the medium used (radio, television), and by its function or purpose (e.g., product advertising, non commercial advertising, direct action advertising).
Advertising began in early time when most people could not read or write. The post-World War II era has been marked by the growth of television advertising, intense marketing competition, and increased attempts to differentiate products through positioning strategies or other techniques.
The economic impact of advertising can be likened to the opening shot in billiards-a chain reaction that affects the company that advertises as well as its competitors, customers, and the business community.
On a broader scale advertising is often considered the trigger on the mass distribution system that enables manufacturers to produce the products consumers want in high volume, at low prices, with standardized quality. There is disagreement, however, about whether advertising encourages or discourages competition, adds value to products, makes products makes products more or less expensive, affects total consumer demand, and narrows or widens consumer choice, and whether it has any real effect on national business cycles.
While controversy surrounds most of these economic issues, the importance of advertising can best be understood by accepting the abundance principle. This states that, in an economy that produces more goods and services than can be consumed, advertising keeps consumers informed of their selection alternatives and helps companies to compete more effectively.
(Book Reference: Bovee/Srens, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1982, “Contemporary Advertising”).
Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
Macroeconomic Impact of Advertising
1. Impact on the product and medium
2. Impact on the company
3. Impact on competitors
4. Impact on customers
5. Impact on the business community
Macroeconomic View of Advertising
1. Importance of mass distribution
2. Effect of advertising on competition
3. Effect of advertising on the value of products
4. Effect of advertising on prices
5. Effect of advertising on consumer demand
6. Effect of advertising on consumer choice
7. Effect of advertising of the business cycle
Economic Impact of Advertising in Perspective
For the consumer, advertising costs less than most people believe. The various media that carry the advertisements we see are amazingly efficient. A bottle of Coke contains about a penny’s worth of advertising. An automobile that costs $7,000 includes an advertising cost of less than $100.
To the economy as a whole the importance of advertising may best be demonstrated by the abundance principle. This states that in an economy that produces more goods and services than can be consumed, advertising servers two important purposes: (1) it keeps consumers informed of their selection alternatives, and (2) it allows companies to compete more effectively for consumer dollars.
As advertising has stimulated a healthy economy, it has also stimulated a financially healthy consumer who is more informed, better educated, and more demanding. And one of these demands has been for accountability by manufacturers and advertising, thus leading to an unprecedented level of social and legal regulation.
(Book Reference: Contemporary Advertising Hal. 25-36)
1. Impact on the product and medium
2. Impact on the company
3. Impact on competitors
4. Impact on customers
5. Impact on the business community
Macroeconomic View of Advertising
1. Importance of mass distribution
2. Effect of advertising on competition
3. Effect of advertising on the value of products
4. Effect of advertising on prices
5. Effect of advertising on consumer demand
6. Effect of advertising on consumer choice
7. Effect of advertising of the business cycle
Economic Impact of Advertising in Perspective
For the consumer, advertising costs less than most people believe. The various media that carry the advertisements we see are amazingly efficient. A bottle of Coke contains about a penny’s worth of advertising. An automobile that costs $7,000 includes an advertising cost of less than $100.
To the economy as a whole the importance of advertising may best be demonstrated by the abundance principle. This states that in an economy that produces more goods and services than can be consumed, advertising servers two important purposes: (1) it keeps consumers informed of their selection alternatives, and (2) it allows companies to compete more effectively for consumer dollars.
As advertising has stimulated a healthy economy, it has also stimulated a financially healthy consumer who is more informed, better educated, and more demanding. And one of these demands has been for accountability by manufacturers and advertising, thus leading to an unprecedented level of social and legal regulation.
(Book Reference: Contemporary Advertising Hal. 25-36)
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

What is advertising?
Advertising is the non personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.
Let’s take this definition apart and analyze its components. advertising is directed to groups of people and is therefore non personal in nature. The group might be teenagers who enjoy rock music or men and women who watch soap operas or sporting events. But is is not personal or face-to-face communication.
Advertising is not restricted to the promotion of tangible products such as soap and soft drinks. advertising is also used extensively to help services such as hair styling and motorcycle repairs. And increasingly advertising is used to sell economic, political, religious, and social ideas.
Most advertising reaches us through the mass media – that is, billboards, newspapers, magazines, radio and television. But much advertising also reaches us through direct mail. Some advertising even reaches us through players hung on our doorknobs or placed under our windshield wipers at the shopping center.
The most basic function of advertising:
1. To identify products and differentiate them from others.
2. To communicate information about the product, its features, and its location of sale.
3. To induce consumers to try new products and suggest reuse.
4. Stimulating the distribution of a product.
5. To increase product usage.
6. To build brand preference and loyalty.
Generally these functions could be grouped and categorized as marketing, communication, and education functions, as well as economic and social function.
Book Preference : Bovee / Arens, Richard D. Inc, 1982,"Contemporary Advertising"
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Mr. Hendar,
Personnel Manager
Dar Insurance Ltd.
Jl. Cibubur
Dear Mr. Hendar,
Subject : Reference for Marliani
Miss. Marliani has applied for the post of secretary to Marketing Manager of our company and has given your name as her reference.
We would be very grateful if you could give us your opinion of her suitability for the post we have. Any information you give us would be treated as strictly confidential.
Thank you very much for your help and look forward to your information.
Yours sincerely,
Personal manager
Minta Referensi Pribadi
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Kepada Yth.
Tn. Hendar,
Personnel Manager
Dar Insurance Ltd.
Jl. Cibubur
Dengan hormat,
Perihal : Referensi Sdri. Marliani
Saudari Marliani telah melamar untuk jabatan sekretaris Menejer Pemasaran di perusahaan kami dan telah memberikan nama Anda sebagai referensinya.
Kami akan sangat berterima kasih jika Anda dapat memberikan pendapat Anda atas pantas – tidaknya saudari tersebut untuk jabatan yang ada pada kami. Setiap informasi yang Anda berikan akan sangat dirahasiakan.
Terima kasih atas bantuannya dan kani tunggu informasi dari Anda.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Personalia
Important Word List
Another = yang lain; apply for = melamar; brochure = brosur; date = tanggal; discuss = mendiskusikan; engagement = janji; form = formulir; kind = baik hati, jenis
Newest = terbaru; Plan = rencana; product = produk; rate = tarif; reserve = memesan; soon = segera; still = masih; suitability = pantas-tidaknya; suitable = pantas; topic = topic, masalah.
Giving a Personal Reference
22 October 2009
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Mr. Rizal
Personal Manager
Zal Insurance Company
Jl. Dharmawangsa
Dear Mr. Hendar,
Subject: Reference for Marliani.
Thank you for your letter of 20 October asking for a reference for Miss. Marliani.
She used to work for our company as my secretary from 2004 to 2006 and has gained considerable experience of work where she was responsible for all business correspondence. She worked efficiently and reliable. Her fluency in English has been a great help as most of our clients are foreigners.
I am quite sure that she would be a suitable person for the post of secretary to the Marketing Manager of your company.
Personal Manager
Memberikan Referensi Pribadi
Jl. Cimanuk 140
22 October 2009
Kepada Yth,
Bapak. Rizal
Menejer Personalia
Zal Insurance Company
Jl. Dharmawangsa
Dengan hormat,
Perihal : Referensi untuk Marliani
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 20 Oktober yang meminta referensi untuk saudari Marliani.
Dia pernah bekerja di perusahaan kami sebagai sekertaris saya dari tahun 2002 – 2006 dan dia telah mendapat banyak pengalaman bekerja di mana dia bertanggung jawab atas semua korespondensi niaga. Dia bekerja secara efisien dan dapat dipercaya. Kelancaran bahasa Inggrisnya sangat membantu karena sebagian besar nasabah kami orang asing.
Saya yakin dia akan cocok untuk jabatan sekertaris Menejer Pemasaran di perusahaan Anda.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Personalia
Important Word List
Agree = setuju, menyetujui; ask for = meminta; available = tersedia; collect = mengambil; competitor = saingan; engaged = sibuk; explain = menerangkan; experience = pengalaman; flight = penerbangan; join = ikut; occupy = menempati; priority = perioritas; possible = mungkin; prefer = lebih suka; product = produk; quality = mutu; subject = prihal; suitable = cocok; travel = bepergian
Jl. Cimanuk 140
17 October 2009
Finance Manager
Mangs Bank
Dear sir,
Subject: Blue Paper Inc.
The above-mentioned company has asked us to supply them on credit and your bank was given as a reference.
We would be very grateful for any information regarding the company’s ability to meet its financial obligation. Naturally, your reply will be kept strictly confidential.
We look forward to your reply and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Credit Manager
Minta Referensi Perusahaan
Jl. Cimanuk 140
17 October 2009
Menejer Keuangan
Mangs Bank
Jl. Latuharhari
Dengan hormat,
Perihal: Blue Paperwork Inc.
Perusahaan kami tersebut di atas telah meminta kami untuk mensuply mereka secara kredit dan bank Anda diberikan sebagai referensi.
Kami akan sangat berterima kasih atas setiap informasi mengenai kemampuan perusahaan tersebut memenuhi kewajiban finansialnya. Jawaban Anda tentu saja akan dirahasiakan.
Kami tunggu balasan Anda dan terima kasih atas kerja sama Anda dalam hal ini.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Kredit
Certain = tentu; conference = konfrensi; customer = pelanggan; delivery = pengiriman; dispatch = mengirim; discount = potongan; facility = fasilitas; give = memberi; handle = menangani; medium = sedang; mind = keberatan; obligation = kewajiban; permanent = tetap; quiet = tenang; regard = nebgenai; regular = tetap; remit = mengirim; responsible = bertanggung jawab; serve = melayani; take over = mengambil alih.
( Addapted from Dhanny R. Cyssco ENGLISH CONVERSATION & CORRESPONDENCE FOR SECRETARIES, 1997. page 54 - 72 )
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Mr. Hendar,
Personnel Manager
Dar Insurance Ltd.
Jl. Cibubur
Dear Mr. Hendar,
Subject : Reference for Marliani
Miss. Marliani has applied for the post of secretary to Marketing Manager of our company and has given your name as her reference.
We would be very grateful if you could give us your opinion of her suitability for the post we have. Any information you give us would be treated as strictly confidential.
Thank you very much for your help and look forward to your information.
Yours sincerely,
Personal manager
Minta Referensi Pribadi
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Kepada Yth.
Tn. Hendar,
Personnel Manager
Dar Insurance Ltd.
Jl. Cibubur
Dengan hormat,
Perihal : Referensi Sdri. Marliani
Saudari Marliani telah melamar untuk jabatan sekretaris Menejer Pemasaran di perusahaan kami dan telah memberikan nama Anda sebagai referensinya.
Kami akan sangat berterima kasih jika Anda dapat memberikan pendapat Anda atas pantas – tidaknya saudari tersebut untuk jabatan yang ada pada kami. Setiap informasi yang Anda berikan akan sangat dirahasiakan.
Terima kasih atas bantuannya dan kani tunggu informasi dari Anda.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Personalia
Important Word List
Another = yang lain; apply for = melamar; brochure = brosur; date = tanggal; discuss = mendiskusikan; engagement = janji; form = formulir; kind = baik hati, jenis
Newest = terbaru; Plan = rencana; product = produk; rate = tarif; reserve = memesan; soon = segera; still = masih; suitability = pantas-tidaknya; suitable = pantas; topic = topic, masalah.
Giving a Personal Reference
22 October 2009
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Mr. Rizal
Personal Manager
Zal Insurance Company
Jl. Dharmawangsa
Dear Mr. Hendar,
Subject: Reference for Marliani.
Thank you for your letter of 20 October asking for a reference for Miss. Marliani.
She used to work for our company as my secretary from 2004 to 2006 and has gained considerable experience of work where she was responsible for all business correspondence. She worked efficiently and reliable. Her fluency in English has been a great help as most of our clients are foreigners.
I am quite sure that she would be a suitable person for the post of secretary to the Marketing Manager of your company.
Personal Manager
Memberikan Referensi Pribadi
Jl. Cimanuk 140
22 October 2009
Kepada Yth,
Bapak. Rizal
Menejer Personalia
Zal Insurance Company
Jl. Dharmawangsa
Dengan hormat,
Perihal : Referensi untuk Marliani
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 20 Oktober yang meminta referensi untuk saudari Marliani.
Dia pernah bekerja di perusahaan kami sebagai sekertaris saya dari tahun 2002 – 2006 dan dia telah mendapat banyak pengalaman bekerja di mana dia bertanggung jawab atas semua korespondensi niaga. Dia bekerja secara efisien dan dapat dipercaya. Kelancaran bahasa Inggrisnya sangat membantu karena sebagian besar nasabah kami orang asing.
Saya yakin dia akan cocok untuk jabatan sekertaris Menejer Pemasaran di perusahaan Anda.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Personalia
Important Word List
Agree = setuju, menyetujui; ask for = meminta; available = tersedia; collect = mengambil; competitor = saingan; engaged = sibuk; explain = menerangkan; experience = pengalaman; flight = penerbangan; join = ikut; occupy = menempati; priority = perioritas; possible = mungkin; prefer = lebih suka; product = produk; quality = mutu; subject = prihal; suitable = cocok; travel = bepergian
Jl. Cimanuk 140
17 October 2009
Finance Manager
Mangs Bank
Dear sir,
Subject: Blue Paper Inc.
The above-mentioned company has asked us to supply them on credit and your bank was given as a reference.
We would be very grateful for any information regarding the company’s ability to meet its financial obligation. Naturally, your reply will be kept strictly confidential.
We look forward to your reply and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Credit Manager
Minta Referensi Perusahaan
Jl. Cimanuk 140
17 October 2009
Menejer Keuangan
Mangs Bank
Jl. Latuharhari
Dengan hormat,
Perihal: Blue Paperwork Inc.
Perusahaan kami tersebut di atas telah meminta kami untuk mensuply mereka secara kredit dan bank Anda diberikan sebagai referensi.
Kami akan sangat berterima kasih atas setiap informasi mengenai kemampuan perusahaan tersebut memenuhi kewajiban finansialnya. Jawaban Anda tentu saja akan dirahasiakan.
Kami tunggu balasan Anda dan terima kasih atas kerja sama Anda dalam hal ini.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Kredit
Certain = tentu; conference = konfrensi; customer = pelanggan; delivery = pengiriman; dispatch = mengirim; discount = potongan; facility = fasilitas; give = memberi; handle = menangani; medium = sedang; mind = keberatan; obligation = kewajiban; permanent = tetap; quiet = tenang; regard = nebgenai; regular = tetap; remit = mengirim; responsible = bertanggung jawab; serve = melayani; take over = mengambil alih.
( Addapted from Dhanny R. Cyssco ENGLISH CONVERSATION & CORRESPONDENCE FOR SECRETARIES, 1997. page 54 - 72 )
Senin, 19 Oktober 2009
Jl. Cimanuk 140
19 October 2009
The Manager
Heri Perkasa
Jl.Cimanuk 140 Garut
Dear sir,
Mr. Solihin, our Marketing Manager is attending an International Seminar on Science and Technology in Bandung next November and during he is Bandung, he is interested to stay in your hotel.
I should be pleased if you could send me your complete brochures, pricelist, and other information on facilities you can offer to your reply by return.
Yours sincerely,
Jl. Cimanuk 140
19 October 2009
The Manager
Heri Perkasa
Jl.Cimanuk 140 Garut
Dear sir,
Tn. Solihin, Menejer Pemasaran kami akan menghadiri suatu Seminar Internasional mengenai Ilmu dan Teknology di Garut bulan Nopember mendatang dan selama berada di Garut, dia tertarik untuk tinggal di hotel Anda.
saya sangat senang jika Anda dapat mengirimkan pada saya brosur - brosur lengkap Anda, daftar harga, dan keterangan lainnya tentang fasilitas yang dapat Anda berikan pada pada tamu - tamu Anda.
Saya tunggu balasan Anda secepatnya.
Hormat saya,
accept = menerima; agreement = persetujuan
apology = permintaan maaf; appointment = janji
background = latar belakang; branch = cabang
caller = penelpom; certainly = tentu saja
convenient = menyenangkan; delivery = pengiriman
engaged = sibuk; experienced = berpengalaman
hear = mendengar; inquiry = permintaan keterangan
install = mencicil; list = daftar
pleased = senang; pricelist = daftar harga
reply = balasan ; resign = mengundurkan diri
skill = keterampilan ; terms = syarat - syarat
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Ms. Hanny
International Metro
Jl.Patra Kuningan
Dear Ms. Hanny,
Thank you for your letter of 19 October, inquirying about our brochures and price list.
We are pleased to enclose our newest brochures and pricelist together with some other information on the details of our hotel facilities.
We look forward your Marketing Manager's visit.
Yours faithfully,
Reservation Manager
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Ms. Hanny
International Metro
Jl.Patra Kuningan
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 19 Oktober, yang minta brosur - brosur dan daftar harga kami.
Dengan senang hati kami lampirkan brosur - brosur terbaru kami dan daftar harga bersama dengan keterangan lainnya tentang perincian fasilitas - fasilitas hotel kami.
Kami menunggu kunjungan Menejer Pemasaran Anda.
Hormat saya,
Menejer Reservasi
account = rekening; advice = nasihat ; ask = bertanya
connect = menghubungkan ; details = perincian; enclose = melampirkan
fill = mengisi; finance = keuangan; form = formulir
instruction = instuksi; leave = meninggalkan; newest = terbaru
payment = pembayaran; reply = membalas; settle = menyelesaikan
sign = menandatangani; submit = menyerahkan; transfer = mentransfer
visit = kunjungan
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 October 2009
Sales Manager
Heri Office Supplies Inc
Jl. Cibubur
Dear sir,
We are expanding our business in Jakarta and we will need some new tables, chairs, filing cabinets, computers, type riters and some other office equipment.
Please send us your catalogues with your price lists, and terms of payment for the items mentioned above.
We look forward to your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 October 2009
Sales Manager
Heri Office Supplies Inc
Jl. Cibubur
Dengan hormat,
Kami akan mengembangkan usaha kami di Jakarta dan kami akan membutuhkan beberapa meja, kursi, filing cabinet, komputer, mesin ketik baru dan barang - barang perlengkapan kantor lainnya.
Mohon kirimkan pada kami katalog - katalog dengan daftar harga, dan syarat - syarat pembayaran untuk barang - barang tersebut di atas.
Kami menunggu balasan Anda secepatnya.
Hormat kami,
able = sanggup, dapat; branch = cabang ; equipment = perlengkapan
error = kesalahan; expand = memperluas; get = mendapatkan
hard = giat; interview = wawancara; miscalculation = salah hitung
mistake = kesalahan; next = yang akan datang;possible = mungkin
postpone = menunda; prefer = lebih suka; prompt = cepat
put off = menunda; solve = memecahkan; sure = yakin, pasti
Reply to Inquiry letter
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Ms. Maria
B. Contructional Ltd.
Dear Ms. Maria,
Thanks you for letter of 18 October, inquirying about our catalogues, pricelist, and terms of payment.
We have pleasure in sending you our catalogue, pricelist, and terms of payment of all office equipment we have.
We hope you will find our prices, terms, and the quality of the items you need satisfactory.
We look forward to your first order.
Yours sincerely,
Solihin Arif
Sales manager
Jawaban Surat Permintaan Keterangan
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Kepada Yth.
Ibu Maria
B. Contructional Ltd.
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 18 oktober yang meminta catalog – catalog, daftar harga, dan syarat – syarat pembayaran semua perlengkapan kantor yang ada pada kami.
Dengan senang hati kami kirimkan pada Anda katalog – katalog, daftar harga, dan syarat – syarat yang ada pada kami.
Kami harap daftar harga, syarat pembayaran dan mutu barang – barang yang Anda butuhkan akan memuaskan Anda.
Kami tunggu pesanan pertama Anda.
Hormat kami,
Solihin Arif
Menejer penjualan
Important Word List
A lot = banyak; Application = lamaran; Confirm = mengkonfirmasikan; Customer = pelanggan; Find = menemukan; Guest = tamu; Hope = berharap; items = barang – barang; official = resmi; overseas = luar negeri; partner = partner; pleasure = kesenangan; representative = perwakilan; satisfactory = memuaskan; seat = tempat duduk; send = mengirim; style = bentuk, gaya; terms = syarat – syarat; thirsty = haus; type = mengetik; weather = ucaca.
( Addapted from Dhanny R. Cyssco ENGLISH CONVERSATION & CORRESPONDENCE FOR SECRETARIES, 1997. page 22 - 44 )
Jl. Cimanuk 140
19 October 2009
The Manager
Heri Perkasa
Jl.Cimanuk 140 Garut
Dear sir,
Mr. Solihin, our Marketing Manager is attending an International Seminar on Science and Technology in Bandung next November and during he is Bandung, he is interested to stay in your hotel.
I should be pleased if you could send me your complete brochures, pricelist, and other information on facilities you can offer to your reply by return.
Yours sincerely,
Jl. Cimanuk 140
19 October 2009
The Manager
Heri Perkasa
Jl.Cimanuk 140 Garut
Dear sir,
Tn. Solihin, Menejer Pemasaran kami akan menghadiri suatu Seminar Internasional mengenai Ilmu dan Teknology di Garut bulan Nopember mendatang dan selama berada di Garut, dia tertarik untuk tinggal di hotel Anda.
saya sangat senang jika Anda dapat mengirimkan pada saya brosur - brosur lengkap Anda, daftar harga, dan keterangan lainnya tentang fasilitas yang dapat Anda berikan pada pada tamu - tamu Anda.
Saya tunggu balasan Anda secepatnya.
Hormat saya,
accept = menerima; agreement = persetujuan
apology = permintaan maaf; appointment = janji
background = latar belakang; branch = cabang
caller = penelpom; certainly = tentu saja
convenient = menyenangkan; delivery = pengiriman
engaged = sibuk; experienced = berpengalaman
hear = mendengar; inquiry = permintaan keterangan
install = mencicil; list = daftar
pleased = senang; pricelist = daftar harga
reply = balasan ; resign = mengundurkan diri
skill = keterampilan ; terms = syarat - syarat
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Ms. Hanny
International Metro
Jl.Patra Kuningan
Dear Ms. Hanny,
Thank you for your letter of 19 October, inquirying about our brochures and price list.
We are pleased to enclose our newest brochures and pricelist together with some other information on the details of our hotel facilities.
We look forward your Marketing Manager's visit.
Yours faithfully,
Reservation Manager
Jl. Cimanuk 140
20 October 2009
Ms. Hanny
International Metro
Jl.Patra Kuningan
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 19 Oktober, yang minta brosur - brosur dan daftar harga kami.
Dengan senang hati kami lampirkan brosur - brosur terbaru kami dan daftar harga bersama dengan keterangan lainnya tentang perincian fasilitas - fasilitas hotel kami.
Kami menunggu kunjungan Menejer Pemasaran Anda.
Hormat saya,
Menejer Reservasi
account = rekening; advice = nasihat ; ask = bertanya
connect = menghubungkan ; details = perincian; enclose = melampirkan
fill = mengisi; finance = keuangan; form = formulir
instruction = instuksi; leave = meninggalkan; newest = terbaru
payment = pembayaran; reply = membalas; settle = menyelesaikan
sign = menandatangani; submit = menyerahkan; transfer = mentransfer
visit = kunjungan
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 October 2009
Sales Manager
Heri Office Supplies Inc
Jl. Cibubur
Dear sir,
We are expanding our business in Jakarta and we will need some new tables, chairs, filing cabinets, computers, type riters and some other office equipment.
Please send us your catalogues with your price lists, and terms of payment for the items mentioned above.
We look forward to your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 October 2009
Sales Manager
Heri Office Supplies Inc
Jl. Cibubur
Dengan hormat,
Kami akan mengembangkan usaha kami di Jakarta dan kami akan membutuhkan beberapa meja, kursi, filing cabinet, komputer, mesin ketik baru dan barang - barang perlengkapan kantor lainnya.
Mohon kirimkan pada kami katalog - katalog dengan daftar harga, dan syarat - syarat pembayaran untuk barang - barang tersebut di atas.
Kami menunggu balasan Anda secepatnya.
Hormat kami,
able = sanggup, dapat; branch = cabang ; equipment = perlengkapan
error = kesalahan; expand = memperluas; get = mendapatkan
hard = giat; interview = wawancara; miscalculation = salah hitung
mistake = kesalahan; next = yang akan datang;possible = mungkin
postpone = menunda; prefer = lebih suka; prompt = cepat
put off = menunda; solve = memecahkan; sure = yakin, pasti
Reply to Inquiry letter
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Ms. Maria
B. Contructional Ltd.
Dear Ms. Maria,
Thanks you for letter of 18 October, inquirying about our catalogues, pricelist, and terms of payment.
We have pleasure in sending you our catalogue, pricelist, and terms of payment of all office equipment we have.
We hope you will find our prices, terms, and the quality of the items you need satisfactory.
We look forward to your first order.
Yours sincerely,
Solihin Arif
Sales manager
Jawaban Surat Permintaan Keterangan
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Kepada Yth.
Ibu Maria
B. Contructional Ltd.
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat Anda tanggal 18 oktober yang meminta catalog – catalog, daftar harga, dan syarat – syarat pembayaran semua perlengkapan kantor yang ada pada kami.
Dengan senang hati kami kirimkan pada Anda katalog – katalog, daftar harga, dan syarat – syarat yang ada pada kami.
Kami harap daftar harga, syarat pembayaran dan mutu barang – barang yang Anda butuhkan akan memuaskan Anda.
Kami tunggu pesanan pertama Anda.
Hormat kami,
Solihin Arif
Menejer penjualan
Important Word List
A lot = banyak; Application = lamaran; Confirm = mengkonfirmasikan; Customer = pelanggan; Find = menemukan; Guest = tamu; Hope = berharap; items = barang – barang; official = resmi; overseas = luar negeri; partner = partner; pleasure = kesenangan; representative = perwakilan; satisfactory = memuaskan; seat = tempat duduk; send = mengirim; style = bentuk, gaya; terms = syarat – syarat; thirsty = haus; type = mengetik; weather = ucaca.
( Addapted from Dhanny R. Cyssco ENGLISH CONVERSATION & CORRESPONDENCE FOR SECRETARIES, 1997. page 22 - 44 )
Bisnis Online Gratis

Manfaatkan Situs Pejualan Online Gratis
Bagi Anda yang ingin ke usaha toko online secara Cuma-Cuma ada banyak situs yang menawarkan fasilitas gratis,Selain dan , dan jejaring sosial seperti friendster.facebook,dan twitter,ada juga yang memberikan space toko online gratis.Yang menarik di website ini pemilik toko online diberikan fasilitas free SMS alert sehingga pemilik toko dapat mengetahui setiap kali mendapatkan respons dari pembeli.Selain itu juga ada fitur online chat sehingga penjual dan pembeli dapat bisa langsung melakukan negosiasi.Untuk bergabung dengan portan jual beli ini Anda bisa langsung mengakses dan mengklik register dibagian sebelah kanan atas halaman website. Dani
Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:Dino Market.Com Jln Kramat Lontar Blok No 54 T Evie-08158010198 felis 08158298284
Menjaring Pasar Dalam Dan Luar Negri
Usaha Online Sangat Berpotensi Menjaring Pasar Dalam & Dan Luar Negeri
Keuntungan berjualan Online,toko online berpotensi besar dilihat baik pasar dari dalam dan luar negri.Dengan demikian jangkauannya bisa lebih luas dari pada toko offline.Meskipun begitu biasanya pelaku usaha toko online ini telah menentukan segmen pasar yang akan ditunjuknya,apakah akan menyasar pasar dalam negeri atau luar negeri.
Untuk menyasar segmen pasar dalam negeri Anda dapat memanfaatkan website sebagai media promosi gratis seperti ,dan .Untuk mendapatkan pembeli dari luar negeri website yang bisa digunakan seperti atau .Beragam produk Indonesia yang sangat diminati pasar luar negeri seperti Kerajinan,Furnitur,Produk kopi dan rempah-rempah.
Cara Memperluas Pasar Luar Negeri
Untuk memperluas jaringan pasar luar negeri sebaiknya mendaftarkan hosting website Anda di luar negeri.Agar website mendapat peringkat di geogle perlu membuat backlink yang banyak,caranya dengan mendaftarkan diri kebanyak direktori website orang lain seperti:,,
Menjaga Kepercayaan Pelanggan
Kepercayaan pelanggan merupakan hal yang penting.Sebaiknya pelaku usaha menepati janji dan waktu yang tepat dan cepat.Mengganti produk barang bila barang yang dipesan tidak sesuai dengan kehendak konsumen.Harus di jaga jangan sampai konsumen kecewa.
Alamat Website
Agar website banyak dikunjungi pelanggan ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan:
1)Buat alamat website sesuai dengan produk yang dijual,misalnya penjualan pakaian anak gaul,nama domainnya toko pakaian anak gaul.
2)Gunakan penggalan kata-kata dihalaman website untuk meningkatkan indek dimesin pencarian geogle;misalnya kontak toko pakaian dan toko sepatu,dll.
3)Membuat backlink di beberapa website,blog maupun forum dan millis sehingga semakin banyak peluang orang untuk mengakses website tersebut.
4)Melakukan iklan maupun banner baik secara gratis di internet maupun iklan berbayar di website yang banyak di akses orang yang dapat meningkatkan popularitas website.
5)Sering melakukan up-date website dengan memasukan tulisan,gambar,slide maupun video.Dan rutin meng-update produk terbaru secara berkala.
6)Memanfaatkan situs jejaring pertemanan seperti facebook dan twiter sebagai media promosi yang tengah banyak di akses saat ini.
(Sumber Bacaan Peluang Usaha,Utama Hal 20 Edisi 14-27 Oktober 2009 Pesan ini disampaikan oleh
Invoices, statements, receipts, credit noted, cheques and other ready-made forms are used extensively when dealing with routine things. Particulars concerning goods, payments, etc, merely need to be filled in. however, mistakes can be made in the filling of forms, goods can be damaged in transit, cheques can bounce and other unexpected things can happen. These are normal day-to-day occurrences. Many of these problems can be quickly settled in person or via the telephone. Nevertheless letters are still needed for the sake of formality, to correct mistakes or to make things clearer. Thus effective letters are of paramount importance. A badly written letter can make a bad situation worse and bring about the deterioration of business, among other things.
The sample letters that follow in this chapter cover a wide range of letters relating to the running of a business, but they cannot possibly cover all matters it is up to you to improvise when totally new and unexpected situation arises.
Request for a Catalogue
Jalan Cikini
Jakarta Pusat
15 August 2008
The Manager
KPS Publications Co.
jl. Ahmad yani
Dear Sir / Madam,
Request for Cataolgue
Please send me a copy of your latest catalogue and price list of your publication. I have seen of your titles on sale in Mumbai an I am sure there is a ready market for theme here
I am planning to expand my business and as a part of it I would like to order more quantities in future. So please let me know of your terms and discounts for retail sale.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully.
Sanding Catalogue and terms
Jl. Ahmad Yani
Date : 15 May 2002
Dear Ms. Mona
Catalogue and Discount Terms
Thank you for your letter requesting for a catalogue and discount terms. We enclose our latest catalogue with this letter.
As we are doing business for the first time, it is our policy to offer the following terms for all our titles ( for purchases of 10 or more copies per title ):
35% discount for cash purchase.
25% discount on 60 days credit. Payment made before 30 days is entitled to a rebate of 5%.
Further discounts for purchases in bulk is negotiable. Any query can be directed to the Sales Manager, Mr. James Rupan.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Yours truly.
Sales Manager
Request for Opening an Account
Jl. menteng
Date : 10 March 2008
Mr. Eri
General Manager
Dear Mr. Andi
Opening an account
I am going to open my own pharmachy in Race Course soon and I would like to open an account with you.
As you might remember I used to work as a pharmachist for JB pharmachy in Bandung. Those days I ordered medicine and other pharamaceutical products from you, mostly via your representative Ms Jessica. Now I am starting out on my own and I need all the support from your side that I can get My shop is situated in a rapidly growing section of town and I expect a fairly high turnover of business. Ms. Jessica has already seen the premises and she is pleased with its location.
Could you let me know the best terms you can offer me? Perhaps, you might like to send someone to pay me a visit to make sure of things. My bankers are State Bank of India. M.G. Road Branch.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Agreeing to Open Account
Jes chemichals trading co.
Ref: na 341/1P
Dated: 12 April 2008
Rina Pharmacy
Dear Mr. Eri
New Account
Congratulations on the opening your new pharmacy. We will be happy to be one of yor suppliers. Our terms are as usual: 10% discount at one month or 12,5% cash. Ms Patricia Chin will call on you soon with our latest catalogue. You can place your orders with her or fax them to us later. She will also be recommending some disply ideas to you. We have a new range of health foods that we like to be displayed prominently if space allows. Anyhow, let Ms Chin know of your plans and we shall see how may help.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
General manager
Request for Sending an Unsolicited Article to a Magazine
jl. Lenteng agung
05 July 2008
The Editor
Young Work Magazine
Jl. Cimanuk
Dear Sir / Madam.
Article for Young Children
I have written an article suitable for children-for school-going children. I have enclosed a copy of the article with this letter. Perhaps, you might kindly have a look and see if you like to use it for your magazine.
I shall be happy to make changes or even rewrite the article if you find anything lacking with the present one. I hope to hear from you soon. I have included a stamped self-addressed envelope for your convenience.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
(Ahmad )
Returning Unsolicited Article
Jl. Cimanuk
28 July 2008
Mr. Ahmad
jl. Lenteng agung
Dear Ahmad,
We thank you much for your contribution, but we find that it is not suitable for our needs at the moment. So we are returning the copy of your article to you.
If I may add, you need to refine your writing technique before they can be seriously be considered for publication. It is our they can suggestion that definitely you can flourish a lot in this field if you practice regularly. What you need is lots of practice at writing.
Yours faithfully,
( Addapted from Varshan Stery, HOW TO WRITE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LETTER, 2004. PAGE, 38-44)
Invoices, statements, receipts, credit noted, cheques and other ready-made forms are used extensively when dealing with routine things. Particulars concerning goods, payments, etc, merely need to be filled in. however, mistakes can be made in the filling of forms, goods can be damaged in transit, cheques can bounce and other unexpected things can happen. These are normal day-to-day occurrences. Many of these problems can be quickly settled in person or via the telephone. Nevertheless letters are still needed for the sake of formality, to correct mistakes or to make things clearer. Thus effective letters are of paramount importance. A badly written letter can make a bad situation worse and bring about the deterioration of business, among other things.
The sample letters that follow in this chapter cover a wide range of letters relating to the running of a business, but they cannot possibly cover all matters it is up to you to improvise when totally new and unexpected situation arises.
Request for a Catalogue
Jalan Cikini
Jakarta Pusat
15 August 2008
The Manager
KPS Publications Co.
jl. Ahmad yani
Dear Sir / Madam,
Request for Cataolgue
Please send me a copy of your latest catalogue and price list of your publication. I have seen of your titles on sale in Mumbai an I am sure there is a ready market for theme here
I am planning to expand my business and as a part of it I would like to order more quantities in future. So please let me know of your terms and discounts for retail sale.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully.
Sanding Catalogue and terms
Jl. Ahmad Yani
Date : 15 May 2002
Dear Ms. Mona
Catalogue and Discount Terms
Thank you for your letter requesting for a catalogue and discount terms. We enclose our latest catalogue with this letter.
As we are doing business for the first time, it is our policy to offer the following terms for all our titles ( for purchases of 10 or more copies per title ):
35% discount for cash purchase.
25% discount on 60 days credit. Payment made before 30 days is entitled to a rebate of 5%.
Further discounts for purchases in bulk is negotiable. Any query can be directed to the Sales Manager, Mr. James Rupan.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Yours truly.
Sales Manager
Request for Opening an Account
Jl. menteng
Date : 10 March 2008
Mr. Eri
General Manager
Dear Mr. Andi
Opening an account
I am going to open my own pharmachy in Race Course soon and I would like to open an account with you.
As you might remember I used to work as a pharmachist for JB pharmachy in Bandung. Those days I ordered medicine and other pharamaceutical products from you, mostly via your representative Ms Jessica. Now I am starting out on my own and I need all the support from your side that I can get My shop is situated in a rapidly growing section of town and I expect a fairly high turnover of business. Ms. Jessica has already seen the premises and she is pleased with its location.
Could you let me know the best terms you can offer me? Perhaps, you might like to send someone to pay me a visit to make sure of things. My bankers are State Bank of India. M.G. Road Branch.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Agreeing to Open Account
Jes chemichals trading co.
Ref: na 341/1P
Dated: 12 April 2008
Rina Pharmacy
Dear Mr. Eri
New Account
Congratulations on the opening your new pharmacy. We will be happy to be one of yor suppliers. Our terms are as usual: 10% discount at one month or 12,5% cash. Ms Patricia Chin will call on you soon with our latest catalogue. You can place your orders with her or fax them to us later. She will also be recommending some disply ideas to you. We have a new range of health foods that we like to be displayed prominently if space allows. Anyhow, let Ms Chin know of your plans and we shall see how may help.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
General manager
Request for Sending an Unsolicited Article to a Magazine
jl. Lenteng agung
05 July 2008
The Editor
Young Work Magazine
Jl. Cimanuk
Dear Sir / Madam.
Article for Young Children
I have written an article suitable for children-for school-going children. I have enclosed a copy of the article with this letter. Perhaps, you might kindly have a look and see if you like to use it for your magazine.
I shall be happy to make changes or even rewrite the article if you find anything lacking with the present one. I hope to hear from you soon. I have included a stamped self-addressed envelope for your convenience.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
(Ahmad )
Returning Unsolicited Article
Jl. Cimanuk
28 July 2008
Mr. Ahmad
jl. Lenteng agung
Dear Ahmad,
We thank you much for your contribution, but we find that it is not suitable for our needs at the moment. So we are returning the copy of your article to you.
If I may add, you need to refine your writing technique before they can be seriously be considered for publication. It is our they can suggestion that definitely you can flourish a lot in this field if you practice regularly. What you need is lots of practice at writing.
Yours faithfully,
( Addapted from Varshan Stery, HOW TO WRITE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LETTER, 2004. PAGE, 38-44)
Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

We shall give the term a specific meaning by assigning four related functions to the entrepreneur:
1. The entrepreneur takes the initiative in combining the resources of land, capital, and labor in the production of a good or services. Both a sparkplug and a catalyst, the entrepreneur is at once the driving force behind production and the agent who combines the other resources in what is hoped will be a profitable venture.
2. The entrepreneur undertakes the chore of making basic business-policy decisions, that is, those non-routine decisions which set the course of a business enterprise.
3. The entrepreneur is an innovator – the person who attempts to introduce on a commercial basis new products, new productive techniques, or even new forms of business organization.
4. The entrepreneur is obviously a risk bearer. This is apparent from a close examination of the other three entrepreneurial functions. The entrepreneur in a capitalistic system has no guarantee or profits. The reward for his or her time, efforts, and abilities may be attractive profits or losses and eventual bankruptcy. In short, the entrepreneur risks not only time, effort, and business reputation, but his or her invested funds and those of associates or stockholders.
The art of competition is known as entrepreneurship.
Adapted from: Campbell R. McConnell, ECONOMICS 10th edition, p.20
Ninety nine per cent of the time a go letter should be short and to the point.No one should have to waste time digging out the message from a mass of verbiage.The letter's simple wording,its directness,and even its physical appearance should help the reader get the message immediately.A good letter,at the same time,should create a feeling of cooperativeness and good will in the person it is addressed to.
The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch wits its customers,often enough it is the only one and customers form theier impression of the firm form the tone and quality of the letters it send out.
Write simply.
The whole secret of good business letter writing is to write simply,in an easy and natural way - like one friendly human being talking to another.Make your letters,then,sound as much as possible like good conversation.
The rules of good business letter-writing as follows:
1. Think first of the reader and address yourself to his interests.Tell him all he
wants to know and don't leave him to guess between the lines.
2. Adopt a tone suited to the occasion and the purpose of the letter.
3. Write naturally,as you would talk, using plain and familiar words.
4. Write clearly and to the point. The dominant need in all business writing
is exactness expressed in language that is absolutely clear.
5. Write courteously and make your letter sound friendly and sincere.
6. Avoid wordiness,but at the same time remember that that it is important to be
clear and courteous even if it means using more words.
7. Avoid commercial jargon with it roundabout and meaningless forms of expression.
8. Write effectively - by using simple language, by being consistent and precise.
9. Avoid monotony - by introducing variety.
10.Write to a plan if your letter is long or specially important.
11.Pay special attention to the opening and closing paragraphs - first and last
impressions leave a special mark on the reader.
12.Check your letters.
All these are matters of importance and we shall now take a closer look at each one of them.( L. Gartsida, MODEL BUSINESS LETTERS, LOW-PRICED EDITION halaman 2-3 )
Jakarta,Monday,October 19,2009
A real business needs too much confidence as that is the base of a business skill. A business man must be confident enough to make sure of this customer about his business. Then only the customer could be satisfied. Customer satisfaction is a must for the success of the business which should be cultivated through the inner confidence lying in the business mind. As already denoted letter drafting for the business, even though we have most updated communication facilities nowadays. Simultaneously good business man has to get the confidence of his customer. Whit this purpose the customer should be prepared by motivating them. So that definitely there should be something to know and remember in the mind of the businessman. These are some points specifically given to take in consideration, when trying to win the customers confidence. These are some points to take in consideration trying to win the reader’s confidence.
1.Don’t try to fool the customer about anything.
2.Throw out all exaggerated claims.
3.Tell less than the whole truth if the whole truth is unbelievable.
4.Beware of innocent misstatement.
5.Bear in mind that the customer will disbelieve everything you say, if he recognizes a single misstatement.
6.Don’t try overwhelming your customers with great claims.
7.Back up your claims with proof, guarantees, and testimonials.
8.Write in a manner that will make the customer like you, for people are more inclined to trust those they like.
9.Use winning logic.
10.If you are wrong, you should admit it.
( Varshan Stery, HOW TO WRITE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LETTER,2004, Page 25-26 )
Jakarta Monday, October,19, 2009
Your ability to choose and use the right word depends upon the range of your vocabulary, and this will be adequate only if you take opportunities to talk with educated people, to read criticlly, and to use and study your dictionary.
Some words tend to encroach on others that are better. The use of such encroaching word is something you must try to avoid. In the list that follows are a number of these word, and of others that are frequently misused:
The following examples illustrate the right and wrong use of some of these words frequently used in business correspondence.
Advise, inform
We will advise you as soon as the goods are ready (say inform)
We advise you not to accept the price offered (i.e. give you counsel)
Allude, mention
The matter alluded to in your letter will be considered at our next meeting (say mentioned)
He was alluding to one of us (i.e. hinting at someone not actually mentioned)
Anticipate, expect
We do not anticipate any difficulty in meeting your request (say expect)
We anticipated your request for quick delivery and sent the goods this morning (i.e. acted in advance)
Appreciate, realize
You will no doubt Appreciate that we cannot allow a discount (say realize, understand)
Your help is very much appreciated (i.e. valued)
Appropriate, relevant
We shall study the part played by the appropriate financial institutions in providing the capital needed (say relevant )
The speech made by the chairman was not appropriate for the occasion (i.e. not suitable)
Capacity, ability
He has an unusual capacity for organizing ( say ability)
His capacity for foreign languages is quite remarkable )i.e. his power to acquire)
Compensate, remunerate
We shall compensate you for the work done (say remunerate)
We shall compensate you for any loss sustained (i.e. good any loss)
Comprise, compose
The five members who comprise the committee all hope to be present (say compose, or better still, form)
the committee comprises five elected representatives (i.e. includes)
depreciate, deteriorate
perishable goods depreciate quickly unless carefully stored (say deteriorate)
The pound depreciated under pressure on the foreign exchanges (i.e. fell in value)
disinterested, uninterested
as I have attended all meetings you can hardly accuse me of being disinterested (say uninterested ).
We suggest the matter be referred to someone who is disinterested (i.e. not biased)
Expect, believe
We expect you were quite right to decline the offer (say believe)
We expect to hear from you soon (i.e. like to hear from you )
Feel, think
I cannot half feeling that the terms are unreasonable (say thinking)
Despite the absence of evidence I feel he has acted wisely (i.e. feel instinctiviely)
Individual, person
He is a most reliable individual (say person)
A distinction must be drawn between the individual and the group (i.e. the single person)
Integrate, co-ordinate
The formation of a pool will integrate the work of the typists (say co-ordinate )
The advertising department will now be integrated with the sales department under the sales manager (i.e. will form one with the sales department)
Likely, liable
We are likely to fail in our attempts to increase profits (say liable)
It is likely that she will take offence if you criticize her (i.e. probable)
Loan, lend
We are willing to loan you £200 for a month (say lend )
The Council will grant a loan of £200 (i.e. a sum of money)
Meantime, meanwhile
I shall be away until Friday; meantime, perhaps you will complete this report (say meanwhile, or in the meantime)
The manager will return next Monday; meanwhile (or in the meantime). Mr X will act as his deputy.
Mutual, common
We refer you to our mutual friends, Messrs X & Co. (say to X & Co; who are well known to both of us)
We are glad to think that our mutually good relations will not be impaired by the difficulties that have arisn (i.e. our relations with each other )
Practical, practicable
To complete the work by the time stated is not practical (say practicable)
What is practicable is not always practical (i.e. what is possible is not always profitable).
Transpire, occur
The accident transpired as he left the meeting (say occurred)
It has transpired that the directors could not agree (i.e. become known)
Note: Correspondence is not of course concerned with pronunciation, but many business contacts are of the personal kind or by telephone, and if you are to create a good impression with educated business acquaintances correct speaking is essential.
(L. Gartside, MODERN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. 1989, Page,82,84 - 86 )
Ninety nine per cent of the time a go letter should be short and to the point.No one should have to waste time digging out the message from a mass of verbiage.The letter's simple wording,its directness,and even its physical appearance should help the reader get the message immediately.A good letter,at the same time,should create a feeling of cooperativeness and good will in the person it is addressed to.
The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch wits its customers,often enough it is the only one and customers form theier impression of the firm form the tone and quality of the letters it send out.
Write simply.
The whole secret of good business letter writing is to write simply,in an easy and natural way - like one friendly human being talking to another.Make your letters,then,sound as much as possible like good conversation.
The rules of good business letter-writing as follows:
1. Think first of the reader and address yourself to his interests.Tell him all he
wants to know and don't leave him to guess between the lines.
2. Adopt a tone suited to the occasion and the purpose of the letter.
3. Write naturally,as you would talk, using plain and familiar words.
4. Write clearly and to the point. The dominant need in all business writing
is exactness expressed in language that is absolutely clear.
5. Write courteously and make your letter sound friendly and sincere.
6. Avoid wordiness,but at the same time remember that that it is important to be
clear and courteous even if it means using more words.
7. Avoid commercial jargon with it roundabout and meaningless forms of expression.
8. Write effectively - by using simple language, by being consistent and precise.
9. Avoid monotony - by introducing variety.
10.Write to a plan if your letter is long or specially important.
11.Pay special attention to the opening and closing paragraphs - first and last
impressions leave a special mark on the reader.
12.Check your letters.
All these are matters of importance and we shall now take a closer look at each one of them.( L. Gartsida, MODEL BUSINESS LETTERS, LOW-PRICED EDITION halaman 2-3 )
Jakarta,Monday,October 19,2009
A real business needs too much confidence as that is the base of a business skill. A business man must be confident enough to make sure of this customer about his business. Then only the customer could be satisfied. Customer satisfaction is a must for the success of the business which should be cultivated through the inner confidence lying in the business mind. As already denoted letter drafting for the business, even though we have most updated communication facilities nowadays. Simultaneously good business man has to get the confidence of his customer. Whit this purpose the customer should be prepared by motivating them. So that definitely there should be something to know and remember in the mind of the businessman. These are some points specifically given to take in consideration, when trying to win the customers confidence. These are some points to take in consideration trying to win the reader’s confidence.
1.Don’t try to fool the customer about anything.
2.Throw out all exaggerated claims.
3.Tell less than the whole truth if the whole truth is unbelievable.
4.Beware of innocent misstatement.
5.Bear in mind that the customer will disbelieve everything you say, if he recognizes a single misstatement.
6.Don’t try overwhelming your customers with great claims.
7.Back up your claims with proof, guarantees, and testimonials.
8.Write in a manner that will make the customer like you, for people are more inclined to trust those they like.
9.Use winning logic.
10.If you are wrong, you should admit it.
( Varshan Stery, HOW TO WRITE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LETTER,2004, Page 25-26 )
Jakarta Monday, October,19, 2009
Your ability to choose and use the right word depends upon the range of your vocabulary, and this will be adequate only if you take opportunities to talk with educated people, to read criticlly, and to use and study your dictionary.
Some words tend to encroach on others that are better. The use of such encroaching word is something you must try to avoid. In the list that follows are a number of these word, and of others that are frequently misused:
The following examples illustrate the right and wrong use of some of these words frequently used in business correspondence.
Advise, inform
We will advise you as soon as the goods are ready (say inform)
We advise you not to accept the price offered (i.e. give you counsel)
Allude, mention
The matter alluded to in your letter will be considered at our next meeting (say mentioned)
He was alluding to one of us (i.e. hinting at someone not actually mentioned)
Anticipate, expect
We do not anticipate any difficulty in meeting your request (say expect)
We anticipated your request for quick delivery and sent the goods this morning (i.e. acted in advance)
Appreciate, realize
You will no doubt Appreciate that we cannot allow a discount (say realize, understand)
Your help is very much appreciated (i.e. valued)
Appropriate, relevant
We shall study the part played by the appropriate financial institutions in providing the capital needed (say relevant )
The speech made by the chairman was not appropriate for the occasion (i.e. not suitable)
Capacity, ability
He has an unusual capacity for organizing ( say ability)
His capacity for foreign languages is quite remarkable )i.e. his power to acquire)
Compensate, remunerate
We shall compensate you for the work done (say remunerate)
We shall compensate you for any loss sustained (i.e. good any loss)
Comprise, compose
The five members who comprise the committee all hope to be present (say compose, or better still, form)
the committee comprises five elected representatives (i.e. includes)
depreciate, deteriorate
perishable goods depreciate quickly unless carefully stored (say deteriorate)
The pound depreciated under pressure on the foreign exchanges (i.e. fell in value)
disinterested, uninterested
as I have attended all meetings you can hardly accuse me of being disinterested (say uninterested ).
We suggest the matter be referred to someone who is disinterested (i.e. not biased)
Expect, believe
We expect you were quite right to decline the offer (say believe)
We expect to hear from you soon (i.e. like to hear from you )
Feel, think
I cannot half feeling that the terms are unreasonable (say thinking)
Despite the absence of evidence I feel he has acted wisely (i.e. feel instinctiviely)
Individual, person
He is a most reliable individual (say person)
A distinction must be drawn between the individual and the group (i.e. the single person)
Integrate, co-ordinate
The formation of a pool will integrate the work of the typists (say co-ordinate )
The advertising department will now be integrated with the sales department under the sales manager (i.e. will form one with the sales department)
Likely, liable
We are likely to fail in our attempts to increase profits (say liable)
It is likely that she will take offence if you criticize her (i.e. probable)
Loan, lend
We are willing to loan you £200 for a month (say lend )
The Council will grant a loan of £200 (i.e. a sum of money)
Meantime, meanwhile
I shall be away until Friday; meantime, perhaps you will complete this report (say meanwhile, or in the meantime)
The manager will return next Monday; meanwhile (or in the meantime). Mr X will act as his deputy.
Mutual, common
We refer you to our mutual friends, Messrs X & Co. (say to X & Co; who are well known to both of us)
We are glad to think that our mutually good relations will not be impaired by the difficulties that have arisn (i.e. our relations with each other )
Practical, practicable
To complete the work by the time stated is not practical (say practicable)
What is practicable is not always practical (i.e. what is possible is not always profitable).
Transpire, occur
The accident transpired as he left the meeting (say occurred)
It has transpired that the directors could not agree (i.e. become known)
Note: Correspondence is not of course concerned with pronunciation, but many business contacts are of the personal kind or by telephone, and if you are to create a good impression with educated business acquaintances correct speaking is essential.
(L. Gartside, MODERN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. 1989, Page,82,84 - 86 )
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Pancoran baru
Jakarta 18 Oktober 2009
Personnel Manager
PT. Mekar Raya
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Dear Sir,
I herewith take the liberty of tendering my application for the post of secretary in your company.
I have just completed my secretarial course where I took a one-year Diploma Program at Jakarta Course. Having finished my course, I worked for PT. Heri Perkasa as a part timer for 2 months.
For your further information, I enclose herewith my curriculum vitae and the fotocopies of my certificates.
I would be very grateful if you could give me an opportunity for an interview.
Yours faithfully,
Pancoran baru
Jakarta 18 Oktober 2009
Menejer Personalia
PT. Mekar Raya
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Dengan hormat,
Dengan ini saya memberanikan diri mengajukan lamaran saya untuk jabatan sekretaris di perusahaan Bapak.
Saya baru saja menyelesaikan kursus sekretaris dimana saya mengambil Program Diploma satu tahun. Setelah menyelesaikan kursus saya bekerja pada PT. Heri Perkasa sebagai pekerja lepas.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bagi Bapak, bersama ini saya lampirkan daftar riwayat hidup dan fotocopy sertifikat – sertifikat saya.
Saya sangat berterima kasih jika Bapak memberi saya suatu kesempatan untuk wawancara.
Hormat saya,
Important Word List :
Believe = Percaya
Company = Perusahaan
Complete = Menyelesaikan
Correct = mengoreksi
Duty = tugas
Extention = pesawat
File = file
Finish = selesai
Further = lebih lanjut
Grateful = berterimakasih
Identity = identitas
Incoming = masuk
Insurance = asuransi
Last = berlangsung
Monthly = bulanan
Opportunity = kesempatan
Prepare = menyiapkan
Report = laporan
Used to = pernah
Vacancy = lowongan
Reply to Application Letter ( refusal )
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 Oktober 2009
Miss. Rossa
Jl. HR. Rasuna Sahid
Dear Miss. Rossa,
Thank you for your application letter which reached us yesterday morning.
We regret to inform you that at present we have no vacancy which corresponds to your qualifications. Therefore we are returning herewith all your papers which can be more useful in your search for another job.
Thank you very much for your interest in our company
Yours sincerely,
Personal Manager
Balasan Surat Lamaran ( Penolakan )
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 Oktober 2009
Saudari Rossa
Jl. HR. Rasuna Sahid
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat lamaran saudara yang kami terima kemarin pagi.
Dengan menyesal kami beritahukan bahwa saat ini belum ada lowongan yang sesuai dengan keahlian saudari. Karena itu dengan ini kami kembalikan berkas lamaran Anda yang akan lebih berguna bagi Anda mencari pekerjaan lain.
Terimakasih atas perhatian Anda pada perusahaan kami.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Personalia
Important Word List :
advertisement = iklan
allowance = tunjangan
appointment = janji
assistant = asisten
attend = menghadiri
cancel = membatalkan
charge = biaya
decide = memutuskan
document = dokumen
expansion = perluasan
Hire = menyewa
Include = termasuk
Interest = perhatian
Knowledge = pengetahuan
Leave = meninggalkan
Message = pesan
Offer = menawarkan
Personality = keperibadian
Pleasant = menyenangkan
Prossess = mempunyai
terribly = sangat
Pancoran baru
Jakarta 18 Oktober 2009
Personnel Manager
PT. Mekar Raya
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Dear Sir,
I herewith take the liberty of tendering my application for the post of secretary in your company.
I have just completed my secretarial course where I took a one-year Diploma Program at Jakarta Course. Having finished my course, I worked for PT. Heri Perkasa as a part timer for 2 months.
For your further information, I enclose herewith my curriculum vitae and the fotocopies of my certificates.
I would be very grateful if you could give me an opportunity for an interview.
Yours faithfully,
Pancoran baru
Jakarta 18 Oktober 2009
Menejer Personalia
PT. Mekar Raya
Jl. Cimanuk 140
Dengan hormat,
Dengan ini saya memberanikan diri mengajukan lamaran saya untuk jabatan sekretaris di perusahaan Bapak.
Saya baru saja menyelesaikan kursus sekretaris dimana saya mengambil Program Diploma satu tahun. Setelah menyelesaikan kursus saya bekerja pada PT. Heri Perkasa sebagai pekerja lepas.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bagi Bapak, bersama ini saya lampirkan daftar riwayat hidup dan fotocopy sertifikat – sertifikat saya.
Saya sangat berterima kasih jika Bapak memberi saya suatu kesempatan untuk wawancara.
Hormat saya,
Important Word List :
Believe = Percaya
Company = Perusahaan
Complete = Menyelesaikan
Correct = mengoreksi
Duty = tugas
Extention = pesawat
File = file
Finish = selesai
Further = lebih lanjut
Grateful = berterimakasih
Identity = identitas
Incoming = masuk
Insurance = asuransi
Last = berlangsung
Monthly = bulanan
Opportunity = kesempatan
Prepare = menyiapkan
Report = laporan
Used to = pernah
Vacancy = lowongan
Reply to Application Letter ( refusal )
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 Oktober 2009
Miss. Rossa
Jl. HR. Rasuna Sahid
Dear Miss. Rossa,
Thank you for your application letter which reached us yesterday morning.
We regret to inform you that at present we have no vacancy which corresponds to your qualifications. Therefore we are returning herewith all your papers which can be more useful in your search for another job.
Thank you very much for your interest in our company
Yours sincerely,
Personal Manager
Balasan Surat Lamaran ( Penolakan )
Jl. Cimanuk 140
18 Oktober 2009
Saudari Rossa
Jl. HR. Rasuna Sahid
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat lamaran saudara yang kami terima kemarin pagi.
Dengan menyesal kami beritahukan bahwa saat ini belum ada lowongan yang sesuai dengan keahlian saudari. Karena itu dengan ini kami kembalikan berkas lamaran Anda yang akan lebih berguna bagi Anda mencari pekerjaan lain.
Terimakasih atas perhatian Anda pada perusahaan kami.
Hormat kami,
Menejer Personalia
Important Word List :
advertisement = iklan
allowance = tunjangan
appointment = janji
assistant = asisten
attend = menghadiri
cancel = membatalkan
charge = biaya
decide = memutuskan
document = dokumen
expansion = perluasan
Hire = menyewa
Include = termasuk
Interest = perhatian
Knowledge = pengetahuan
Leave = meninggalkan
Message = pesan
Offer = menawarkan
Personality = keperibadian
Pleasant = menyenangkan
Prossess = mempunyai
terribly = sangat
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
Buku-Buku Korespondensi

Buku-Buku Krespondensi
1.Subandi,Penerbit ARCAN,cetakan tahun 1992,Korespondensi Bisnis Bahasa Inggris.
2.Goh Tianwah,Penerbit by RANK BOOKS 1992,Guide To LETTERS OF CREDIT
3.L,Gartside,Penerbit Richard Clay (the Chaucer Press) 1981,Model Business Letters
4.Sunu Tri Susatyo,Penerbit Yrama Widya Bandung 2003,Business English American Style
5.Stillman/Gordon Penerbit 1983 by McGraw-Hill Inc,English For Banking and Finance
6.L,Gartside,Penerbit Binapura Aksara 1989,Modern Business Correspondence,
7.Drs,Bambang Udoyono,penerbit Kesaint Blanc-Anggota IKAPI,English for Business Negotiational and Administration
8.Dhanny R Cyssco,Penerbit Bhuana ilmu Populer Kelompok Gramedia Jakarta 2008,special Conversation for Business
9.Robby Lou,Penerbit @Robby Lou 2008,The Handbook Of Business English.
10.Drs. Thomas Wiyasa Bratawidjaja, PT.Pustaka Binaman Pressindo, Surat Bisnis Modern.
11.Joseph Harvard,Felix Rose., Penerbit PPM, Guide to Professional & Business Correspondence (Inggris-Indonesia).
12.Mary Bosticco, Binarupa Aksara, Personal letters For Business People.
13.Samekto,S.S., M. A, Lamudin Finoza, S.S., Nina Dinamika Jakarta, Korespondensi Niaga Indonesia Modern.
Buku-Buku Korespondensi
Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009
Playing- To-Win
Bermain catur dengan teman sangat asyik sambil mengisi waktu. Kalau agak serius sedikit, ada keinginan dalam hati untuk memenangkan pertandingan, walaupun bukan semata mata untuk mendapatkan piala kejuaraan. Dalam hal kegiatan bisnis ada juga lawan dan kawan. Kawan lebih disetarakan dengan Mitra Bisnis dimana diatur hak dan kewajibannya (The Right and Liability of the Partners to Each Other and to third Parties). Selain itu ada semacam Ethical (Moral) yang harus dijaga dengan baik dalam hubungan dengan lingkungan dan masyarakat ( Social Responsibility). Dalam bisnis untuk menjadi Pemenang tidak harus dengan jalan mematikan usaha pesaing. Akan lebih cantik jika bermain dengan aturan permainan yang tidak dilanggar, mempertahankan reputasi dengan intergritas, kejujuran dan peningkatan pelayanan untuk kepuasan pelanggan. Achirnya kepuasan konsumen yang menjadi wasit penentu kesuksesan pelaku usaha.Mengutamakan dan menjaga mutu serta cepat merespon keluhan konsumen adalah salah satu kunci sukses usaha. Semoga ada manfaatnya. Selected reference: Des Jardins & Mc Call, Wadsworth Publishing Company, California, 1985, COMTEMPORARY ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHICS.

Uang dan Bank merupakan bidang ilmu Ekonomi yang berhubungan dengan fungsi keuangan dan perbankan termasuk didalamnya teori mengenai ilmu Moneter,Harga dan Kesempatan Kerja.Pentingnya mengetahui Uang dan Bank karena setiap hari kita akan selalu berhubungan dengan Uang baik itu untuk belanja maupun tabungan.Dalam hal tabungan Bank berperan penting sebagai Lembaga Keuangan resmi untuk menampung dana-dana dari masyarakat dan menyalurkanya dalam bentuk pinjaman kepada yang memerlukannya.Untuk mengetahui lebih lejas mengenai uang dapat melihat definisi uang sebagi berikut:
Money strictly defined,money is only currency and coin.more loosely,money includes anything,such as demand deposits in banks,that performs all the function of currency.Money is a standard of value.It measures the relative value of different goods.Money is a medium of exchange.It is a method of payment.And money is a store of value.(MBA”S DICTIONARY,DANIEL ORAN,JAY M.SHAFRITZ,tahun 1983 by Reston Publishing Company,Inc,A Prentice-Hall Company Reston,Virginia).
Asal Mula Uang.
Asal mula dari bahasa Latin,ialah mata-uang logam yang ditempa di tempat berhala,atau kuil,juno Motela,yakni suatu tempat pembuatan uang Romawi.
Sesuatu yang secara umum diterima dalam pertukaran untuk barang-barang lain di dalam wilayah yang sedikit banyak di tentukan;oleh karena itu ,ialah suatau medium of exchange.Money itu juga digunakan sebagai suatu ukuran dari,dan suatu penyimpanan,nilai.Menurut sejarahnya,komoditi-komoditi yang dipakai sebagai money,secara relatif adalah jarang dibutuhkan di Dunia.Banyak benda yang memiliki syarat-syarat mutlak ini,telah dipakai sebagai money,atau mata uang,akan tetapi logam-logam mulia,sebagai tambahan pada sipat-sipat ini ternyata memiliki ciri-ciri yang lain,yang sebagian besar memudahkan penggunaanya sebagai mata uang.Dapat dengan mudah dikenal,seragam dalam kwalitasnya atau mutunya,dengan mudah dapat dibagi,dan mewakili suatu nilai yang secara relative adalah tinggi didalam suatu ruangan kecil.Suatu mata uang yang ideal seharusnya juga mempunyai stabilitas nilai sebagai tambahan pada karateristik-karateristik ini,akan tetapi tidak ada mata-uang yang telah diciptakan untuk memenuhi syarat ini dengan memuaskan.Nilai dari pada mata uang logam jaman sekarang untuk sebagian besar terletak pada credit dari pemerintah yang memperedarkannya,dan hal ini adalah benar terhadap sebagian mata-uang kertas modern.Hendaknya diperhatikan bahwa mata uang,seperti yang di definisikan,adalah suatu bentuk CURRENCY.Beberapa pihak yang berwewenang,menggunakan istilah “Money”dalam arti yang lebih umum,dan istilah”currency”dalam arti yang lebih terbatas.Lihat juga CHEAP MONEY:COIN;CONVERTIBLE MONEY;DEAR MONEY;ELASTI MONEY;FIAT MONEY;FIDUCIARY MONEY:FRACTIONAL MONEY;HARD MONEY;IRREDEEMABLE MONEY;LAWFUL MONEY;OCCUPATION MONEY;PAPER MONEY;REPRESENTATIVE MONEY;SOFT MONEY;STABLE MONEY;STANDARD MONEY;THILL MONEY.
Sebagai suatu MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE yang beredar,yang secara luas sudah diterima sebagai suatu nilai standar,mata-uang itu pada hakekatnya meliputi mata-uang logam dan alat pembayaran yang dikeluarkan oleh suatu pemerintah,akan tetapi secara lebih umum,ini meliputi semua barang yang sudah diterima dalam pembayaran untuk barang-barang dan jasa-jasa atau untuk menyelesaikan hutang,seperti CHECKS,DRAFTS, NOTES,dan seterusnya.Jenis dan golongan yang utama mengenai money,lihatlah dibawah ini:
1. Money Barren ,(Uang mandul atau kering )
Istilah yang dipakai untuk uang yang tidak menghasilkan bunga,Kadang-kadang dipakai sebagai perkataan lain untuk “Frozen capital”.
2. Money,cheap.(lihat EASY MONEY)
3. Money,call (Uang pinjaman yang dapat diminta kembali atas permintaan).
Uang yang dipinjamkan oleh Bank kepada pedagang-pedagang perantara bursa saham,dengan ketentuan bahwa uang itu untuk dapat diminta kembali atas permintaan pada setiap waktu.
4. Money commodity.(Mata uang menurut nilai intrinsiknya)
Istilah untuk suatu money dari pada logam.yang nilai intrinsiknya sebagai logam adalah sama dengan nilai nominalnya seperti yang dibedakan dari TOKEN MONEY.
5. Money Convertible.(Mata Uang yang dapat dirubah)
Mata-uang atau alat pembayaran kertas,yang dapat ditukarkan menjadi mata-uang emas atau perak,atau emas dan perak yang belum dijadikan mata-uang,dan yang untuk itu harus dipelihara atau dipertahankan suatu cadangan dalam emas dan perak yang sama besarnya dengan semua atau sebagian nilai nominalnya.(Drs.ek A.ABDURRACHMAN,ENSIKLOPEDIA,EKONOMI KEUANGAN PERDAGANGAN)
The Functions Of Money.
Without money,specialized producers would have to resort to barter.Because barter is so cumbersome,a monetary system will naturally evolve,even in the absence of a governmentas the develovment of a cigarette money in the prisoner-of-war camp so clearly illustrated.Society needs for several purposes.No matter what types of money a country uses,the money must perform certain functions.That is,it must provide a standard of value,a medium of exchange,a store of value,and a standard of deferred payments.Money has three interrelated function acts as the medium of exchange:that is,it is used to buy goods and service.
When money is used as a medium of exchange,it also becomes the basis for quoting prices.For example,a new car is priced at $7,000,and a pair of shoes at $40,Thus,money acts as the standard of value.
Finally,money serves as a store of value.Because it can be used to buy goods or services whenever the need arises,money is a convenient way of holding wealth.
Of caurse,money is not a perfect store of value,because its purchasing power can change.As we saw in chapter prices of good and services have risen rapidly,and the purchasing power 0f money has consequently.
The purchasing power of money is measured by the amount of goods and services.Which money will buy.During periods of inflation.A dollar buys less,and the purchasing power of money falls.
The higher the prices,the lower the value of each piece of Money.when prices double,the value of money is half what it was before.The general and continuous rising of prices of goods and factors of production without any concomitant increase in quality is called inflation.The continuous falling of prices is called deflasion.Inflation decreases and deflation increases the value of any savings held in the form of money.
Selected References:- David R.Kamerschen,South Western Publisging Co.1984,p.195,8 th edition,Money & Banking;-DanielOran,Jay M.Shafritz,MBA"S DICTIONARY,Reston Publising Company.1983:-Wonnacott/Wonnacott,ECONOMICS,McGraw-Hill Book Company,1982.:-Drs eK A ABDURACHMAN,ENSIKLOPEDIA EKONOMI KEUANGAN PERDAGANGAN,PT,Pradnya Paramita,1991.)
The Fungtion Of Money
buku umum lainnya

1. michael Gurevitch, Mark R.Levy, MASS COMMUNICATION. volume 5, tahun 1985
2. Warren Young. INTERPRETING Mr KEYNES, tahun 1987
3. Toby Fulwiler, COLLEGE WRITING. tahun 1942
6. Edward Weisband, POVERTY ADMIDST PLENTY, tahun 1989
7. W. Phillips Shively, POWER AND CHOICE, tahun 1991
8. Conrad Phillip Kottak, ANTHROPOLOGY The Exploration of Human Diversity, tahun 1991
10. Charles R. Litecky, Gordon B. Davis. STRUCTURED COBOL A Step By Step Approach. tahun 1987
11. Carl Townsend, USING dBASE II. tahun 1984
12. Bernard G. Campbell. HUMANKIND EMERGING. tahun 1973
13. Tom D. Daniels, Barry K. Spiker, ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION. tahun 1987
14. Norris G. Haring and Linda McCormick. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN and YOUTH. tahun 1986

1.Otto Klepner’s, Advertising Procedure tahun 1986
2.West Publishing co. BANKRUPTCY CODE, RULES and OFFICIAL FORMS. Tahun 1987
Tahun 1984
4.Carl A. Grant. BRINGING TEACHING TO LIFE, An Introduction to Education. Tahun 1982
5.Ivan Lansberg, FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW, Journal of the family firm institute,
volume V Number 3 tahun 1992
6.Edited by Lourdes Beneria and Shelley Fildman. UNEQUAL BURDEN, Economic Crises,
Persistent Poverty, and Women’s Work. Tahun 1992
7.Richard C. Weimer. APPLIED ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. Tahun 1987
8.Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers. PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE FINANCE. Second edition.
Tahun 1984
Tahun 1982
10. Richard C. Weimer APPLIED ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. Tahun 1987
11.Estelle L.Popham, Rita Sloan Tilton, J. Howard Jakson, J. Marshall Hanna.
12.Carl E.Block, Kenneth J. Roering , ESSENTIALS OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Tahun 1979
13.William E. Fruhan,jr., IRWIN Homewood,IIlinois., Financial Strategy. Tahun 1979
14.William P. Dommermuth, Kent Publishing Company, PROMOTION: Analysis, Creativity,
and Strategy.Tahun 1984
15.Bernard J. Winger and Ralph R. Frasca, Charles E.Merril Publishing Company,
PERSONAL FINANCE an integrated planning approach.Tahun 1986
16.C.F Sirmans, McGraw-Hill Book Company, REAL ESTATE FINANCE 2nd .Tahun 1989
18.Walter B. Meigs and Robert F. Meigs., McGraw-Hill Company, Accounting The Basis
For Business Decisions.Tahun 1987
19.Milton Gilbert, John Wiley and Sons., Quest For World Monetary Order.Tahun 1980
20.Terry S. Maness., McGraw-HillPublishing Company, Introduction to Corporate
Finance.Tahun 1988
21.Ivancevich Matteson, Business Publications,Inc. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND
22.David L. Kurtz,PH.D. and H. Robert Dodge, IRWIN Homewood, Professional Selling
6th edition.
buku - buku marketing

1. Robert R. Reeder, Edward G. Brierty, Betty H. Reeder, Industrial Marketing,
Analysis, Planning, and Control tahun 1987
2.James H. Myers, Marketing tahun 1986
3.E. Jerome McCarthy / William D. Perreault,Jr, BASIC MARKETING, tahun 1990
4.Kenneth G. Hardy, Michael R. Pearce, Terry H. Deutscher, Adrian B. Ryans. CANADIAN
MARKETING CASES AND CONCEPTS third edition. Tahun 1988
5.Kenneth G. Hardy, Michael R. Pearce, Terry H. Deutscher, Adrian B. Ryans. CANADIAN
MARKETING CASES AND CONCEPTS third edition. Tahun 1988
6.Robert A. Robicheaux, William M. Pride, O.C. Ferrell. MARKETING CONTEMPORARY
DIMENSION. Tahun 1985
7.Edgar Crane, John Wiley & Sons,Inc. Marketing Communications 2nd Edition.Tahun 1972
8.Roy A. Lindberg, Theodore Cohn.,Van Nostrand Reinhold Company New York, The
Marketing Book For Growing Companies That Want To Excel.Tahun 1986
buku-buku economics

1. ROGER LeRoy Miller, Robedrt Pulsinelli, Macroeconomics tahun 1986
2. Paul Wonnacott, Ronald Wonnacott, ECONOMICS tahun 1976
3. Saul Pleeter, Philip K. Way, Economics in the News tahun 1990
4. Edwin G, Dolan, David E, Lendsey, MICROECONOMICS fifth edition tahun 1988
5. Eric J. Solberg, INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS tahun 1982
6. Andras Koves and Paul Marer, FOREIGN ECONOMIC LIBERALIZATION, Transformations in
Socialist and Market Economies tahun 1991
tahun 1985
8. Stephen L. Slavin, INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS second Edition tahun 1991
9. Cambel R. MCConnell, Stanley L. Brue, MICRO ECONOMIC, Principles, Problem, and
policies, tahun 1990
10.Roy J. Ruffin, Paul R.Gregory, PRINCIPLES of MACROECONOMICS, tahun 1978
11.Roger N Waud, MICROECONOMICS fourth edition, tahun 1989
12.Ryan C. Amacher, Holley H. Ulbrich. PRINCPLES of MICROECONOMICS. Tahun 1986
13.Ralph T. Byrns, Gerald W. Stone. ECONOMICS fourth edition. Tahun 1989
14.Robert C. Bingham. ECONOMIC CONCEPTS, fourt edition. Tahun 1975
15.Edwin S.Mills, Bruce W.Hamilton. URBAN ECONOMICS, third edition. Tahun 1984
16.Robert L.Heilbroner. UNDERSTANDING MACROECONOMICS,fourth edition. Tahun 1972
18.Robert E.Hall, John B.Taylor. MACRO ECONOMICS,Theory, Performance, and Policy.
Tahun 1986
19.John M.Barron, Geralod J.Lynch. ECONOMICS. Tahun 1986
20.Daniel Hamberg. MODELS of ECONOMIC GROIWTH. Tahun 1971
21.Lioyd G. Reynolds. MACROECONOMICS analysis and Policy, third edition. Tahun 1979
22.Michael Goldberg, Peter Chinloy. URBAN LAND ECONOMICS. Tahun 1984
23.Edwin Mansfield , Nariman Behravesh. ECONOMICS USA. Tahun 1986
tahun 1988 eleventh edition. Tahun 1960
27.William R. Heitzman, Frederick W.Mueller. STATISTIC FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICCS.
Tahun 1980
28.Paul Wonnacott, Ronald Wonnacott. ECONOMICS second edition. Tahun 1982
29.Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer. MACRO ECONOMICS,second edition. Tahun 1981
30.Bradley R. Sciller. THE ECONOMY TODAY Fourth Edition 1989
31.Willis L.Peterson. PRINCIPLES of ECONOMICS MICRO, sixth edition. Tahun 1986
32.Lioyd G.Reynolds. ECONOMICS A General Intruduction fifth edition. Tahun 1988
33.Li8la J. Truett, Dale B. Truett. MICROECONOMICS. TAHUN 1987
34.BRADLEY r.Schiller, Michael M. Tansey and Lawrence F. Ziegler. STUDY GUIDE for
THE ECONOMY TODAY fourth edition. Tahun 1989
35.Cambel R. MCConnell, Stanley L. Brue, MICRO ECONOMIC, Principles, Problem, and
37.Cambell R. McConnell. ECONOMICS PRINCIPLES, PROBLEMS, and POLICIES tenth edition
tahun 1984
38.Willis L. Peterson. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS MICRO.sixth edition tahun 1986
39.BRADLEY r.Sciller. THE MACRO ECONOMY TODAY, fourth edition. Tahun 1989
40.J. Vernon Henderson, William Poole. PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS. Tahun 1991
41. H.A.R. Tilaar, Rasindo, 50 Tahun Pembangunan Pendidikan Nasional 1945-1995.
42. Kantor Wilayah Dept.Pariwisata,Pos da Telekomunikasi Jakarta., CV.Pustaka Ekuin, Info Pariwisata Jaya.
43. Novilia Utami, SE.Ak.,dkk., Ganeca Exact Bandung, Soal-jawab ujian Negara sarjana BIDANG EKONOMI Akuntansi dan Managemen.
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009
Buku-Buku Mengenai Accounting
1. Belverd E. Needles,jr.,Hougton Mifflin Company Boston,Financial Accounting second
edition.Tahun 1986
2. Thomas J. Burns,Harvey S. Hendrickson., McGraw-Hill Book Company, THE ACCOUNTING
SAMPLER,Tahun 1986
3. Charles T. Homgren,Gary L. Sundem., Prentice-Hall Inc.,Engelewood Cliffs, New
Jersey.,Introduction to FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 3rd edition.Tahun 1987
4. Horace R.Brock,Ph.D.,C.P.A., Charles E. Palmer,D.C.S.,C.P.A. COST ACCOUNTING
PRINCIPLES and APPLICATIONS.fourth edition.tahun 1984
5. Albert Slavin, Isaac N. Reynolds, Johan T.Miller, BASIC ACCUONTING FOR MANAGERIAL
and FINANCIAL CONTROL. Second edition. Tahun 1968
6. James Don Edwards, Ph.,C.P.A, Lynn Thorne,M.B.A.,C.P.A. COLLEGE ACCOUNTING
FUNDAMENTALS,chapters 1 – 28, third edition. Tahun 1986
7. Ronald Copeland, D. Larry Crumbley, joseph F.Wojdak. ADVANCED ACCOUNTING, tahun
6. Walter B. Meigs, Robert F. Miegs. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING revised Fifth Edition.
Tahun 1976
8. Jerry J. Weygandt Ph.D.,C.P.A, Donald E. Kieso, Walter G. Kell Ph.D., C.P.A.
9. Sidney Davidson, James S. Schindler, Roman L. Weil. FUNDAMENTALS OF
ACCOUNTING. Fifth edition. Tahun 1975
11. John G. Helmkamp. MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING first edition. Tahun 1987
12. Walter B. Meigs and Robert F. Meigs. ACCOUNTING WORK SHEET FOR USE WITH
13.Walter B.Meigs and Robert F. Meigs. ACCOUNTING THE BASIS FOR BUSINESS
14.Hershel M.Anderson, James W. Giese, Bernard A. Coda.BASIC ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS.
Tahun 1974
15.Jack D. Ninemeier Raymond S.Schmidgall.BASIC ACCOUNTING STANDARDS. Tahun 1984
16.Donald E. KiesoPhD.CPA., Jerry J. Weygandt. PhD. CPA. INTERMEDIATE
ACCOUNTING. Fifth edition. Tahun 1986
17.Roger H. Hermanson,james Don Edwards, R.F. Salmonson,WORKING PAPERS volume I
( chapters 1-4 ) to accompany ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES. Tahun 1986
18.Don Ricketts, Jack Gray. MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING. Tahun 1988
19.Leo Herbert, Larry N.Killough, Alan Walter Steiss. ACCOUNTING and CONTROL for
20.Edward Lee Summers PhD. CPA, ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Tahun 1989
21.Walter B.Meigs amd Robert F.Meigs. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING fifth edition.tahun 1986
22.Paul m. Fischer,PdD,CPA, William James Taylor, PhD, CPA, J. Arthur Leer,MBA,
CPA. ADVANCED ACCOUNTING. Third edition. Tahun 1986
23.Carlson-Heintz,Carson., South-Western Publishing CO., College Accounting 11
edition part 1,2,and 3. Tahun 1965
24.James Don Edwards, Ph.,C.P.A, Lynn Thorne,M.B.A.,C.P.A. COLLEGE ACCOUNTING
FUNDAMENTALS,chapters 1 – 28, third edition. Tahun 1986
Buku-Buku Bisnis Manjemen

2. Samuel C Certo, Management of Organizations and human resources tahun 1983
3. Ropbert A. Comerford and Dennis W. Callaghan, Strategic Management text, tools, and cases for Busines Policy tahun 1985
4. Kenneth L. Bernhardt, Thomas C. Kinnear Cases in Marketing Management tahun 1985
5. Richard D Irwin, Sales Force Management third edition tahun 1981,1985,1990
8. Mina M. Johnson,Ph.D, Norman F. Kallaus,PhD. RECORDS MANAGEMENT. Tahun 1982
10. Gerald R. Ferris, Kendrith M. Rowland. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRESPECTIVES AND ISSUES. Tahun 1988
11. David R. Anderson/ Dennis J. Sweeney / Thomas A. Williams. AN INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, Fifth Edition. tahun 1941
12. Bernard W. Taylor III. INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. Second edition. Tahun 1982
13. Allen N. Smith, Donald B. Medley, INFORMATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Tahun 1987
14. Ricky W. Griffin. MANAGEMENT second edition . tahun 1987
15. Herbert J. Chruden, Arthur W. Sherman, Jr. MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES. Tahun 1984
17. Keith V. Smith. READING ON THE MANAGEMENT OF WORKING CAPITAL second edition. Tahun 1980
18. Robert Hartl, BASICS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Tahun 1986
19. Jerrold S. Greenberg. COMPHREHENSIVE STRESS MANAGEMENT. Second edition. Atahun 1980
20. John A. Pearce II, Richard B. Robinson ,Jr, Shaker A. Zahra. AN INDUSTRY APPROACH TO CASES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Tahun 1989
21. Joseph G. Monks. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT THEORY AND PROBLEMS. Second edition. Tahun 1982
24. John A. Pearce II, Richard B. Robinson, Jr. CASES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Tahun 1988
27. Robert M. Clark, James I. Gillean. RESOURCE RECOVERY PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. Tahun 1981
29. John W. Sutherland, VAN NOSTRAND REINHOLD COMPANY, Management Handbook For Public Administrator. Tahun 1978
30. George A. Steiner and John B. Miner., McMillan Publishing Co., Inc., Management Policy and Strategy.Tahun 1977
31. Jack R. Meredith and Thomas E. Gibbs, John Wiley & Sons,The Management Of Operations.Tahun 1980
32. Leslie J. Ades, McGraw-Hill,Inc., Managing Maverick,Tahun 1992
33. Peter F. Drucker., Jossey-Bass Inc.Publishers., Nonprofit Management & Leadership.Tahun 1991
34. Allen Sweeny,Robert Rachlin.,McGraw Hill Book Company, Handbook of International Financial Management.Tahun 1984
35. Leonard A. Trugman. CORPORATE MANAGEMENT IN ACTION. Tahun 1981
36. William M.Pride, O.C. Ferrell. MARKETING fifth edition. Tahun 1987robert F. Hartley. MARKETING: MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL CHANGE. Tahun 1972
38. James B. Dilworth, Lawrence P. Ettkin. STUDY GUIDE for PRODUCTION and OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT. Manufacturing and Nonmanufacturing. Fourth edition. Tahun 1979
39. K.K. Seo. MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS. Tahun 1984
40. Alwrence Southwick,Jr. MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS,tahun 1985
42. E. Jerome McCarthy,Ph.D, William D. Perreault, Jr,Ph.D. BASIC MARKETING A MANAGERIAL APPROACH. Tahun 1990
43. Steuart Henderson Britt, Harper W. Boyd,Jr. MARKETING MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. Tahun 1978
43. Pangestu Subagyo, SE.,MBA., dkk., BPFE Yogyakarta, Dasar-dasar Operations Research.
44. Peter F. Drucker, Erlangga, Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan.
45. J.Fred Weston, Thomas E.Copeland.,PT.Gelora Aksara Utama, Manajemen Keuangan.
46. Fajar Laksana, Graha Ilmu, Manajemen Pemasaran.
47. Madhukar Joshi, Duxbury Press, Management Science.
48. Cecil J. Bond, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Credit Management Handbook.
50. John W.Baird - James B.Stull, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company American, 1983, "BUSINESS COMMUNICATION : Strategies And Solutions".
51. Mark Sherman, Pergamon General Psychology Series , "PERSONALITY INQUIRY AND APPLICATION".
52.Terry S.Maness, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company American, 1988, "INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE FINANCE".
Kata hati terdiri dari empat huruf, sederhana dan mudah diingat. Namun bila digabungkan dengan kata lain akan mengandung arti yang berbeda. Misalnya jatuh hati. Dengan menambah kata jatuh, mengandung makna rasa simpati, kasih sayang dan cinta. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata hati diterjemahkan dengan berbagai ragam kata. Misalnya Sakit Hati diterjemahkan bitter. Contoh kalimat: "Dia sakit hati atas keputusanmu". He's bitter over the decision.
Melukai hati= to hurt. Waktu saya mengatakan itu, saya tidak bermaksud melukai hatinya. When I said that,I didn't mean to hurt her. Ia melakukannya dengan senang hati. He did that with pleasure.
Bagaimana caranya supaya hati menjadi senang ?
Ingatlah hanya dengan mengingat Allah,hati menjadi tenang(Q.S. Ar-Rad 13:28).
Kiat kiat lainnya untuk mencapai ketenangan jiwa:
1. Zikrullah - (Q.S.Ar-Rad 13:28)
2. Yakin akan adanya pertolongan dari Allah;(Q.S.Al-Baqarah 2:214),
(Q.S.Al-Imran 3:126),(Q.S. Al-Anfaal 8:10).
3. Memperhatikan bukti adanya kekuasaan Allah (Q.S Al-Baqarah 2:260).
4. Selalu bersyukur,(Q.S. An-Nahl 16:112).
5. Tilawah, Tasmi dan Tadabbur.
Tilawah= membaca; Tasmi= mendengar bacaan; Tadabbur= mengkaji ayat ayat suci Al-Qur'an akan membuat hati jadi tenang (Q.S. Az-Zumar 39:23).
Mencapai kehidupan yang baik.
Dengan adanya jiwa yang tenang, seseorang akan dapt menjalani kehidupannya dengan baik. Semoga demikian adanya. Pesan ini disampaikan oleh Bpk H.Erias Sumarna Tgl.3 Oktober 2009,jam 14.00.
Melukai hati= to hurt. Waktu saya mengatakan itu, saya tidak bermaksud melukai hatinya. When I said that,I didn't mean to hurt her. Ia melakukannya dengan senang hati. He did that with pleasure.
Bagaimana caranya supaya hati menjadi senang ?
Ingatlah hanya dengan mengingat Allah,hati menjadi tenang(Q.S. Ar-Rad 13:28).
Kiat kiat lainnya untuk mencapai ketenangan jiwa:
1. Zikrullah - (Q.S.Ar-Rad 13:28)
2. Yakin akan adanya pertolongan dari Allah;(Q.S.Al-Baqarah 2:214),
(Q.S.Al-Imran 3:126),(Q.S. Al-Anfaal 8:10).
3. Memperhatikan bukti adanya kekuasaan Allah (Q.S Al-Baqarah 2:260).
4. Selalu bersyukur,(Q.S. An-Nahl 16:112).
5. Tilawah, Tasmi dan Tadabbur.
Tilawah= membaca; Tasmi= mendengar bacaan; Tadabbur= mengkaji ayat ayat suci Al-Qur'an akan membuat hati jadi tenang (Q.S. Az-Zumar 39:23).
Mencapai kehidupan yang baik.
Dengan adanya jiwa yang tenang, seseorang akan dapt menjalani kehidupannya dengan baik. Semoga demikian adanya. Pesan ini disampaikan oleh Bpk H.Erias Sumarna Tgl.3 Oktober 2009,jam 14.00.
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
Problem Solving - Menyelesaikan Masalah
Untuk memulai suatu usaha, biasanya berbagai masalah harus dihadapi antara permasalahan modal, tempat usaha, jenis barang yang diperdagangkan, pemasaran dst. Dari sekian masalah tersebut , kadangkala membuat hati ciut. Tapi seorang Erntrepeneur melihat berbagai masalah tersebut merupakan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dan diselesaikan.
Decision Making
Pada akhirnya sang pengusaha harus memutuskan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Contoh kongkrit seseorang berjualan produk muslim di lantai dasar suatu Mall. Ditempat tersbut sudah ada 8 pelaku usaha sejenis sehingga, Apa saja yang harus di lakukan ?
1. Memutuskan tetap berdagang di Mall.
2. Memindahkan ke lokasi yang strategis banyak pengunjungnya.
3. Memberi variasi aksesoris pada pakaian yang dijual sehingga tampak beda dimata konsumen.
4. Memasang umbul-umbul atau balon sebagai bagian dari promosi. Dengan adanya pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan kena sasaran, Dia bersyukur usahanya lancar dan menguntungkan.
Ini sekedar contoh bagaimana berbagai masalah dapat diatasi (Problem Solving /dalam mengambil keputusan cepat (Decision Making).
Keterampilan Pokok Dasar Kewirausahaan
Motivasi-diri dan disiplin-diri (Self-motivation and discipline)
Kepercayaan (Confidence)
Keterampilan berkomunikasi (Communication skills)
Organisasi (Organization)
Gairah dan sebuah sikap positif (Passion and a positive attitude)
Ketekunan dan kegigihan (Persistence and perseverance)
Keahlian (Expertise)
Mimpi dan sasaran (Dreams and goals)
(Sumber: Frances McGuckin)
Untuk memulai suatu usaha, biasanya berbagai masalah harus dihadapi antara permasalahan modal, tempat usaha, jenis barang yang diperdagangkan, pemasaran dst. Dari sekian masalah tersebut , kadangkala membuat hati ciut. Tapi seorang Erntrepeneur melihat berbagai masalah tersebut merupakan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dan diselesaikan.
Decision Making
Pada akhirnya sang pengusaha harus memutuskan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Contoh kongkrit seseorang berjualan produk muslim di lantai dasar suatu Mall. Ditempat tersbut sudah ada 8 pelaku usaha sejenis sehingga, Apa saja yang harus di lakukan ?
1. Memutuskan tetap berdagang di Mall.
2. Memindahkan ke lokasi yang strategis banyak pengunjungnya.
3. Memberi variasi aksesoris pada pakaian yang dijual sehingga tampak beda dimata konsumen.
4. Memasang umbul-umbul atau balon sebagai bagian dari promosi. Dengan adanya pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan kena sasaran, Dia bersyukur usahanya lancar dan menguntungkan.
Ini sekedar contoh bagaimana berbagai masalah dapat diatasi (Problem Solving /dalam mengambil keputusan cepat (Decision Making).
Keterampilan Pokok Dasar Kewirausahaan
Motivasi-diri dan disiplin-diri (Self-motivation and discipline)
Kepercayaan (Confidence)
Keterampilan berkomunikasi (Communication skills)
Organisasi (Organization)
Gairah dan sebuah sikap positif (Passion and a positive attitude)
Ketekunan dan kegigihan (Persistence and perseverance)
Keahlian (Expertise)
Mimpi dan sasaran (Dreams and goals)
(Sumber: Frances McGuckin)

Demand (kata benda). - permintaan,menuntut,memerlukan.
Demand verb ask or ask for firmly and sharply: I demanded an require or need;This demand careful thought.
* noun 1 a request made so that it sounds like a command; They refused to meet the workers demands for more money.- tuntutan
2. an urgent claim; The children make demands on my time.- menuntut
3. willingness or desire to buy or obtain(certain goods); a need for(certain goods etc);There's no demand for books of this kind. - peminat.
demanding adjective requiring a lot of effort,ability etc,:a demanding job.-berat.
4. On demand when ask for; I'm expected to supply meals on demand.-atas permintaan.
Demand dalam ilmu ekonomi,dan dalam arti yang umum,ialah keinginan daripada satu orang atau lebih akan suatu barang atau jasa.Dalam pemakaiannya menurut ilmu ekonomi,demand itu menunjukan kwantita yang seorang calon pembeli yang kuat atau lebih bersedia akan membelinya dengan harga berlain-lainan.
Demand refers to a schedule which summarizes the willingness of buyers to purchase a given product during a specific time period at each of the various prices at wich it might be sold.according to the law of demand,consumers will ordinarily buy more of a product at a low price than they will at a high price.Therefore,other things being equal,the relationship between price and quantity demanded is inverse and demand graphs as a downsloping curve.
1. Demand - Permintaan; Aggregate demand – permintaan agregat
2. Goods market – pasar barang
3. Consumption – konsumsi
4. Investment – investasi,penanaman modal,pembentukan modal
5. Money market – pasar uang,pasar moneter
6. Transactions – transaksi
7. Speculation – spekulasi
8. Income – pendapatan,penghasilan,pemasukan
9. Interest – bunga; interest rate – suku bunga
10. Theorist – teoretekus,ahli teori
11. Simplifier – penyederhana,orang yang suka menyederhanakan segala sesuatu
12. Elimination – penghapusan, penghilangan
13. Complexity – keruwetan,kerumitan
14. Matter – berarti
15. Elementary – dasar
16. Assume – mengira, menganggap
17. Price – harga
18. Stable – stabil
19. Ignore – mengabaikan
20. Trade – perdagangan
21. Flesh – daging,di sini berarti pengisi
22. Bone – tulang (kerangka)
23. Government – pemerintah
24. Spending – pengeluaran
25. Include – termasuk
26. Equal – sama dengan
27. Manifest – menyatakan,menunjukan
28. Explain – menjelaskan
29. Familiar – lazim,sering terdengar
30. Reduce – menurunkan
31. Tax – pajak ; income tax – pajak penghasilan
32. Discuss – membicarakan
33. Common – umum; common language – bahasa umum
34. Determine – menentukan
35. Related – berhubungan (berhubungan satu sama lain)
36. Increase – menaikkan
37. Define – mengartikan
38. Measure – mengukur
39. According – menurut,sesuai dengan
40. Particular – tertentu
41. Period – kurun waktu
42. Extend – berlangsung
43. Lifetime – seumur hidup
44. Pattern – pola
45. Permanent – tetap
46. Rise – naik
47. Hold – menyimpan
48. Inventory – persediaan
49. Decide – memutuskan
50. Capital – modal
51. Variable – variabel
52. Affect – mempengaruhi
53. Supply – penawaran
54. Remove – menghilangkan
55. Fixed – tetap
56. For the moment – sementara ini
57. Real – nyata
58. Value – nilai ; real value – nilai yang nyata
59. Available – tersedia
60. Cash – tunai
61. Bank account – rekening bank
62. Extra – sisa
63. Shift – memindahkan ; shift from money to bank deposits – berubah dari menyimpan uang tunai ke dalam bentuk rekening bank
64. Dapand – tergantung
65. Return – di sini berarti bunga
66. Cost – biaya
67. Financial – berhubungan dengan uang; financial variable – variable yang berhubungan dengan uang
GRAMMAR (tata bahasa)
Dalam bahasa Inggris predikat harus kata kerja.Kalau bukan,maka kata kerja bantu to be harus digunakan.Kata to be dalam hal ini sering bisa diterjemaahkan ialah atau adalah.Kata to be mempunyai bentuk yang jumlahnya cukup banyak.Untuk present tense bentuk tersebut sebagai berikut:
- I am ( orang pertama,tunggal)
- You are (orang kedua,tunggal/jamak)
- He is (orang ketiga,tunggal,laki-laki)
- She is (orang ketiga,tunggal,perempuan)
- It is (orang ketiga,tunggal,bukan manusia)
- We are (orang pertama,jamak)
- They are (orang ketiga,jamak)
Untuk past tense bentuk tersebut sebagai berikut:
- I was (orang pertama,tunggal)
- You were (orang kedua,tunggal/jamak)
- He was (orang ketiga,tunggal,laki-laki)
- She was (orang ketiga,tunggal,perempuan)
- It was (orang ketiga,tunggal,bukan manusia)
- We were (orang pertama,jamak)
- They were (orang ketiga,jamak)
Discourse (Wacana)
Bentuk kalimat tertentu sering digunakan untuk mengemukakan ide tertentu.Kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari kata benda (atau frase benda),kata kerja to be,kemudian kata benda atau frase benda yang kedua,seringkali merupakan definisi atau penjelasan.
(adapted from ENGLISH For ECONOMICS, P.3-14 )
Joint Venture
A Joint adventure or enterprise or venture is a “one-shot” grouping together of two or more persons in a business. If they have a continuing relationship, if may be a partnership.
The joint venture is similar in principle to the general partnership in that there is no limitation upon the liability of any of the contributors. The joint venture usually involves a single undertaking which does not constitute an ongoing business. Moreover, joint venturers usually have less ability to bind each other vis-à-vis third parties. The joint venture is formed by the implied or express agreement of the joint ventures. However, a written agreement containing some or all of the following items should be executed.
1. A definition of the scope of the venture.
2. The extent to which each joint venturer may bind each other vis-à-vis third parties.
3. The amount of the initial contribution of working capital and what circumstances will require additional contributions.
4. The share of the profits each party is entitle to.
The joint venture is similar in principle to the general partnership in that there is no limitation upon the liability of any of the contributors. The joint venture usually involves a single undertaking which does not constitute an ongoing business. Moreover, joint venturers usually have less ability to bind each other vis-à-vis third parties. The joint venture is formed by the implied or express agreement of the joint ventures. However, a written agreement containing some or all of the following items should be executed.
1. A definition of the scope of the venture.
2. The extent to which each joint venturer may bind each other vis-à-vis third parties.
3. The amount of the initial contribution of working capital and what circumstances will require additional contributions.
4. The share of the profits each party is entitle to.
Senin, 12 Oktober 2009
Buku-Buku Tentang Uang dan Bank
1. Eugene A. Diulio ,Erlangga, Uang dan Bank.
2. Dahlan M. Sutalaksana, Sjahrir,dkk., Rekadaya Network, PETA UANG 1993.
3. Binhadi, Finansial Sektor Deregulation Banking Development and Monetary Policy.
4. Richard C. Aspinal., Robert A. Eisenbeis, Willey-Interscience Publication, Handbook For Banking Strategi.
5. DR.Faried Wijaya M., M.A., BPFE Yogyakarta, Perkreditan & Bank dan Lembaga-lembaga Keuangan Kita.
6. John Coleshaw, Woodhead-Faulkner, Credit Analysis.
7.Goh Tianwah, Singapore National Printer Ltd., Export-Import Procedures & Documentation.
8. Prof. Dr. Soediyono R., M.B.A ., Liberti Yogyakarta, Analisis Laporan Keuangan:Analisis Rasio.
2. Dahlan M. Sutalaksana, Sjahrir,dkk., Rekadaya Network, PETA UANG 1993.
3. Binhadi, Finansial Sektor Deregulation Banking Development and Monetary Policy.
4. Richard C. Aspinal., Robert A. Eisenbeis, Willey-Interscience Publication, Handbook For Banking Strategi.
5. DR.Faried Wijaya M., M.A., BPFE Yogyakarta, Perkreditan & Bank dan Lembaga-lembaga Keuangan Kita.
6. John Coleshaw, Woodhead-Faulkner, Credit Analysis.
7.Goh Tianwah, Singapore National Printer Ltd., Export-Import Procedures & Documentation.
8. Prof. Dr. Soediyono R., M.B.A ., Liberti Yogyakarta, Analisis Laporan Keuangan:Analisis Rasio.
Buku-Buku Mengenai Leadership
1. Thomas Gordon, Raja Grafindo Persada, Kepemimpinan yang Efektif.
2. Lee Iacocca, William Novak,. PT.Gelora Aksara Utama, IACOCCA sebuah Otobiografi.
2. Lee Iacocca, William Novak,. PT.Gelora Aksara Utama, IACOCCA sebuah Otobiografi.
Pencerahan Kalbu dan Pendidikan Islam
Arti dan tujuan hidup
Cita-cita menjadi Manusia yang baik pada umumnya Manusia ingin mewujudkan cita-cita yang mulia menjadi Manusia yang baik (saleh).Ada kriteria dan aturan yang harus dijalankan untuk keselarasan hidupnya membentuk Manusia yang baik.
Islam tidak membiarkan Manusia dalam kebingungan,Islam memberikan petunjuk dan mengantarkan para pengikutnya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut.
Siapakah yang disebut Manusia yang baik?
1. Manusia yang baik adalah Manusia yang paling bertakwa,dijelaskan dalam surat (al-Huzurat {49}:13),(adz-Dzariat{51}:56),al-Baqorah[2]:38).
• Inna akramakum’indallahi atqakum,innallaha’alimun khabir (al-Huzarat 49:13) artinya:Sesunguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling betaqwa diantara kamu.Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal.Jadi dia adalah Manusia yang menyembah Allah dan mengamalkan firmannya.
• Wa ma khalaqtul –jinna wal-insa illa~liya’budun ( adz-Dzariat 51:56) artinya :Dan aku tidak menjadikan Jin dan Manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembah-Ku.Dan Dia adalah manusia yang mengikuti petunjuk-Nya sebagaimana firman Allah SWT.
• Fa imma yatiyannakum minni hudan fa man tabi’a hudaya fa la’khaufun’alaihim wa la’humyahzan’un.(al-Baqarah 2:38) artinya : Dan jika datang petunjuk-KU kepada mu,maka barang siapa yang mengikuti petunjuk-KU,niscaya tidak ada kekhawatiran bagi mereka dan tidak pula mereka bersedih hati.
Orang seperti itu menjadikan petunjuk Allah sebagai pedoman hidup dan perilakunya.Dia adalah Manusia yang memenuhi syarat-syarat sebagai khalifah Allah di muka bumi sebagai mana tersirat dalam suat al-Baqarah 2:30.inni ja’ilun fil-ardi khalifah:sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang Khalifah dimuka bumi.
Islam adalah satu-satunya system yang meghubungkan Manusia dengan Allah dengan tujuan agar Manusia dapat memperbaki keadaannya dimuka bumi serta dapat mengatur hidupnya sehingga dapat berjalan di muka bumi dengan jasmaninya,guna menuju kelangit dengan rohaninya.
Ada dua konsep kehidupan yaitu :
• Membangun Misi hidup yang jelas.
Misi adalah pedoman penting yang diharapkan dapat mengarahkan kehidupan kepada tujuan yang jelas.
• Berinteraksi secara aktif dengan kondisi jaman dan lingkungannya guna mewujudkan tujuan tersebut.
Interaksi aktif adalah upaya untuk mengubah nilai-nilai pedoman menjadi amalan-amalan praktis serta upaya untuk menghadapi tantangan jaman.lingkungan,tempat serat kondisi dunia,membangun Visi dan Misi yang jelas dan benar merupakan permulaan yang penting bagi usaha mewujudkan kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan dalam kehidupan manusia.
Tujuan hidup Manusia di dunia,pada hakikatnya adalah untuk mencari/mengumpulkan bekal sebayak-banyaknya bagi kehidupan achirat.Semakin banyak bekal semakin tinggi pula tingkat kemuliaannya. Untuk mencapai kedudukan yang tinggi sebaiknya membekali diri dengan pendidikan yang cukup berarti.Kehidupan di alam dunia adalah arena untuk mengumpulkan pahala bagi kehidupan achirat.
Pahala adalah hadiah yang diberikan Allah kepada Manusia apabila ia berhasil melewati ujian dan cobaan yang dihadapi.Ujian itu pada dasarnya biasa terjadi dalam hubungan dengan Allah, hablum-minallah, dan hubungan dengan Manusia, hablum-minannas. Pada dua jalur inilah Allah menguji ketaatan Manusia mematuhi aturan-aturan yang ditentukan-Nya di dalam al-Quran dan Hadist.
Abdullah Bin Abbas berkata:Sesungguhnya Allah Ta-ala menjadikan dunia terdiri atas tiga bagian:sebagian bagi Mukminin,sebagian bagi orang Munafik,sebagian bagi orang Kafir.Maka orang Mukmin menyiapkan perbekalan,orang Munapik menjadikannya perhiasan,dan orang Kafir menjadikannya tempat bersenang senang.
1.Kebaikan (al-khair) 2, kebahagiaan (as-saadah). Apa yang dimakasud kebaikan? Secara umum yang diartikan dengan kebaikan adalah suatu perbuatan yang memberi manfaat bagi orang lain dan menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan yang selalu menguntungkan diri sendiri.Contoh konkrit selalau bersedekah dan berkorban untuk menolong orang lain.
Selanjutnya sebagai orang yang beriman selalu mencari rizki yang baik dan halal dan selalu bersyukur kepada Allah.
Secara rinci pokok-pokok kebaikan atau kebajikan tercantum dalam surat al-Baqarah 2:177.Kebajikan itu ialah:
a) Beriman kepada Allah,Hari kemudian,Malaikat-malaikat,Kitab-kitab,Nabi-nabi,
b) Memberikan harta yang dicintainya,kepada kerabatnya,Anak-anak yatim,orang-orang miskin,musafir (yang memerlukan pertolongan) dan orang yang meminta-minta.
c) Memerdekakan hamba sahaya.
d) Mendirikan sholat
e) Menunaikan zakat
f) Orang yang menepati janji apabila ia berjanji
g) Orang sabar dalam kesempitan,penderitaan.dan dalam peperangan
Mereka itulah orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa
Pesan ini disampaikan oleh Bpk H. Erias Sumarna pada majlis ta’lim yayasan Erias Sumarna pada hari Sabtu jam 13’00 tanggal 26 September 2009.Diiringi dengan doa Ya robbi,Ya robbi,Ya robbi Ya Allah,jungjunganku,pelindungku yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang,perbanyak bagian ku dalam segenap kebaikan yang Engkau turunkan,dalam segenap Karunia yang Engkau limpahkan dalam segenap keberuntugan yang Engkau sebarkan,dalam segenap rezeki yang Engkau lapangkan dalam segenap dosa yang Engkau hapuskan atau dalam segenap kesalahan yang Engkau sembunyikan.Ya Allah berikan kepada kami kebahagian dunia dan achirat.Semoga Allah mencurahkan Rahmat dan SalamNya kepada RosulNya serta kepada imam mulia dari keluarganya dengan salam yang terus menerus..Amiin.
Cita-cita menjadi Manusia yang baik pada umumnya Manusia ingin mewujudkan cita-cita yang mulia menjadi Manusia yang baik (saleh).Ada kriteria dan aturan yang harus dijalankan untuk keselarasan hidupnya membentuk Manusia yang baik.
Islam tidak membiarkan Manusia dalam kebingungan,Islam memberikan petunjuk dan mengantarkan para pengikutnya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut.
Siapakah yang disebut Manusia yang baik?
1. Manusia yang baik adalah Manusia yang paling bertakwa,dijelaskan dalam surat (al-Huzurat {49}:13),(adz-Dzariat{51}:56),al-Baqorah[2]:38).
• Inna akramakum’indallahi atqakum,innallaha’alimun khabir (al-Huzarat 49:13) artinya:Sesunguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling betaqwa diantara kamu.Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal.Jadi dia adalah Manusia yang menyembah Allah dan mengamalkan firmannya.
• Wa ma khalaqtul –jinna wal-insa illa~liya’budun ( adz-Dzariat 51:56) artinya :Dan aku tidak menjadikan Jin dan Manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembah-Ku.Dan Dia adalah manusia yang mengikuti petunjuk-Nya sebagaimana firman Allah SWT.
• Fa imma yatiyannakum minni hudan fa man tabi’a hudaya fa la’khaufun’alaihim wa la’humyahzan’un.(al-Baqarah 2:38) artinya : Dan jika datang petunjuk-KU kepada mu,maka barang siapa yang mengikuti petunjuk-KU,niscaya tidak ada kekhawatiran bagi mereka dan tidak pula mereka bersedih hati.
Orang seperti itu menjadikan petunjuk Allah sebagai pedoman hidup dan perilakunya.Dia adalah Manusia yang memenuhi syarat-syarat sebagai khalifah Allah di muka bumi sebagai mana tersirat dalam suat al-Baqarah 2:30.inni ja’ilun fil-ardi khalifah:sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang Khalifah dimuka bumi.
Islam adalah satu-satunya system yang meghubungkan Manusia dengan Allah dengan tujuan agar Manusia dapat memperbaki keadaannya dimuka bumi serta dapat mengatur hidupnya sehingga dapat berjalan di muka bumi dengan jasmaninya,guna menuju kelangit dengan rohaninya.
Ada dua konsep kehidupan yaitu :
• Membangun Misi hidup yang jelas.
Misi adalah pedoman penting yang diharapkan dapat mengarahkan kehidupan kepada tujuan yang jelas.
• Berinteraksi secara aktif dengan kondisi jaman dan lingkungannya guna mewujudkan tujuan tersebut.
Interaksi aktif adalah upaya untuk mengubah nilai-nilai pedoman menjadi amalan-amalan praktis serta upaya untuk menghadapi tantangan jaman.lingkungan,tempat serat kondisi dunia,membangun Visi dan Misi yang jelas dan benar merupakan permulaan yang penting bagi usaha mewujudkan kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan dalam kehidupan manusia.
Tujuan hidup Manusia di dunia,pada hakikatnya adalah untuk mencari/mengumpulkan bekal sebayak-banyaknya bagi kehidupan achirat.Semakin banyak bekal semakin tinggi pula tingkat kemuliaannya. Untuk mencapai kedudukan yang tinggi sebaiknya membekali diri dengan pendidikan yang cukup berarti.Kehidupan di alam dunia adalah arena untuk mengumpulkan pahala bagi kehidupan achirat.
Pahala adalah hadiah yang diberikan Allah kepada Manusia apabila ia berhasil melewati ujian dan cobaan yang dihadapi.Ujian itu pada dasarnya biasa terjadi dalam hubungan dengan Allah, hablum-minallah, dan hubungan dengan Manusia, hablum-minannas. Pada dua jalur inilah Allah menguji ketaatan Manusia mematuhi aturan-aturan yang ditentukan-Nya di dalam al-Quran dan Hadist.
Abdullah Bin Abbas berkata:Sesungguhnya Allah Ta-ala menjadikan dunia terdiri atas tiga bagian:sebagian bagi Mukminin,sebagian bagi orang Munafik,sebagian bagi orang Kafir.Maka orang Mukmin menyiapkan perbekalan,orang Munapik menjadikannya perhiasan,dan orang Kafir menjadikannya tempat bersenang senang.
1.Kebaikan (al-khair) 2, kebahagiaan (as-saadah). Apa yang dimakasud kebaikan? Secara umum yang diartikan dengan kebaikan adalah suatu perbuatan yang memberi manfaat bagi orang lain dan menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan yang selalu menguntungkan diri sendiri.Contoh konkrit selalau bersedekah dan berkorban untuk menolong orang lain.
Selanjutnya sebagai orang yang beriman selalu mencari rizki yang baik dan halal dan selalu bersyukur kepada Allah.
Secara rinci pokok-pokok kebaikan atau kebajikan tercantum dalam surat al-Baqarah 2:177.Kebajikan itu ialah:
a) Beriman kepada Allah,Hari kemudian,Malaikat-malaikat,Kitab-kitab,Nabi-nabi,
b) Memberikan harta yang dicintainya,kepada kerabatnya,Anak-anak yatim,orang-orang miskin,musafir (yang memerlukan pertolongan) dan orang yang meminta-minta.
c) Memerdekakan hamba sahaya.
d) Mendirikan sholat
e) Menunaikan zakat
f) Orang yang menepati janji apabila ia berjanji
g) Orang sabar dalam kesempitan,penderitaan.dan dalam peperangan
Mereka itulah orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa
Pesan ini disampaikan oleh Bpk H. Erias Sumarna pada majlis ta’lim yayasan Erias Sumarna pada hari Sabtu jam 13’00 tanggal 26 September 2009.Diiringi dengan doa Ya robbi,Ya robbi,Ya robbi Ya Allah,jungjunganku,pelindungku yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang,perbanyak bagian ku dalam segenap kebaikan yang Engkau turunkan,dalam segenap Karunia yang Engkau limpahkan dalam segenap keberuntugan yang Engkau sebarkan,dalam segenap rezeki yang Engkau lapangkan dalam segenap dosa yang Engkau hapuskan atau dalam segenap kesalahan yang Engkau sembunyikan.Ya Allah berikan kepada kami kebahagian dunia dan achirat.Semoga Allah mencurahkan Rahmat dan SalamNya kepada RosulNya serta kepada imam mulia dari keluarganya dengan salam yang terus menerus..Amiin.
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